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Soy and soy extracts are very estrogenic.
This includes everything from tofu to edamame, to soymilk.
And if you’ve been reading this newsletter, you know that estrogenic foods are bad for you.
So is soy bad for men?
They can cause erectile dysfunction, and they can cause low testosterone in men.
Soy and testosterone have a bad relationship.
They’re probably not so great for women either.
And yet people continue using soy products quite often.
They believe that soy products are good for you.
Maybe they read that soy lowers your chances of getting cancer and so forth.
But any of those possible benefits are outweighed by the damage that estrogenic foods cause.
Yet people are not hearing that message, and they pay the consequences.
This young man has diabetes, so he decided to change to a vegan diet — including a lot of soy.
This study is a result.
The man experienced almost complete erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.
After he quit the soy, things started to come back, and about a year later he was fine.
The soy apparently lowered his free testosterone dramatically.
Researchers reported finding increased DHEA in his blood as well.
Now, I’m always telling you that DHEA can be a miracle, but you can have too much of it.
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Too much of DHEA not good because it becomes very estrogenic.
Apparently, soy can raise DHEA levels.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a combination of decreased free testosterone and increased DHEA blood concentrations after consuming a soy-rich diet.
Another larger randomized controlled study was done with an extract of soy given to Japanese men.
The result was that free testosterone levels fell, and serum DHT levels fell.
In some men, a dangerous form of estrogen called equol increased in their blood.
Equol is made in the gut by bacteria that lives there.
Now, not everybody’s gut bacteria creates equol.
And I hope that yours doesn’t.
Equol won’t show up in a blood test for estrogen because its chemical makeup is different from regular estrogen.
But it does all of the same damage as normal estrogen, and in fact can be more damaging.
This study revealed that short-term administration of soy isoflavones stimulated the production of serum equol and decreased the serum DHT level in Japanese healthy volunteers.
So if you want to have high estrogen levels, low free testosterone, and low DHT — just keep consuming soy.
Actually, green tea has some of the same effects since it’s also estrogenic.
But there are a lot of other benefits to green tea and is not nearly as bad for you as soy.
There are many isoflavones such as those found in soy, and they are almost universally estrogenic.
Remember this the next time someone says talks about the soy testosterone myth.
You can tell them it’s no myth, soy really does lower testosterone.
So just be careful out there.
And don’t eat soy or soy milk or anything made from soy.

Isoflavone supplements stimulated the production of serum equol and decreased the serum dihydrotestosterone levels in healthy male volunteers
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