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—-Important Message—-
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4.3 times Better Fitness From Exercising
Humans (for the most part) used to spend a lot more time outdoors than we do now.
Honestly… That’s because there wasn’t a whole lot of choice.
Before indoor plumbing, electricity, and all the other conveniences of modern life, being outside for large parts of the day was just normal.
In the modern era, most of us spend most of our time indoors.
The reason this is important is because there is a very important vitamin that our skin makes through exposure to sunshine.
And that’s vitamin D.
We can’t get this vitamin by sitting in front of the computer, the TV, or staring at a cell phone…
It comes primarily from sunshine.
If you get enough sunlight exposure directly on unprotected skin, then your body will produce plenty of vitamin D…
But modern life means that most people don’t get anywhere near enough vitamin D from the limited amount of sun exposure they have in everyday life.
And vitamin D is critical.
It plays many roles in the body…
Among other things, vitamin D supports sexual health and minimizes other chronic health conditions such as diabetes and even obesity.
“We also know from previous research that vitamin D has positive effects on the heart and bones.”
But what most people don’t know is that having enough vitamin D in your system can also make your workouts way, way better.
The study was done to find out if vitamin D affects cardiorespiratory fitness.
“Cardiorespiratory fitness, a reliable surrogate for physical fitness, is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the muscles during exercise.”
Remarkably, it turned out that people with higher levels of vitamin D had significantly higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness – even after controlling for other factors.
“Participants in the top quartile of vitamin D had a 4.3-fold higher cardiorespiratory fitness than those in the bottom quartile. The link remained significant, with a 2.9-fold strength, after adjusting for factors that could influence the association such as age, sex, race, body mass index, smoking, hypertension, and diabetes.”
This increase in current respiratory fitness means that people with higher vitamin D have higher exercise capacity.
They are able to exercise longer and more easily – even if they have major health conditions such as diabetes.
“The relationship between higher vitamin D levels and better exercise capacity holds in men and women, across the young and middle age groups, across ethnicities, regardless of body mass index or smoking status, and whether or not participants have hypertension or diabetes.”
But that doesn’t mean a person should just take tons of vitamin D supplements forever in a willy-nilly way.
Vitamin D at moderate levels of 400 to 4000 IUs a day is widely considered to be healthy.
But too much Vitamin D can be a problem… Vitamin D toxicity is a real thing.
It takes massive doses, usually over a period of time, to get to a toxic level.
But it’s something you should be careful about when it comes to supplements.
“Vitamin D toxicity can lead to excess calcium in the blood, which can cause nausea, vomiting, and weakness. It is not the case that the more vitamin D, the better… Toxicity is caused by megadoses of supplements rather than diet or sun exposure, so caution is needed when taking tablets.”
For most people, a moderate dose of vitamin D in supplement form is all that’s necessary to get good effects.
If you can, it’s also a good idea to get outside in the sunshine for at least 15 to 30 minutes every day.
That way your body can produce its own vitamin D.
Many people who enjoy the outdoors find that they produce enough vitamin D in the summer (this can be measured in a blood test).
But even those people need to supplement that in winter months.
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The best kind of vitamin D to supplement with is D3.
And it’s available in pretty much every drug store and grocery store.
And, of course, always consult with your doctor before taking a new supplement. I’m not a doctor and I can’t give you medical advice.
If you want higher exercise capacity, plus a ton of other health benefits then you may want to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D.
—-Important Message From Our Sponsor—-
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- Vitamin D levels in the blood linked to cardiorespiratory fitness
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/10/181030091449.htm - Association between serum vitamin D levels and cardiorespiratory fitness in the adult population of the USA
- Vitamin D
https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-Consumer/ - Vitamin D and your health: Breaking old rules, raising new hopes