Is drinking water killing men’s T?

What the government isn’t telling us

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and sometimes I feel like there’s a war on men…

And while there’s a social side to this war – a loss of hobbies and movies and spaces just for men…

…there’s also a war against men on a biological level.

Because in today’s article I reveal how the government is putting a toxic substance in the water that’s draining men’s testosterone…

—-Important Message—-

Why women lose interest – and how to get them interested again

Most men know that women usually take longer to get warmed up than we do.

But what guys don’t get is that often as a woman gets older, she takes even more time.

The good news is, that once you get her engine running, even these older women are like runaway freight trains.

You just can’t stop them from wanting to go again, and again, and again.

But getting them into the mood is not the same as it is for a very young woman.

They have to get in the mood first, or else they just aren’t interested.

It’s kind of weird, but it’s true: older women must be having intimacy BEFORE they actually get in the mood!

And the intimacy should last a long time, so that she has the opportunity to rev up her engines, and really get going.

Fortunately, I’ve developed an easy protocol to make this happen…

I’ve seen men using this protocol with their wives and girlfriends and now they are having more intimacy than they ever had in their entire lives…

…and some of these men are even in their 60s or 70s.

Sometimes, their girlfriends said, “I’m done with that. I’m not interested anymore.”

It doesn’t matter. You can fix this. And she’ll thank you, and be grateful.

And you can have the best intimacy of your entire life, every day, twice a day sometimes, for 30 minutes or longer.

Here’s exactly how to do that with my easy protocol


Is drinking water killing men’s T?

Sodium fluoride is a chemical compound often used in dental and industrial processes.

Sodium fluoride is very commonly found in toothpastes.

It is also used in drinking water systems. Though other types of fluoride are more common water additives.

Fluorides have been known to lower intelligence for decades.

But their effects on testosterone are relatively unknown.

A recent study shows that sodium fluoride can lower the production of testosterone and other hormones in the testicles.

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These cell studies were carried out at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, Turkey. The results were published in the journal Chemosphere.

Animal and human studies have shown that fluoride has a negative effect on the function of testicles.

“Numerous studies have reported the detrimental effects of fluoride on testicular function.”

This research sought to fill the knowledge gap relating to the effect of fluoride on testosterone production.

“However, the underlying mechanisms of testosterone biosynthesis remain unclear.”

Optimal testosterone levels can maximize muscle mass and minimize fat levels.

This study looked at the effect of sodium fluoride on the Leydig cells.

Leydig cells are found in the testicles and they are responsible for the production of testosterone.

“Leydig cells were used to elicit effects of sodium fluoride on the steroidogenic pathway.”

The steroidogenic pathway is a series of enzymatic reactions that occur in the testicles.

This pathway converts one hormone to another, and is responsible for the production of testosterone.

The study looked at different doses of sodium fluoride on Leydig cells over the course of a day.

“Leydig cells were treated with 0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/L sodium fluoride for 24 h, respectively.”

Sodium fluoride had detrimental effects on the testosterone producing cells.

Fluoride decreased cell growth and cell division.

“The result of the study showed that sodium fluoride significantly decreased cell viability and cell proliferation.”

The results showed that sodium fluoride is toxic to the testosterone producing Leydig cells.

“Sodium fluoride significantly increased cell cytotoxicity.”

Testosterone production within Leydig cells was decreased relative to the amount of sodium fluoride exposure.

“The results showed that sodium fluoride significantly decreased testosterone in a concentration-dependent manner.”

Sodium fluoride changed the levels of steroidogenic enzymes within the Leydig cells.

It was the changes in these enzymes that lowered testosterone levels.

“These results indicated that sodium fluoride suppressed the expression of steroidogenic genes.”

The changes in these enzymes indicate that sodium fluoride can lower the levels of other key steroid hormones.

A number of these enzymes affect youth associated hormones like DHEA, progesterone, and pregnenolone.

Some of these enzymes also affect androgenic or masculine hormones like androstenedione.

These changes in enzymatic function could lead to decreased masculine traits and accelerated aging.

The greatest risk of exposure to fluoride for most people is through toothpaste and other dental products and procedures.

These days it’s quite easy to find fluoride-free toothpaste.

For people requiring a lot of dental work it may be worth finding a fluoride-skeptical dentist to limit your exposure.

Fluorides are also added to the water system in many parts of the world. Sodium fluoride is only one type of fluoride added to the water.

Usually a slightly different type of fluoride is added.

Hexafluorosilicic acid is used for water fluoridation in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland.

Previous research indicates that the health effects of different fluorides are often very similar.

For people living in parts of the world where the water is fluoridated it may be a good idea to minimize fluoride exposure.

Some countries also add fluoride to certain foods. So be on the lookout for fluorides as additives.

—-Important Message For Men Who Want More Testosterone—-

Instant arousal from Booster Bites

When I go somewhere and I’m expecting to have intimacy afterwards, I usually pack these little goodies I make from a few kitchen ingredients.

I call them my Booster Bites…and my Booster Bites raise drive, increase testosterone, and help boost energy.

And they are fully natural.

The other night, out with my wife…I ate a few Booster Bites after our meal… and waited to feel the results.

Almost instantly, I felt amazing.

It’s like I had just woke up from a morning nap…and I was pumping with energy, and I was excited.

And while waiting for the check… I started to feel REALLY good down there…and my wife was looking hotter by the minute…

Here’s how to use Booster Bites yourself right now


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Sodium fluoride disrupts testosterone biosynthesis by affecting the steroidogenic pathway in TM3 Leydig cells