Is your cell phone hurting your manhood?

Here’s the truth about the 5G hype

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and technology continues to advance more and more…

In general, we always hear about the conveniences that technology brings to human life.

But have you ever thought that it might not be as rosy as it seems?

It’s not.

All this technological development comes with a serious risk – especially from our electronic devices.

Here’s what you can do to protect yourself and your family…

—-Important Message—-

Finishing your wife or girlfriend with only 2 fingers

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Guys are spending hours working on their ladies “down there”…

And when they see it’s not doing any good, they crank out fast moves with no idea these will work out.


The lazy (but smart) guys are simply using this “shortcut”…

…and in mere seconds, girls are screaming in ecstasy…

All because you STOP relying on difficult work, and instead use a smart technique to speed up her excitement.

And the good news?

Not only is this the fastest way to make any woman finish… it’s also one of the easiest.

So go ahead – surprise your wife or girlfriend with this new 2-finger technique I’m calling the Orbiting Pearl…


Is your cell phone hurting your manhood?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are the invisible areas of energy that surround electronic devices and power lines.

EMFs come from your WiFi, your computer, your phone, your TV, and all of your other technological devices.

There has been much controversy in recent years over the potential health dangers of EMFs.

Some people say there is nothing to be afraid of.

But research says otherwise.

The most concerning effect of EMFs is that they disrupt the structure of human cells.

That is, they have the potential to cause disturbances in every part of the human body.

Today’s research is about one of the most crucial parts, the antioxidant system, and the impact of EMFs on it.

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This review was written at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. It was published in the Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure.

The antioxidant system is a group of enzymes and molecules that protect our cells from damage caused by harmful substances called free radicals.

Numerous studies reviewed in this paper suggest that EMFs increase the production of free radicals.

Free radicals can lead to oxidative stress and potentially damage our cells.

Let’s see what some of those studies had to say, and in which part of the body EMFs cause disturbances.


“890-915-MHz EMF emitted by cellular phones may generate oxidative stress. MDA levels increased, and GSH level and CAT enzyme activity decreased”

Cornea and Lens:

“The results of this study suggest that mobile telephone radiation leads to oxidative stress in corneal and lens tissues.”


“EMF exposure at 1800 MHz significantly reduced antioxidant capacity in both healthy animals and those with paw inflammation.”

Kidney and testis:

“It has been observed Wi-Fi, and mobile phone-induced EMR may cause precocious puberty and oxidative kidney and testis injury in growing rats.”


“Rats exposed to 6 hours of daily cellular phone emissions for 18 weeks exhibited a significantly higher incidence of sperm cell death than control group rats.”

“Four-hour EMF exposure ex vivo to a wireless internet-connected laptop caused a significant decrease in progressive sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation.”


“In bladder tissue, 900 MHz EMF exposure caused degeneration in the transitional epithelium, stromal irregularity, and an increase in cells tending to apoptosis.”

And many more…

As you can see, these radiation activities emitted from technological devices cause problems in every part of the body.

So what can be done to prevent this?

  • Turn off the wifi — switch to ethernet cable.
  • Put your phone on Airplane mode when you are not actively using it.
  • Switch to speaker mode when talking on the phone
  • Don’t use microwaves
  • Spend more time with nature than with technological devices.

Of course, the most important advice is not to stress too much.

Be aware of the situation, and take the precautions you can accordingly.

Overstressing about it is far worse than EMFs.

Because no matter what you do, you will never be able to escape it entirely. But it’s helpful to be aware of it.

—-Important Message About EMFs And 5G—-

Is 5G dangerous?

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Not long ago, I was meeting with a rather famous engineer who designs antennas.

He designs antennas for the new 5G rollout that is taking place all around the world.

In case you didn’t know, 5G is the next big thing after 4G.

5G is designed to let the Internet of objects communicate very quickly.

And it is going to be 100 times faster and have 100 times more bandwidth than 4G has.

However, the question is, is 5G safe?

I know what I think… but I asked my engineering colleague what he thinks…

And he said, “It’s just millimeter wave. It’s nonionizing radiation. Anything that’s nonionizing is safe.”

That is the point of view of the industry. Anything that is non ionizing is safe.

But as usual, the experts are dead wrong…

The truth is, millimeter wave technology can be very dangerous.

And actually the reason that it is dangerous is that it is absorbed by the tissues.

It is absorbed into the DNA and into the mitochondria where it can do tremendous damage.

And something that gets absorbed by the cells is much more harmful than something that just passes through the body.

I’ll have more to say about 5G soon…

But the point I’m making here is that you have to be extremely cautious about what the so-called experts are saying…

Because almost always, they’re bought off by the industry.

It’s the same way with Big Pharma.

Their main mission is to sell more treatments and make more money, even if it hurts you and me.

Many so-called “expert” studies are actually paid for by Big Pharma to convince people that their treatments are safe… even if they’re not.

Personally, I don’t want to be stuck taking ANY Big Pharma treatments because they all come with side effects.

I’m much more interested in using natural methods to stay healthy.

But these are the methods Big Pharma likes to cover up and bury, because they don’t make them any money.

But you know what? They really help men and they add decades of health, happiness, and great intimacy to men’s lives.

You can discover all kinds of natural methods for reversing all your health problems in my best-selling book, Healthy to 120.

Healthy to 120 reveals landmark results that Big Pharma prays you don’t discover…

My research has found results of studies that are being buried, ignored or outright censored:

  • Many surgeries including 97% of prostate cancer surgeries are unproven…I discovered a better way to shrink prostates and to reduce the chances of cancer by over 95%…even if you’ve been diagnosed, this simple tweak can make it much easier to live the rest of your life without going down the medical rathole…
  • I found that today’s blood pressure treatments often show no better results than just leaving things alone. In fact, this one tweak has helped thousands of men get to normal blood pressure WITHOUT tablets…the tablets cause erections problems in many men and by normalizing blood pressure without tablets, potency returns.
  • I found that many blood thinners cause arteries to stiffen…you get plaque in the arteries and even in the chambers down there…fortunately I found a few simple nutritional tweaks that your doctor will approve of, that often make it unnecessary to take these, or that get RID of this awful artery-stiffening side effect
  • Many statin treatments cause muscles to deteriorate and brain damage that may not be reversible. I found the true role of cholesterol in the human body, and a way to get normal cholesterol readings WITHOUT dangerous statins…imagine going to your doctor with your new lab results, grinning ear to ear, because your doctor says, “you don’t need to take these tablets anymore.”
  • I found certain supplements such as common ones that you have right now in your bathroom or kitchen, that can work better than chemotherapy in preventing cancer…and if you already have cancer, these assist your doctors in stopping or reversing cancer.
  • I found certain commonly accepted “safe” fats that dramatically lower testosterone levels. You can stop eating these fats, and feel a surge of libido as your health improves with higher testosterone readings.

And much more I can’t share here because THEY might be reading this.

Get your free copy of my book Healthy to 120 and discover how to live to 120 without any Big Pharma influence.


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.