It’s my little trick that guarantees I don’t finish too soon
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—-Important Message—-
My 2 second trick to lasting as long as I want
Maybe you only have time for a quickie…
Or maybe you want to pamper your partner with a 30 or 40 minute lovemaking session…
Or maybe you just want to do it with your wife or girlfriend and not care how long it lasts…
…and get lost in the moment, enjoying each other and leaving reality behind for a while!
Well that’s why I perfected this 2 second trick to lasting as long as I want.
Now I can just get lost in my wife’s gorgeous body and not have to think about lasting…
Do you sleep like this? Creates fat deposits in the abdomen
Matt Cook here, and it’s difficult to overstate the importance of enough quality sleep.
Studies show that 7 to 9 hours of sleep for most humans is optimal…
…and that getting less sleep than that can lead to obesity, diabetes, the buildup of plaques that cause Alzeihmer’s, and other health consequences.
In a new study from the Mayo Clinic, researchers have pinpointed another consequence of getting short amounts of sleep…
The build up of unhealthy abdominal fat.
New research from Mayo Clinic shows that lack of sufficient sleep combined with free access to food increases calorie consumption and consequently fat accumulation, especially unhealthy fat inside the belly.
And this problem is pervasive with 1 out of 3 adults in the US not getting sufficient sleep.
Lack of sufficient sleep is often a behavior choice, and this choice has become increasingly pervasive. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. routinely do not get enough sleep, in part due to shift work, and smart devices and social networks being used during traditional sleep times.
The researchers had 12 healthy people undergo two 21-day sessions in an inpatient setting so that their sleep could be controlled.
The participants could eat as much as they wanted during the study.
Half were assigned to 9 hour sleep periods, and half were assigned to 4-hour sleep periods.
All participants had an acclimation stage where they started out with 9 hours of sleep a night.
For the group with restricted sleep, they consumed more calories and fat than during the acclimation stage.
The participants consumed more than 300 extra calories per day during sleep restriction, eating approximately 13% more protein and 17% more fat, compared to the acclimation stage.
This increase in calorie and fat intake is consistent with other studies.
What’s new is that the researchers discovered a troubling fact about where the fat that they gained got deposited on their bodies.
Most of the time, humans deposit fat under the skin…
…but low amounts of sleep seem to push the body to deposit fat in the abdominal cavity – which is more dangerous for health.
Normally, fat is preferentially deposited subcutaneously or under the skin. However, the inadequate sleep appears to redirect fat to the more dangerous visceral compartment. Importantly, although during recovery sleep there was a decrease in calorie intake and weight, visceral fat continued to increase. This suggests that inadequate sleep is a previously unrecognized trigger for visceral fat deposition, and that catch-up sleep, at least in the short term, does not reverse the visceral fat accumulation.
This is true even though during the study the participants only gained about a pound of weight.
“The visceral fat accumulation was only detected by CT scan and would otherwise have been missed, especially since the increase in weight was quite modest — only about a pound,” Dr. Covassin says
I always say that I’ll see you when I’m 120, because I fully intend and plan to live that long in a vibrant and healthy way.
Sufficient sleep is a huge component of living healthy lives.
If you aren’t getting adequate sleep now, I would strongly encourage you to develop better sleep habits…
…and start to adjust your life so that you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night.
—-Important Message About Getting a Good Night’s Sleep—-
Get special access to my Sleep Transformation — 1 on 1 help with Matt Cook
I’ve discovered that many of the things ailing men today are actually a result of a lack of good sleep…
And when a man isn’t sleeping like he should, it can have a domino effect on the rest of his body…
It can lead to high stress hormones, diabetes, heart problems…
…and it can even lead to erections problems.
So, hopefully I’ve convinced you how important and healing good sleep can be and why you want to do everything you can to get it!
Today I want to do something I’ve never done before and offer you special access to my Sleep Transformation…
My Transformations are fully interactive, where I’m working one-on-one with men to get them fast results.
For that reason, spots are limited and are usually reserved way in advance for a hefty fee.
But today I want to offer you special access to the Sleep Transformation for just $5.
And you’ll get an All Access Pass to try out, where you can access ANY of my 60+ Transformations for FREE.
I really hope you take me up on this special offer.
Just go here to discover more about the Sleep Transformation and how to get started for just $5 today.
You’re going to love it!