It improves blood flow to the brain, which keeps the mind and memory young…
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Leapfrogging the marital bed

Hey, I’m Nick, and I’ve discovered a natural 30-second secret that makes it easy to get fully firm and stay that way — and it boosts sex drive too.
Now thanks to this, I feel like I’m back in high school, constantly tucking my manhood away because I’m turned on all the time!
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I really think you’ll love this, if you’re anything like me…
TRIGGER WARNING — The link above may not be suitable for men trying to avoid triggers. Definitely not safe for work.
If you boost T this way, you can prevent brain aging
Perfusion is the medical name for blood flow.
Cerebral perfusion means blood flow to the brain.
Poor blood flow to the brain is a big problem.
Cerebral perfusion issues happen during strokes.
But low level inadequate blood flow can often have more subtle effects — slowly starving the brain of oxygen and sugar.
This can cause poor mental function and depressive symptoms.
It’s well known that optimal testosterone levels are essential for a man to feel well.
This might be partly because testosterone is involved in proper blood flow to the brain.

The human research was carried out at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Edward Hines Jr. Hospital, Hines, Illinois. The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Over the years there has been a lot of research into the mental effects of testosterone on men.
It’s pretty clear that we need optimal testosterone levels to feel well.
“The positive effect of testosterone replacement therapy on psychosocial well-being in hypogonadal men has been demonstrated by various psychometric tests.”
But scientists are still trying to figure out all of the reasons why testosterone is essential for psychological wellness.
“However, there is no report available that objectively demonstrates the effect of testosterone on the function of the central nervous system in men.”
All of our cells need energy to be healthy. This energy is produced from sugar or fat in combination with oxygen.
All these supplies are delivered to the cells by our blood.
So restricted blood flow can starve cells of their supplies and cause problems.
This study asked whether restricted blood-flow (cerebral perfusion) could be caused by low testosterone, which could explain the mental benefits of testosterone replacement.
The researchers recruited seven men between the ages of 58 and 72 years old. All of the men had low testosterone, low sex drive, and severe erections problems.
They went through a series of medical tests — including brain scans looking at blood flow.
Then they were put on testosterone and retested.
“In this report we studied cerebral perfusion in seven hypogonadal men on testosterone replacement therapy.”
Around one month into testosterone replacement and there was already a noticeable increase in blood-flow to the brain.
“Testosterone replacement enhanced cerebral perfusion in midbrain and superior frontal gyrus at 3-5 wk of treatment.”
At the three month period blood flow had increased further — now other regions of the brain were also showing increased blood flow.
“At 12wk the study continued to show increased perfusion in addition to the appearance of a new activated region in the brain.”
The men carried out questionnaires looking at mental health factors known to be affected by testosterone.
The questionnaires showed that testosterone supplementation improved mental well-being.
“All of the patients reported a significant improvement in social interaction and mental well-being on testosterone therapy.”
Brain cells need good blood flow to receive fuel and oxygen needed to produce energy — energy needed for well being.
Some of the mental benefits of optimal testosterone levels are probably due to healthy blood flow facilitated by testosterone.
“The results of this study provide objective evidence that testosterone increased cerebral perfusion and improved cognitive function.”
Optimizing testosterone can help to prevent the tightening of blood vessels that otherwise happens with aging.
—-Important Message for Increasing Testosterone Levels—-
I just take a bite of this when I want an instant T boost

I call them Booster Bites — and they are little bite-size snacks I eat when I want to give myself a natural testosterone boost.

Testosterone Treatment Enhances Regional Brain Perfusion in Hypogonadal Men