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Their secret doesn’t only raise testosterone – it also allows them to live longer!
—-Important Message—-
A bigger penis – possible?
It’s actually easier than most men think.
First off, let me say that there’s no pumps, devices, or chemicals involved…
And I did not actually come up with these bigger penis formulas myself…
I got them from a very reliable source that will shock and surprise you.
It’s a very weird and strange story of how a man increased his length and girth – and overcame his erection problems…
A very surprising source of this important information and why most men have never heard of it…
Indians and testosterone… Secret herb?
Numerous studies have indicated that sex hormones play a role in coronary artery disease and heart attack.
There are indicators that low testosterone and high estrogen are major risk factors for men.
This study looked at the levels of testosterone and estrogen in young men who had heart attacks – and compared them against otherwise healthy men.
The results of this human study were published in the Journal of Arteriosclerosis.
Coronary artery disease develops when the blood vessels that supply the heart become damaged and clogged.
Coronary artery disease slows blood flow to the heart.
It can cause angina and lead to a heart attack.
For some time, scientists have been commenting on the relationship between sex hormones and coronary artery disease.
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This study was particularly interested in the relationship between sex hormones and heart attacks in men.
“Abnormal levels of sex hormones in men with coronary artery disease means that sex hormones may be an important risk factor for heart attack.”
The study enrolled 28 men that had already had a heart attack along with 28 men with no history of heart problems.
“The sex hormone profile of 28 young men with heart attack was compared with 28 age- and weight-matched normal men.”
The study found that men who had experienced a heart attack had much less testosterone in their blood.
“Serum total testosterone level and the free testosterone index were significantly lowered in the patients with heart attack.”
The researchers calculated the ratio of estrogen to testosterone.
Men who had experienced a heart attack also had a much higher estrogen-to-testosterone ratio.
“The ratio of serum estrogen to testosterone was significantly increased in the patients.”
This unhealthy estrogen-to-testosterone ratio also predicted the results for cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar.
“The ratio of serum estrogen to testosterone was significantly correlated with serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and plasma glucose.”
These results indicate that testosterone and estrogen levels can predict heart attack as well as coronary artery disease risk.
“The results of this study support the hypothesis that low plasma testosterone and an increased estrogen-to-testosterone ratio may be important risk factors for heart attack.”
Another study looked at the levels of estrogen in men with and without a history of heart attack…
The results of this study were published in the American Journal of Medicine.
The study investigated the levels of estrogen in men who had been hospitalized for suspected heart problems.
The researchers took blood samples shortly after the men were hospitalized.
“Blood samples were obtained in the patient groups on each of the first three days of hospitalization.”
One type of estrogen called estrone was elevated in all of the hospitalized men, regardless of their final diagnosis.
“The serum estrone level was significantly elevated in all four patient groups when compared with that in the control group.”
Another type of estrogen (estradiol) was elevated in men who had a history of heart attacks and angina.
“Serum estradiol levels were significantly elevated in the groups with myocardial infarction and unstable angina.”
Higher estrogen was associated with a greater risk of death from heart attack.
“The five patients with myocardial infarction who died within 10 days of admission had markedly elevated serum estradiol levels.”
These studies show the importance of keeping testosterone at optimal levels and keeping estrogen low.
Poor sleep and high levels of body fat significantly affect testosterone and estrogen levels.
Eating a diet with foods that contain aromatase inhibitors such as zinc can be helpful to keep estrogen down.
Oysters are a good source of zinc. And they’re an aphrodisiac!
Some men may require hormonal supplementation to optimize testosterone levels.
You should always be supervised by a medical professional if you are doing hormone supplementation.
—-Important Message—-
I had high T at one point, but I still couldn’t get an erection… This fixed it all for me…
I found out that levels of prolactin and estrogen are VERY HIGH in men with erectile problems…
And you can have high T… But if you have high prolactin or high estrogen, you STILL can’t get those great erections…
And now, I found out how this one trick LOWERS these hormones in your body that KILL erections:
- Lowers prolactin
- Lowers estrogen
- And lowers harmful levels of cortisol
This trick promotes testosterone and oxytocin – and it and results in long-lasting, hard, huge, towel-hanger boners…
Most importantly – this is natural…
This is not that artificial stuff they inject, rub on, or make you drink.
Why is it important to produce natural testosterone?
Because Big Pharma gives you toxic, artificial testosterone that (shockingly) turns into estrogen – the exact opposite of what you want!

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