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New study reveals the 5 most effective happiness activities
—-Important Message—-
Here’s the special sugar that fixed sexual performance problems for me…
I discovered this special sugar…
I know it sounds crazy, but if you consume this specific type of sugar, your body will experience a huge increase in energy consumption.
You’ll feel warm all the time as your body literally burns off the fat that’s responsible for erectile dysfunction.
You see, the fat men have around their middle actually causes erection problems.
The fat around the middle spews out feminine hormones such as estrogen.
So if a man gets rid of that fat – his erections are restored.
That’s where this special sugar comes in.
And MOST importantly, it keeps your penis working and ready to go any time…
…and my wife loves the new me LOL.
Insanely happy
Today’s discovery is about the ultimate “high” – being happy. Insanely happy. No matter what is going on.
Wow. Picture this: Science is beginning to figure out what really makes us happy and what just makes us more miserable (or doesn’t make any difference at all).
It turns out that there is a way to be insanely happy…
Happiness = social connections
Humans are social creatures.
Even the most introverted among us need social contact.
And scientists are now finding out that this craving for social contact (if you actually socialize) can create more happiness in your life.
“If you want to give a little boost to your life satisfaction a year from now, you may want to try socially-focused strategies over strategies that involve non-social pursuits.”
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But just getting more social isn’t enough.
This is one of the weird things about human brains.
According to science, getting social does help with happiness.
But it seems we need to take another step first for this to work well.
And that other step is pretty cool – because it also helps with all kinds of other human endeavors.
It’s about developing a specific strategy to achieve the result you want.
Sometimes people call this “setting intentions” or “setting goals.”
“Of the 1,178 participants, 596 made a general statement (e.g. there is not much I could change) or expressed an idea that did not entail individual action (e.g. different politics would improve life), whereas 582 reported a specific strategy.”
Now… I did say that setting up a specific strategy is important.
But setting a specific strategy vs. not setting a specific strategy didn’t seem to help much with happiness levels.
(Until you add in the next step, which I’ll tell you about in a bit.)
“These two groups showed no substantive differences in life satisfaction over time.”
When you get further down into the data, you start to see some differences in happiness levels emerge.
“[They] further examined the data from the 582 participants who actually described specific strategies. Of these, 184 mentioned approaches centered on some form of social engagement (e.g. help others, spend more time with family, spend more time with friends), while 398 described some form of nonsocial strategy (e.g. stop smoking).”
It turned out that when people made their goals specifically about being more social – they became happier.
“Analysis revealed that individuals who described a social strategy showed increased life satisfaction one year later, whereas those who reported nonsocial strategies showed relatively constant levels.”
This effect isn’t instant…
But they measured people’s happiness or life satisfaction levels over a year (and it is measurable).
And the good news is…nearly anybody can implement this road to higher levels of happiness…
There are lots of ways to have more social connections in your life.
A lot of guys end up having social connections with lots of other men – at work, playing sports, or playing poker.
And that’s great…
But I’ve found my students get the best results when they put themselves in social situations where there are a lot of women around as well.
Here are my 5 favorites…
Dance Lessons
Ballroom or country dance lessons usually involve group classes where you can get together with other people…
And, even more importantly, you get to hold real, actual women in your arms as you dance with them. No partner is needed.
This has two benefits for happiness, the exercise and the socializing.
Plus, yoga classes are often 75% women.
Meetup Groups
You can find meetup groups online at MeetUp.com. They come in all kinds of flavors.
Just make sure you meet in person. Sitting behind the computer screen isn’t going to make you happier.
Hiking Groups
Lots of park services and naturalist areas have weekly hiking groups.
This has a similar double benefit to yoga – exercise and the socializing.
Whether you volunteer to feed the hungry or to teach kids to read, you’ll feel good about what you’re doing and meet people with values similar to yours.
Science has revealed a lot of what it takes to be happy and to get happier.
And it has shown that one of the best ways to get your happy on is to make sure that you plan to get enough social contact.
Also, there are plenty of opportunities to meet beautiful women at these social events.
And if you don’t feel equipped to approach women yourself…
—-Here’s how women will approach you. Important Message—-
Single men: Too busy to line up dates for yourself?
If you want lots of romantic and sexual experiences with very cute younger women, read this brief message.
We’ll organize dates with gorgeous younger girls for you, and coach you beforehand and afterward.
No worrying over profiles… No blind dates.
You don’t have to do anything except go out on dates and receive personalized coaching.

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