Please read this — very important
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—-Important Message for Single Men—-
Weird ancient discovery makes it easier for men to get laid
In 1543, a physician and researcher named Andreas Vesalius made history…
He became the first doctor in the world to dissect a female cadaver.
And thanks to Vesalius’ work, the world starts realizing just how different men and women really are…
How they have different bodies, different organs, even different brains…
And today I’m zeroing in on one specific difference that is so unique to women — it’s allowed me to craft a revolutionary method…
A method that cuts right to a woman’s core gets right down to her true desires…
So now she’s being vulnerable with you…
She’s being open with you and letting you in…
And her sexuality is surfacing, and she’s willing to do things with you that she’s never, ever done before…
Is this 1 supplement giving men more heart attacks?
Our culture has a strange fascination with iron.
It began over 50 years ago when it was shown that iron could help with anemia and some other health problems.
It is true that you don’t want extremely low iron.
But it’s also true that that’s pretty rare – and many people have far too MUCH iron in their bodies.
Yet foods and supplements are fortified with iron, and many people with excess iron think they need more.
I’ve written articles on some of the studies showing individual health problems caused by excess iron which are fixed by iron reduction.
But let’s take an overview at the effect of iron in the cardiovascular system – where it reeks absolute havoc.
This review of human research was carried out at the Research Department at the Department of Veterans Affairs, White River Junction, Vermont. The findings were published in the Journal of Vascular Nursing.
Atherosclerosis is the buildup of gunk inside the blood vessels.
You’ve probably heard that it is caused by cholesterol – but that’s not true at all.
One of the things that does affect atherosclerosis negatively is excess iron.
Excess iron has a causal role in a whole host of diseases…
…but if you just look at its role in atherosclerosis you can see that it may play a part in a vast number of deaths.
“Heart attack remains the No. 1 killer of American men and women, with a death rate of 225,000 per year, and stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States, afflicts about 600,000 per year.“
Atherosclerosis is a major cause of heart attack and stroke.
Iron is needed for some functions in the body – and more iron is needed during growth.
But adult humans tend to accumulate more and more iron unless something is done about it.
The exception is menstruating women, who lose iron through blood loss during menstruation.
“Body iron stores right after adolescence in men and menopause in women.”
One of the reasons this is a problem is due to iron’s interaction with certain types of cholesterol.
“This rising iron has been linked to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis through iron – induced oxidation of LDL.”
In fact, in the last few decades there have been a number of different lines of evidence showing that iron plays a role in atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
“We found research conducted during the last 20 years that addresses the idea that stored iron plays a role in atherosclerosis.”
Not only are increased iron stores associated with atherosclerosis – decreasing iron seems to decrease the risk of atherosclerosis too.
One line of evidence for this is the fact that after menopause women have more than 3 times greater risk of atherosclerosis than pre-menopause.
The bleeding that occurs through menstruation removes a lot of iron from the body.
So postmenopausal women accumulate more iron.
We also know that people who regularly give blood or who take part in iron reduction phlebotomy experiments have less atherosclerosis.
People who donate blood also tend to live longer – though there may be multiple reasons for this.
Removing iron can improve many different aspects of health aside from reducing atherosclerosis.
“Research from the last 2 decades addresses the idea that iron reduction through phlebotomy may play a role in treatment or prevention of atherosclerosis.”
The fortification of food and supplements with iron has been a disaster.
It may improve the health of a small minority of people, while increasing the risk of serious disease for the rest.
Most people could do with reducing their iron – but you should know your iron levels first before doing anything.
—-Important Message for Men Over 50—-
This 90 second “el Alto” exercise prevents heart attacks
They call heart attacks the silent killer because they can come with no warning at all.
Many men who are considered pretty healthy have been killed by heart attacks.
Even celebrities, who have the best doctors in the world taking care of them.
That’s why I tell every man over the age of 50 about this 90 second “el Alto” exercise that can prevent heart attacks.
I’m using it every day to keep my heart healthy, and it’s even giving my erections a little boost…
…an unintended but welcome side effect!
Here’s the 90 second “el Alto” exercise every man should know