I’m showing you how
There are several things that can increase your risk of heart attack and heart disease…
And having high levels of this hormone is one of them — and it’s one of the easiest things to fix.
Today, I’m showing you how to lower this one hormone to protect your heart and health as a man.
—-Important Message From Matt—-
This strange method makes a girl horny for you in seconds

This is it… the method that gets your girl READY for sexy time.
The hidden pleasure switch on every woman’s body…
It makes a woman desire you with all her being…it puts her in the mood and makes her wet enough to do ANYTHING to her…
Married men, single men, men with girlfriends… you need to see this…
Just hit REPLY to this email and let me know if you’re single, married, or dating and how this can help you…
Then I’ll respond back and show you how to use this brand new method.
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———- If you want to prevent heart attacks, you need to lower this hormoneHeart disease is what happens when that large, hungry muscle becomes deprived of energy. This is because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which supply the heart — choking off the blood-nutrient supply. The heart is a pump — and when it doesn’t work then nothing gets blood supply. These blood vessels around the heart become lined with calcium and other debris. This problem can be initiated by free fatty acids in the blood — toxic fats which are released when cortisol is chronically elevated. Many of the causes of chronically elevated cortisol are simple to fix. For example, skipping breakfast or not eating enough carbohydrate will lead you to have high cortisol. Researchers in Scotland found that high cortisol could predict heart disease in people with type II diabetes. In fact, it was an independent risk factor. ![]() The human study was carried out at Queen’s Medical Research Institute in Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. The paper was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Our bodies require energy to deal with stress. Stress initially causes the body to draw heavily from energy reserves. The request for more energy initiates the release of cortisol. Cortisol causes sugar and fat to be released from muscle and fat stores. This stress reaction can save your life. It’s a good thing in the short-term. But when it happens all the time, we suffer from degenerative effects caused by high cortisol. Some researchers even believe that type II diabetes and the metabolic syndrome may be caused by high cortisol. Cortisol is released by the HPA-axis. “Increased activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may underlie the metabolic syndrome.”The researchers were interested in one of the diseases most strongly tied to type II diabetes — heart disease. “People with type 2 diabetes are at increased cardiovascular disease risk and thus are suitable to study associations of plasma cortisol with cardiovascular risk.”Diabetes greatly increases the risk of heart disease, and these researchers wanted to know if cortisol is an independent risk factor for heart disease. “Whether circulating cortisol levels predict cardiovascular endpoints is not clear.”The study was designed to look at the activity of the HPA axis — the system which releases cortisol — and the risk of heart disease in people with type II diabetes. “We aim to assess whether altered HPA axis activity was associated with ischemic heart disease in people with type II diabetes.”To do this, the researchers analyzed information collected from over 900 people with type II diabetes. The diabetics in the study provided morning cortisol blood samples. The researchers also had access to health records of the participants, and they used these records to see who had heart disease. “We analyzed the associations between cortisol levels, metabolic syndrome, obesity and heart disease.”People with higher cortisol levels were much more likely to have heart disease.A 33% increase in cortisol levels was associated with almost 60% greater risk of having heart disease. “Elevated cortisol levels were associated with heart disease.”The researchers then corrected the numbers — taking into account how long somebody had diabetes — and how well diabetes was controlled. They also controlled the results for other cardiovascular risk factors — to see if cortisol alone had any effect… That analysis showed that cortisol is an independent risk factor for heart disease.“The association remained significant after adjustment for duration and control of diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors.”As I said at the beginning, cortisol causes an increase in toxic fats: free fatty acids which can have knock-on effects leading to heart disease. These fatty acids also interfere with the use of blood sugar. Because of this, high cortisol can lead to high blood sugar. “Elevated plasma cortisol levels were associated with raised fasting blood sugar.”Chronically elevated cortisol is very likely a cause of type II diabetes and heart disease. Many people can do a lot to control their cortisol levels by simply eating regularly. —-Important Message for Lowering Cortisol—- Boosting testosterone this way naturally lowers cortisol levels![]() When men have chronically high cortisol levels, they usually suffer from low libido and erections problems too. This is because cortisol inhibits testosterone production in men. So the more cortisol you have, the less T you have. And that ups your risk of heart disease by a lot… not good… ![]() But here’s the good news… If you can naturally raise T, you can naturally lower cortisol… Because when testosterone is being made in the body, stress hormones automatically go down — including cortisol. And the easiest way to naturally raise testosterone is to pop this in your mouth… It contains key nutrients the body needs to produce more natural testosterone. And instantly, your T starts going up while cortisol goes down! ———- |

Elevated fasting plasma cortisol is associated with ischemic heart disease and its risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes: the Edinburgh type 2 diabetes study