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Shockingly, most people are doing the wrong exercises that melt muscle instead of building it – are you doing this too?
—-Important Message—-
Here’s what I do in the bedroom if I can’t get an erection…
So now, I am CERTAIN I can perform sexually.
If you’re not building muscle, read this
Homer Simpson is perhaps the greatest couch potato who’s ever lived (on our TV screens).
And he’s funny – because I think everyone knows someone who is at least a little bit like Homer.
Now, not many guys I know fall quite into the Homer Simpson category of sitting on their rears all the time…
But our modern lifestyles do make it super-easy to sit in front of our screens all day long.
So, even if we do try to get exercise, sometimes it seems really difficult.
This is normal… But it does mean that many people now sit on their butts more than ever before.
So, if you’re a couch potato now (even if you aren’t at Homer’s level), or the type of person that doctors call sedentary…
…make sure you read this article BEFORE you start on an exercise program.
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Especially if you’re considering some of the more extreme types of training.
Some of the more popular forms of exercise have some surprising side effects – especially if you aren’t accustomed to regular physical activity.
And it’s important to know those side effects before you get started.
(Don’t worry – I’m going to go over a simple and EASY method to get fit even if you are the King of Couch Potatoes at the moment.)
Is endurance exercise really as good as they say?
Over the last five or six years, there have been some real changes in the realm of exercise.
Some people are extreme marathoners, running a hundred miles or more at a shot.
Other people embrace CrossFit, which is a pretty intense training regimen.
Now I’m not here to knock any of these things…
I just want to let you know what happens if you start on an endurance exercise training program and go from nothing to long bouts of training all at once.
In this study, the researchers had a group of mostly inactive women do regular exercise over an eight-week period.
The exercise consisted of running for 25 minutes three times a week – plus a warm-up and a cool-down.
“Endurance training consisted of 8 weeks and 3 days each week. A percentage of maximum heart rate and duration of exercise was considered as intensity and volume of training.”
“Each run session was 35 minutes including a 5-minute warm-up, 25 minutes main exercise, and 5 minutes cool-down. The 25 minutes of main exercise included running on the treadmill.”
One of the results of this research really intrigued me…
This type of endurance training, where people were running for 25 minutes at a time, was associated with a major increase in cortisol.
“Based on research findings, endurance training caused the body to increase serum cortisol levels significantly.”
This is important because, while cortisol may not be something you think about often, it can have profound effects on how your body works.
Cortisol is an important hormone, as long as it’s produced by your body in a controlled manner.
But when it’s out of control, it can cause some real issues.
Cortisol has a really nasty influence on your body when too much is produced.
It can cause your body to consume its own lean mass. That’s your muscles and internal organs.
It’s never a good thing to lose lean mass.
And that’s not all…
Too much cortisol also causes internal inflammation in your body.
And internal inflammation is the cause of many chronic diseases.
These include diabetes, heart disease – and scientists are even starting to think Alzheimer’s can be caused by internal inflammation.
So it’s a good idea to keep your body from producing excess cortisol.
How do you get in shape without endurance training?
Because of this endurance training/cortisol connection, I recommend a different approach.
The human body seems to like short intense bursts of activity the most.
Many people call this high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
That works, but the approach I take is slightly different from HIIT training.
I like to get my heart rate using weights for very short bursts of time several times a day.
The weights help to combat the natural muscle loss that occurs as we age, and that help to boost my metabolism.
As a rule, getting SOME physical activity is better than getting none.
But it’s a bad idea to go from being a couch potato to fairly intense endurance training really quickly.
It can really screw up your hormones and give you some nasty bounce-back that negatively affects your results.
If you don’t enjoy exercise that much, here’s what you could be doing instead…
—-Important Message about building muscle the right way—-
I want firm muscles…and I want to keep eating pizza and ice cream too…
I used to have good firm muscles…but now whatever I eat, I gain flab and lose muscle…
So I started hitting the books to find out how to burn flab…while eating whatever I want and building muscle.
2,327 papers later, I found a certain type of sugar that is the key to a man losing fat.
Why is it the key?
I know it sounds crazy, but if you consume this specific type of sugar, your body will experience a vast increase in energy consumption.
You’ll feel warm all the time as your body literally burns off fat.
Men are much more energetic and experience much better sexual performance when they have plenty of this special form of sugar.
When I tried increasing my consumption of this special sugar, I began losing a few pounds a week.
My flab disappeared.
And my wife can’t get enough of the new me. She’s a tiger in bed now because I turn her on so much more than I did before.
So you can imagine my growing excitement…
…when I discovered these additional little-known supplements that burn flab without exercise – while eating a ton of great food.
I immediately went to work ordering various powders and potions and superfoods and trying various combinations.

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