I just pop one in my mouth and in seconds…
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—-Important Message—-
Instant arousal from Booster Bites
When I go somewhere and I’m expecting to have sex afterwards, I usually pack these little goodies I make from a few kitchen ingredients.
I call them my Booster Bites…and my Booster Bites raise libido, increase testosterone, and help boost energy.
And they are fully natural.
The other night, out with my wife…I ate a few Booster Bites after our meal… and waited to feel the results.
Almost instantly, I felt amazing.
It’s like I had just woke up from a morning nap…and I was pumping with energy, and I was aroused.
And while waiting for the check… I started to feel REALLY good down there…and my wife was looking sexier by the minute…
Here’s how to use Booster Bites yourself right now
This simple compound lifts men out of depression
Depression is one of the most pressing epidemics of the modern world.
More and more people are becoming severely depressed…
But mainstream medicine is having a tough time getting a handle on the situation.
The mainstream idea is that low levels of serotonin in certain regions of the brain causes people to be depressed.
The fix then, is to increase serotonin in those regions.
For the last few decades, the proposed way to achieve this is by taking SSRI treatments – commonly called “antidepressants”.
Every part of this theory is incorrect.
More to the point, this entire story has been proven incorrect numerous times in human and animal studies.
Very recently, researchers in Sweden once again proved the low-serotonin theory of depression wrong.
The human study was carried out at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. The findings were published in Translational Psychiatry.
The low-serotonin theory of depression hinges on something called the serotonin transporter.
The serotonin transporter is a protein which moves serotonin about.
The serotonin transporter removes serotonin from the space between brain neurons.
The low-serotonin theory of depression asserts that…
High levels of the serotonin transporter leads to low levels of serotonin between neurons.
This low level of serotonin is the cause of depression.
This study recruited 17 patients with major depressive disorder. They were compared against 17 healthy people.
All of the participants went through a number of cognitive behavioral therapy sessions.
This is a mental therapy, which attempts to help people to regulate emotions and anxiety. No treatments.
The majority of the participants in the study reported significant improvements in their depression symptoms after cognitive behavioral therapy.
13 of 17 patients reported significant improvements from cognitive behavioral therapy.
“Depression severity decreased following treatment.”
To find out what was going on inside the brain…
…the researchers carried out numerous brain scans in both groups before and after cognitive behavioral therapy.
The brain scans were PET scans – using radioactive labeled isotopes to measure the levels of the serotonin transporter.
The serotonin transporter lowers serotonin in the target area of the brain.
The theory is that lower levels of the serotonin transporter would lead to higher serotonin and less depression.
The depressed participants experienced an improvement in their depression from cognitive behavioral therapy…
But the brain scans showed an increase in the serotonin transporter.
“Our main finding was that patients suffering from a depressive episode show an overall increase in serotonin transporters as the symptoms are alleviated.”
Increased transporter means less serotonin…
The increase in serotonin transporters will lead to less serotonin in the target area – this happened as depression decreased.
The findings of this study prove the low-serotonin theory of depression completely incorrect.
“The finding adds new information on the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder.”
The researchers found that the serotonin transporter levels were an average of 10% higher after cognitive behavioral therapy.
Suggesting that serotonin levels could be around 10% lower.
Another finding of this study was this…
Pretreatment serotonin transporter levels were not significantly different in depressed people compared with the control group…
…who did not have depression.
None of the depressed patients were taking treatments for their depression at the time they were tested either.
The serotonin transporter is the target of the blockbuster antidepressant treatments, SSRIs. This includes Prozac.
These treatments seem to help depression only in a minority of people.
It is well reported that severe side effects, including increased depression and risk of suicide…
…are common in the first few weeks of treatment with these treatments.
Previous brain scan studies have shown that these treatments actually increase serotonin in the target area during this period.
This is another factor pointing toward the fact that high serotonin, rather than low serotonin, is the cause of depression.
SSRI treatments can help some people because they increase something called allopregnanolone…
Which improves depression without needing to influence serotonin.
The low serotonin theory of depression has been proved wrong from many different angles.
But you should be aware that going cold turkey from SSRIs can be very dangerous.
—-Important Message About Oxytocin: Try This to Lift Yourself Out of Depression—-
Ever heard of oxytocin? It’s the hormone for happiness in the bedroom
I’ve discovered a hormone more powerful than serotonin or even testosterone…
It’s called oxytocin and it’s responsible for that addicting, pleasurable feeling you get when you’re intimate with a woman.
And studies show oxytocin is the true hormone that increases erections in men:
So how do you boost oxytocin levels for better erections and even more pleasure?
Well here’s the thing — it has to be made naturally in the body…
So what I’ve done is come up with a simple protocol that gets your body to produce more oxytocin on its own.
Here’s how to try this oxytocin protocol tonight (with a partner or by yourself)