If you’ve ever popped a Tylenol or some ibuprofen for a headache or back pain, check this out…
Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’ve discovered something sinister about the most common over-the-counter pain relievers…
…the ones we’re told are safe to use… the ones we give pregnant women and children…
Turns out, they may be making a man feel LESS pleasure in all areas of his life.
And I’ll show you an alternative natural pain treatment that does the opposite…
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—-Important Message From Craig (a Pen Name)—-
How a dirty index card revealing an unusual fingering technique saved my life
Hi, I’m Craig and I have an unusual story to share with you about how…
…I’m scared to death, half naked, hanging from the edge of a 22-story building…
Moments away from going splat onto the pavement below…
…until suddenly, I’m being saved by a dirty old 3 x 5 index card…
…that reveals the ONE technique a man can use to reliably and consistently give a woman a full-body O in 30 seconds or less??
I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out — you may be able to benefit from this too…
Is this common pain reliever making you feel less pleasure?
Empathy is the ability to experience what someone else is going through – to be able to feel it, rather than just intellectualize it.
The instinctive responses we have to people which are triggered by empathy are a part of positive human behavior.
And when we display empathic behaviors to others, we reap the rewards later.
Displaying a lack of empathy triggers revulsion and other negative feelings towards us, and this will translate into unwanted actions later.
Empathy is important – but many people are regularly taking painkilling treatments which destroy empathy.
It seems that the dampening of our own pain sensations limits our ability to understand others’ pain.
The human research was carried out at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. This paper was published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
There is a theory in psychology called “simulation theory of empathy.”
This theory proposes that we understand the behavior of others by placing ourselves in their shoes.
We feel what they feel, and imagine what we would do in their position.
“Simulation theories of empathy hypothesize that empathizing with others’ pain shares some common psychological computations with the processing of one’s own pain.”
The idea has been reinforced by experiments which show that people watching somebody go through an experience…
…have similar brain activation to those actually going through the experience.
This is related to the well-known theory of mirror neurons.
“There is neuroimaging evidence of an overlap of brain activation during the experience of physical pain and empathy for others’ pain.”
It makes sense in the context of these theories that the dampening of an individual’s pain would also decrease empathy.
So these researchers decided to test the effects of the most common painkiller (acetaminophen) on human empathy.
“Here, we extend the functional overlap perspective to the neurochemical level and test whether acetaminophen can reduce empathy for another’s pain.”
The researchers carried out a number of different experiments.
One involved reading about painful experiences, and another experiment involved watching people being ostracized from the group.
The final experiment involved imagining somebody being exposed to extremely loud, painful noise.
“In double-blind placebo-controlled experiments, participants rated perceived pain, personal distress and empathic concern in response to reading scenarios about another’s physical or social pain, witnessing ostracism in the lab, or visualizing another study participant receiving painful noise blasts.”
The experiments showed that acetaminophen certainly does reduce empathy.
It specifically reduces empathy in relation to painful physical experiences.
“As hypothesized, acetaminophen reduced empathy in response to others’ pain.”
The researchers believe that the reduction in this type of empathy is due to the reduction in the experience of pain.
It seems that if we can’t feel it fully we can’t imagine others feeling it fully either.
“Acetaminophen also reduced the unpleasantness of noise blasts delivered to the participant, which mediated acetaminophen’s effects on empathy.”
Empathy is a huge factor in healthy human behavior and so these results are quite startling.
There are other studies indicating the same thing with acetaminophen and other painkillers like ibuprofen.
“Because empathy regulates prosocial and antisocial behavior, these “treatment”-induced reductions in empathy raise concerns about the broader social side effects of acetaminophen…”
Perhaps most worryingly, these empathy-killing treatments are being taken by almost one in four adults every week.
These treatments are having a massive effect on the social lives of everyone – and almost everyone is completely unaware of it.
“Acetaminophen… which is taken by almost a quarter of adults in the United States each week.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
They covered up this natural powder that heals pain while raising T and libido
A doctor discovered a natural pain reliever that can heal arthritis, while naturally boosting T and libido in men.
And it was such a success, such a sensation — that Big Pharma shut it down.
It was making all of their patented pain relievers obsolete and hurting their profit.
So they covered up this natural healing powder that stops pain while boosting T and Libido… hoping people would forget…
And that’s probably why you haven’t heard of it… until now…
I’m bringing this natural pain reliever back and showing men how to use it…
And this is a way to not only stop pain, but boost T and libido too.
Here’s everything you want to know