Is low DHT creating brain fog and leading to dementia?

Most doctors overlook this

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Hey Matt Cook here, and I discovered a connection between male hormones and brain health…

I’ve always been curious about what keeps my brain healthy, and how I can keep it sharp as I age.

And now, I’ve found that a specific male hormone — DHT — plays a crucial role in protecting our brains against dementia and Alzheimer’s.

So here’s what I’m doing now to keep my DHT high all the time…

—-Important Message—-

Mechanotransduction: lets you embiggen your member — here’s how

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I’ve developed a simple, scientifically-backed mechanotransduction method to increase member size, improve rockiness, and boost sensitivity.

It works by increasing blood flow and shear stress to the male member, which stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and tissue.

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Many men report much better rockiness…lasting sometimes 45 minutes or an hour — and men are adding as much as .75 to 1.7 inches to what they already have…even more is possible…

I’m showing it to you in my new video – check it out here and I think you’ll love it.


Is low DHT creating brain fog and leading to dementia?

Many people don’t know that the brain requires a good supply of testosterone and DHT.

No wonder we are constantly seeing guys who complain their thinking is foggy and slow…they are suffering from low T and low DHT in the brain.

But sadly, DHT levels drop over the course of a lifetime.

And that’s too bad — because DHT can improve brain functioning and slow down or stop dementia…

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These animal experiments were carried out at Hebei Medical University in China. The paper was published in the Journal of Hormones and Behavior.

Alzheimer’s researchers use a number of different animals to study disease in order to find a cure.

One of these animals is called the senescence accelerated prone mouse 8 – or SAMP8.

This breed of mice ages rapidly.

They tend to develop Alzheimer’s-like structures in the brain, and behavioral problems like that in human Alzheimer’s.

“The SAMP8 mouse has been proposed as a suitable, naturally derived animal model for Alzheimer’s disease.”

Mild cognitive impairment is a description given to decreasing mental function.

Often people who develop Alzheimer’s will have mild cognitive impairment before the Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

You could say it’s a mild form of dementia – but for some people it doesn’t progress past that.

The SAMP8 mice also display a form of mild cognitive impairment before they have Alzheimer’s-like symptoms.

“Middle-aged SAMP8 mice appear to be a suitable and naturally derived animal model for mild cognitive impairment research.”

This research aims to identify people with mild cognitive impairment and treat them before they develop Alzheimer’s.

During the course of this research the scientists looked at the levels of male hormones in different mice…

…and whether or not they displayed mild cognitive impairment.

They found that low levels of male hormones could predict the development of Alzheimer’s.

Low testosterone and low DHT were more likely in animals with dementia.

“We found that the marked age-related decrease in serum androgen levels may be one of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s dementia.”

Following up on that, they decided to see whether supplementing these hormones in animals with mild cognitive impairment could prevent Alzheimer’s.

Mice with mild cognitive impairment were far less likely to develop Alzheimer’s if they were given DHT.

“We also evaluated the interventional effect on mild cognitive impairment by DHT in male SAMP8 mice and found that timely and appropriate DHT supplementation can postpone the onset and improve the symptoms of dementia.”

DHT is essential for the health of every part of the body.

DHT helps with energetic metabolism – something which fails in dementia.

Men between the ages of 20 and 40 years old have an average DHT level of around 100.

By the time men reach 80, the average DHT level is around 55.

What’s more, DHT has been INCORRECTLY implicated in hair loss and prostate cancer in the last few decades.

DHT does not cause prostate cancer or baldness…

…but now many men are taking treatments or supplements to lower DHT.

By lowering DHT they think it can make their hair regrow, or will prevent them from getting prostate cancer.

So low levels of DHT may be playing into Alzheimer’s rates – and supplementing DHT might help if done correctly.

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.

Supplemental hormones need to be monitored carefully.

—-Important Message—

How to get her to initiate?

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Men often say that their wives or girlfriends are not initiating sex…and are losing interest…

…but forget about that!

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Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Dihydrotestosterone treatment delays the conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease in SAMP8 mice