I brought this back from Colombia…
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—-Important Message—-
What do these 3 things have in common for men who want more length and girth?
- A new alarm system…
- A Colombian agent…
- An Iquitos formula…
Weirdly enough, all of these 3 things led me to discovering an important secret about increasing length and girth…
Here’s the length and girth secret
Will boosting your T this way make you more aggressive?
You’ve probably heard about ‘roid rage…
Incidents where men who have been taking anabolic steroids commit a violent assault which is attributed to the effects of those substances.
Anabolic steroids include testosterone…
And the synthetic versions are often designed to be similar to testosterone – or to convert into testosterone.
The story becomes that testosterone causes men to become angry and violent.
And while these roid rage incidents do happen – I’ll explain why later…
…they cannot be attributed to testosterone or testosterone-like effects of anabolic steroids.
When men are given supernatural doses of testosterone they don’t become angry and violent.
The human research was carried out at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. The research was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
“Anecdotal reports of “roid rage” and violent crimes by androgenic steroid users have brought attention to the relationship between anabolic steroid use and angry outbursts.”
Testosterone is one anabolic steroid – and most other anabolic steroids are testosterone-like.
So, roid rage events have led to testosterone being implicated in male aggression and violence.
Luckily, some researchers are skeptical and want to see the evidence.
“Testosterone’s effects on human aggression remain controversial.”
There were a number of prior human trials looking at this question.
but they were poorly designed, and so the conclusions were drawn from weak evidence.
“Prior studies used low doses of androgens, lacked placebo control and included competitive athletes and people with pre-existing psychopathology.”
This study was designed to eliminate all of those complicating problems.
They excluded people with psychiatric diagnosis and competitive athletes.
The researchers also decided to use very high doses of testosterone.
If testosterone causes violence and aggression then surely superhuman doses of testosterone would reveal this effect.
The researchers recruited 43 men between the ages of 19 and 40 years old.
All men had normal testosterone levels and normal testicular function.
The men were split into 4 different groups.
Two groups were given 600mg of testosterone enanthate per week.
This will produce blood levels of testosterone higher than that which could be produced naturally.
One of these groups exercised and the other didn’t.
The remaining 2 groups were given an inactive placebo – no testosterone supplement.
One of these groups exercised while the other group didn’t.
All of the participants completed a number of questionnaires before and after the 10 week study.
The questionnaires assessed feelings of anger and violent ideas.
The questionnaires also recorded angry or violent events which occurred in the real world.
“We assessed inward anger, outward anger, anger arousal, hostile outlook, and anger eliciting situations.”
To support the results of these questionnaires, the men’s partners also carried out the same questionnaires in regards to how they perceived the men taking part in the study.
“The subject’s significant other also answered the same questions about the subject’s mood and behaviour.”
So how much anger and aggression was caused by extremely high doses of testosterone?
The study was not able to find any increase in anger and aggression in men taking very high doses of testosterone.
“No differences were observed between any groups for any of the 5 subdomains of the questionnaires.”
Testosterone alone does not make you angry.
“Supraphysiological doses of testosterone, when administered to normal men in a controlled setting, do not increase angry behaviour.”
In reality, optimizing testosterone levels tends to make men feel calm and in control…
Less likely to feel inappropriate anger or to lash out physically.
So what happens in roid rage incidents?
Well, many of these androgenic steroids can be converted into estrogen.
The higher the dose, the more estrogen you get – unless you take steps to prevent this.
Estrogen is one hormone which does cause severe mood disturbances in men and women.
Just look at what is reported by women during menstrual times when estrogen levels are extremely high.
Most androgenic steroids at high doses will increase estrogen.
It is likely that the biggest factor in roid rage is actually increased estrogen – not increased testosterone.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message About Testosterone and Estrogen—-
This 1 food increases testosterone and lowers estrogen – eat it like this
I’ve found 1 food that if eaten in a particular way…
…naturally boosts testosterone levels in men…
…while lowering estrogen at the same time.
This 1 food works because it’s a natural aromatase inhibitor.
That means it stops the process of aromatization — when testosterone turns into estrogen in a man’s body.
So all you have to do is eat this 1 food like this — and T shoots sky-high while estrogen plummets