Let’s end the debate — this is important
—-Important Message From Our Sponsor—-
Why these 4 herbs work better than that little blue tablet

Mark this day, gentleman…
Because this is the day when that little blue guy is consigned to history…
Scientists have just discovered 4 natural herbs that give the male body exactly what it needs to produce the thickest, firmest erections imaginable.
And these 4 herbs are working for all kinds of men — men in their 40s, men in their 80s, men who have tried pills and pumps and weird techniques to no avail…
Is vitamin A bad for men?
In recent years there has been some debate over the necessity and/or potential toxicity of vitamin A.
Researcher Grant Genereux has been at the forefront of the critical movement against vitamin A, writing several books and articles expanding upon his theories.
In all likelihood, these concerns are for the most part taken out of context.
Vitamin A works in tandem with other fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K) , water soluble antioxidants (e.g. vitamin C), and minerals (e.g. zinc)
Eating large amounts of vitamin A like it is found in beef liver can indeed be problematic, in certain contexts where individuals may be hypothyroid.
“In hypothyroid states and in thyroidectomized animals the ability of the liver to convert carotene to vitamin A is decreased or lost (Drill and Truant, 1947a, b; Kelley and Day, 1948), and the capacity of the liver for the storage and mobilization of this vitamin is disturbed.” – McGavack (1951)
In such a context, vitamin A has the potential to accumulate in the tissues and have deleterious effects…
But it also plays a crucial role in steroidogenesis and various other fundamental metabolic processes.
Whenever metabolism is functioning optimally, dietary vitamin A is beneficial and constructive, not destructive.
Understanding the potential negative effects of vitamin A “toxicity” is impossible in isolation, because it interacts with several other hormones, minerals and vitamins.
In particular, the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, and E are all interdependent and affect one another’s effects.

A good example of this is the association between vitamin A and poor bone health.
At face value, one may be tempted to see this as an indication that vitamin A is toxic.
In reality, however, vitamin A interacts with vitamin D and together they have a positive effect on bone health:
“This review summarises the current evidence from animal, human and cell-culture studies on the effects of vitamin A towards bone health. Animal studies showed that the negative effects of retinol on the skeleton were observed at higher concentrations, especially on the cortical bone. In humans, the direct relationship between vitamin A and poor bone health was more pronounced in individuals with obesity or vitamin D deficiency.” – Yee et al. (2021)
As the quote above indicates, vitamin A can be thought to have negative effects on bone health in a context of vitamin D deficiency.
When vitamin D levels are adequate, vitamin A appears to be protective for bone health:
“Mechanistically, vitamin A differentially influenced the stages of osteogenesis by enhancing early osteoblastic differentiation and inhibiting bone mineralisation via retinoic acid receptor (RAR) signalling and modulation of osteocyte/osteoblast-related bone peptides. However, adequate vitamin A intake through food or supplements was shown to maintain healthy bones. Meanwhile, provitamin A (carotene and β-cryptoxanthin) may also protect bone.”
All this to say that it is important to ensure a supply of all the fat-solubles vitamins in the diet.
Eggs, dairy and liver are all great sources of vitamin A and K2, vitamin D is mostly synthesized in the skin following sun exposure, while vitamin E is best found in supplements.
Human physiology is a complex system of interrelated substances, and it is important not to view one or another in isolation.
—-Important Message for Men About Vitamin D—-
This killer hormone is draining men of their vitamin D levels
Listen, I’ve recently discovered one powerfully toxic hormone responsible for up to 80% of men’s health and sex problems.
And one of the first things this killer hormone does is drain men of their vitamin D levels…
…because nutrients like vitamin D are natural protectors against this killer hormone…
So this killer hormone drains the body of these protective nutrients first… to better assault your body…
And then it gets worse…with bone loss and muscle loss…
…unwanted belly fat, increased inflammation…
…kidney stones, low T, prostate problems…
High levels of this killer hormone can even lead to Alzheimer’s!
That’s why it’s so important to stop this killer hormone — and fast.
My Golden Ratio protocol fights back against the killer hormone and helps keep natural protectors like vitamin D in high supply.
It’s all about keeping the right nutrients in the right ratio…with just a few special foods…

Yee MMF, Chin KY, Ima-Nirwana S, Wong SK. Vitamin A and Bone Health: A Review on Current Evidence. Molecules. 2021 Mar 21;26(6):1757. doi: 10.3390/molecules26061757. PMID: 33801011; PMCID: PMC8003866.
Grant Genereux. Extinguishing the Fires of Hell & Poisoning for Profits https://ggenereux.blog/my-ebooks/
McGavack. The Thyroid (1951)