A way to live in a world with no more prostate cancer
—-Important Message—-
Eat one of these 5 “flow” foods to naturally improve blood flow and boost male performance

I’ve found 5 special foods that are rich in nutrients men need for good blood flow.
These foods work by destroying plaque blockages and restoring flexibility to stiff, constricted blood vessels… so blood flow improves…
Blood flow improves all over the body, even down in the penile chambers…
And when blood flow is great down in the penile chambers, men get really good, long-lasting “rockiness.”
And it’s as easy as eating one of these 5 “flow” foods…
Hint: This also naturally lowers blood pressure — WITHOUT pills.
I eat this nutrient — no more prostate cancer concerns
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and cancer.
But the relationship between prostate cancer and vitamin D levels has not been properly explored before.
In a recent study, researchers found that average vitamin D levels were far lower in men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This human research took place at the Ananta Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, India. The International Journal of Scientific Research published the results.
We can get vitamin D through food or by exposing the skin to direct sunlight.
These days, people get less exposure to sunlight… And vitamin D levels are dropping.
“Deficiency of vitamin D or hypovitaminosis D is widespread irrespective of age, gender, race, and geography and has emerged as an important area of research… Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent worldwide.”
Health researchers are becoming more aware of the implications of low levels of vitamin D.
Some have become curious about the relationship between vitamin D levels and risk of prostate cancer.
Previously, research discovered that vitamin D could slow the growth of human prostate cancer cells grown in a dish.
“Recently, numerous in vitro experiments demonstrated that the active form of vitamin D inhibited the growth and differentiation of human prostate cancer cells.”
To learn more about the relationship between vitamin D and prostate cancer, researchers analyzed vitamin D levels in men with and without a diagnosis of prostate cancer.
“Our aim was to estimate vitamin D levels in prostate cancer patients along with increasing risk.”
The research recruited 100 men – 50 of the participants were recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and the rest of the men were cancer free.
“In the present study, a total of 50 newly diagnosed patients with prostate cancer were recruited as cases. 50 healthy controls were recruited from men undergoing physical examination.”
The men submitted blood samples and the researchers analyzed them for a number of different things – including vitamin D and prostate-specific antigen, a marker of prostate cancer severity.
Vitamin D levels were much lower in men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
“Active vitamin D in patients with prostate cancer was significantly lower than in controls.”
The average vitamin D level in prostate cancer patients turned out to be 1.08.
Healthy men had more than seven times higher levels of vitamin D.
Their average level was 8.10.
The study shows a very strong relationship between low levels of vitamin D and risk of prostate cancer.
“Our results showed that serum vitamin D was reduced in patients with prostate cancer.”
This research combined with previous cell studies makes a good argument for optimizing vitamin D levels to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.
The paper also pointed out prior research using vitamin D supplementation.
Men with prostate cancer were able to lower their prostate-specific antigen levels by supplementing with vitamin D.
Prostate-specific antigen is a protein produced in the prostate of all men.
But this protein is elevated in men with prostate cancer and is used as a marker for prostate cancer progression.
Vitamin D supplementation also enhanced the survival rate of prostate cancer patients.
“A double-blinded clinical study found that vitamin D supplementation reduced prostate-specific antigen level and enhanced survival rate in patients with prostate cancer.”
Another finding of this study was that inflammation was increased in men with prostate cancer.
The researchers found elevated levels of C reactive protein (CRP) – one of the most fundamental inflammatory markers.
In recent years, researchers have accumulated more and more evidence indicating that vitamin D can have an anti-inflammatory effect.
“Increasing evidence indicates that vitamin D has an anti-inflammatory activity. These results suggest that inflammation may be a key mediator for prostate cancer progression in patients with low vitamin D status.”
That’s yet another reason to optimize your D levels.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about diagnosing and treating any health-related problems.
—-Important Message—-
This cancer-fighting nutrient shrinks the prostate down from the size of a lemon to the size of a walnut

Men can have a prostate the size of a lemon… sometimes even larger…
But this special nutrient I’ve discovered, you can shrink a lemon-sized prostate down to a walnut, the normal size, with good urinary function.
And you can do this at home, without medications or procedures, or even a doctors visit.
See, most men are deficient in this special nutrient that’s been called the “anti cancer nutrient” by some scientists.
It fights back against toxins and chemicals in the testicles to protect your prostate and keep it healthy.
And now I’ve found a very simple way to increase this cancer-fighting nutrient in the body — here’s how.