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The liver is the main chemical factory for the body.
Because of its incredibly big job, the liver is the largest organ.
It takes a lot of abuse.
With all of that abuse, most people are suffering from some form of liver dysfunction.
And chances are your member isn’t working very well because of your liver.
If your liver is not healthy, your penis isn’t going to work great either.
And nothing else is probably going to work well either.
So it’s very important that your liver can recover from its various assaults.
When it can recover fully from its hard work, it continues to do all of the things we need from it.
The liver must do several things that are very important.
Number one, your liver converts your storage form of thyroid, T4, into the immediately useful form of thyroid T-3.
If your liver is not working well, you won’t convert T4 into T3.
And therefore you will appear as if your thyroid is low.
This type of low thyroid is really not easily detectable with a blood test.
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It often results in high blood pressure, low testosterone, and a host of other problems.
Many of these come from having a low body temperature all the time due to the low thyroid.
Even things like cancer can result from liver problems.
Number two, your liver has to store energy in the form of glycogen.
Not being able to store enough glycogen in your liver can lead to feeling tired all the time.
And when you need energy, there’s nothing there for the cells to burn.
So the cells will all dump free fatty acids into your blood instead.
Sure, you’ll get energy from the fat that’s stored in your fat cells.
But burning fat this way is the most unhealthy way to get energy.
In the long run, free fatty acids cause insulin resistance and type two diabetes.
And free fatty acids cause a lot of other problems.
So you absolutely want your liver to be able to maximize storage of glycogen.
Glycogen is the instant energy that you should have.
Free fatty acids should be just a fallback that you rarely have to use.
But what about all those diets that think the key to weight loss is to burn off all that fat?
It’s a complete fallacy that you’ll become some “fat burning furnace.”
That’s the LAST thing you want to do.
You don’t want to be burning your fats.
Burning up those fats means dumping free fatty acids in your blood — which carries all sorts of risks.
It’s much healthier to burn glycogen, but most people don’t store enough of it.
Many people can only store 20 or 30 minutes worth of glycogen in the liver.
We are supposed to store roughly 20 hours of energy in the liver.
That means storing 20 hours worth of glycogen.
If your liver is all fatty and broken down, then it will only be able to store the 20 minutes of energy instead of 20 hours.
So when you’re fasting, such as when you’re asleep, your body must raise its blood sugar by other means besides glycogen.
That means that the body secretes high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol.
The cortisol then digests your lean mass — including the muscles in your heart.
You lose lean muscle mass that you need and you gain fat.
All of this because your body needed a way to maintain your blood sugar over the time you’re asleep at night.
The only way to avoid this is to have enough glycogen stored in the liver and that requires a healthy liver.
So now you’re starting to see the wondrous complication of it all — and how it starts with your liver.
One man did a good study of it, an Italian professor, and he reports:
The Dallas Heart Study and the Dionysos Study reported that 30% of the adults in the USA and 25% in Italy have NAFLD.
NAFLD is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is the major disease of the liver that I’ve been discussing.
NAFLD proceeds along to get worse and worse.
Eventually, it becomes steatohepatitic liver disease, which affects about 3% of the population.
Steatohepatitic liver disease means when the liver is inflamed and accompanied by fat accumulating in the liver.
If left unchecked, this turns into cirrhosis of the liver and eventual destruction of the liver.
But how do you know if you have fatty liver disease?
You may think that you know by going to the lab and having bloodwork done.
You’d try an enzyme test for ALT, AST or ALP — usually done together.
ALT and AST are found INSIDE the liver.
But if the liver is REALLY sick, the enzymes spill out into the blood.
They can be up to over 200 times the levels they should be.
BUT…here’s the problem.
You can’t diagnose nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with these liver enzyme tests.
In these studies, 79% and 55% of patients with NAFLD had normal aminotransferase levels, showing that liver enzymes are not surrogate markers of NAFLD in the general population.
However, you can assume that you have a fatty liver this way.
If even a small amount of caffeine makes you jittery, it can be a sign of NAFLD.
Another sign is if you feel really weak if you don’t eat every few hours.
If you wake up either very hungry or not hungry at all.
Those are good clues for having a fatty liver.
A definitive diagnosis requires an ultrasound.
But there really isn’t any point to wasting time on a diagnosis — it’s better to work on fixing the liver.
Fortunately, the liver can come back.
The liver can regenerate better than any other organ.
But you have to stop abusing it before it can stop playing catchup with the damage.
And then the liver will slowly recover.
It’s considered a slow recovery — but the recovery can actually be quite rapid.
The fat can come out of the liver very quickly — you can even make huge progress in just a few weeks.
This review shows that so-called “stem cells” are not necessary for liver regeneration.
That’s good news.
Overwhelming liver injury, chronic liver injury or large-scale hepatocyte senescence results in a potential stem cell compartment being activated.
If things get pretty bad over a long time with chronic liver issues, it can result in cirrhosis of the liver.
This is common when you have fatty liver with alcoholism, for example.
But even cirrhosis is reversible.
You can heal and have a healthy liver if you stop assaulting your liver and start the recovery process.
Besides cirrhosis being dangerous to your health, it is also a high cancer risk.
Most liver cancers arise in a cirrhotic liver, ie in a situation where there has been long-standing hepatocyte damage and chronic inflammation leading to fibrosis.
Medicine has all sorts of very expensive solutions for liver issues.
These include bone marrow transplants to help reverse fibrosis in the liver.
And in the worst liver problems, a liver transplant could even be necessary.
But these are very poor solutions to getting good liver health.

Stem cells in liver regeneration, fibrosis, and cancer: the good, the bad and the ugly
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