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One of the guys working here at our publisher asked me to look into Modafinil.
He told me about this TV series called “Limitless,” and he saw Modafinil on that show.
So I thought I’d see what I could find out and share it with you, too.
We’ll be able to answer the question, “is modafinil good” for everyone.
To start, one of the major complaints people take to their doctor is that they are “tired all the time.”
The usual complaint goes something like this.
“Doc, I’m tired all the time. I take naps — I feel like I have brain fog.”
“I just don’t feel like I’m meeting the challenges of the day.”
“I’m very forgetful — I leave my keys and don’t remember where they are.”
I lose my glasses and realize that I’d been holding them all along while I waste time looking for them.”
Doctors even call this “TATT” for short since they hear it so often.
They just write that in the chart — “TATT.”
These are pretty typical statements that people tell their doctor or their friends.
And that’s why people try Modafinil and similar products.
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So, what is Modafinil?
Modafinil is a drug promoted for people who can’t stay awake.
There have been people taking it for many years.
The most common use for it would be to treat narcolepsy or something like that where you just can’t stay awake.
But there are many other uses of it besides narcolepsy, and it’s being prescribed and used by a lot of people.
People talk about it all over the internet, so I wanted to discuss it briefly here.
And I wanted to see if it’s something that may be useful for you.
This is an old drug company study, but it’s not a bad study.
I usually find large flaws in drug company sponsored studies, but this one is pretty solid.
The researchers found that Modafinil kept people awake better than a placebo.
And they found that it didn’t have any harsh complications or side effects.
Some people were concerned that Modafinil would cause withdrawal symptoms like amphetamines, but that wasn’t the case.
During treatment discontinuation, patients did not experience symptoms associated with amphetamine withdrawal syndrome.
It seems to be safe enough for taking it over weeks or months.
In the study, the researchers gave people Modafinil for over 40 weeks.
The biggest danger seems to be headaches.
About one-third of the people taking it end up with headaches — some of them severe enough to stop.
In this 40-week study, about 10% of the subjects dropped out because of side effects.
But overall, subjects didn’t suffer many side effects, and the treatment appears to be successful.
If you ask around, people say that they feel more awake when they take Modafinil.
So let’s look at that.
Here, researchers gave a dose of Modafinil to a bunch of younger men.
Then they gave these younger men three different tests.
They tested the participants’ thinking, motor skills, and so forth while under the influence of the drug.
The men who had the Modafinil completed the tasks more accurately.
When the researchers looked at the results, they wanted to know why these men performed better.
It seems that what helped these men to complete the tasks better was their ability to think.
These men thought through things more than the placebo group — they were less impulsive.
This effect appears to reduce impulsive responding, suggesting that Modafinil may be of benefit in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
So I would say that Modafinil seems to be one of the better drugs of its kind.
Since impulsivity is often a trademark issue with hyperactivity disorder, Modafinil may be a viable treatment.
It’s probably better than amphetamine for ADHD.
And it may be useful if you are tired all the time.
However, if you are tired all the time, look into what is causing the problem instead of just taking a drug like Modafinil.
It’s much better to see if you’re suffering from a curable metabolic problem than to take a medication for a long time.
And most people who are tired do have metabolic issues.
After all, there’s a reason you’re tired all the time.
Your metabolism is slow.
You have a lot of inflammation in your body.
Your calcium, potassium or magnesium could be low — or your thyroid.
These may be a little tougher to get fixed, but fixing them will improve everything in your life.
You’ll be raising your testosterone which will make you feel more alert.
It’ll clear your mind and improve your bedroom performance.
But for the short term, modafinil may be a good idea if your doctor agrees.

Long-term efficacy and safety of modafinil (PROVIGIL®) for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy
Cognitive enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers
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