The Chinese have been using this herb for centuries…

Hey, Matt Cook here, and one of my greatest fears is losing my memory.
I don’t want to be the man in the nursing home who can’t remember his children or his wife…
Who doesn’t know his own name or what year it is, and forgets the ones he loves the most…
That’s a nightmare for me. And for many other men.
Which is why this article is so important — scientists are studying an ancient herbal compound that may be able to protect our minds and memories better than anything else…
—-Important Message From Kyle—-
Painful pee pangs?

Thanks to an NYU urologist gone rogue, I’ve discovered one simple nutrient that can heal the prostate naturally…
And it works by calming a little known “neurological glitch” now believed to be the root cause of prostate problems…
Problems like painful pee pangs 20 times a day, while you’re in a meeting, having dinner, or trying to get your work done…
And worse yet, while you’re trying to sleep…constantly having to get up and detangle yourself from the blankets…
Trying not to wake your wife or girlfriend as you make your 12th trip to the bathroom…
Straining to empty your bladder, but only producing a dribble of urine…will this feeling of fullness ever stop?
Fortunately, thanks to this one simple nutrient, all of these symptoms and more can be gone.
How to use kaempferide to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s
Kaempferide is a compound derived from a Chinese medicinal herb.
The herb itself is purported to have a number of properties that may help with dementia and cognitive decline.
Recently scientists tested the kaempferide extract. Animals were injected with Alzheimer’s proteins and then treated with kaempferide.
Preliminary results show that it may be very useful at protecting the brain from cognitive decline and perhaps even dementia.

The animal research was carried out at the Shenyang University in China. The results were published in the journal Phototherapy Research.
Kaempferide is an extract of a common Chinese medicinal herb.
“Kaempferide is a compound of flavonoids from Alpinae oxyphylla Miq, and the herb itself is used as a classical tonic agent.”
This research was designed to test the effect of kaempferide on Alzheimer’s-related cognitive decline.
In these experiments, the researchers injected Alzheimer’s proteins into the brains of experimental mice.
Aβ1-42 is a protein that becomes unbalanced in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
Previous animal experiments have shown that injections of Aβ1-42 cause cognitive decline in mice.
“We tested kaempferide on cognitive function impairment and neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease induced by injection of Aβ1-42.”
Some mice were injected with Alzheimer’s proteins. Some of those mice were also treated with kaempferide.
The researchers tested a couple of different doses of kaempferide on the experimental animals.
The animals received the kaempferide treatment only after they had been injected with the Alzheimer’s proteins.
“The mice were treated with kaempferide at doses of 0.02 and 0.2 mg for five consecutive days after Aβ1-42 exposures.”
The researchers compared healthy mice, mice injected with the Alzheimer’s proteins, and mice injected with Alzheimer’s proteins who also received kaempferide treatment.
The researchers put the mice through a series of standardised behavioural tests.
Behavioural tests indicated that kaempferide could protect the mental function of the animals.
“The behavioral test results showed that Kaempferide could prevent cognitive decline in mice induced by Aβ1-42 as assessed by the locomotor activity test, Y-maze test, and Morris water maze test.”
After the behavioural tests, the researchers conducted autopsies on the animals.
Kaempferide boosted a number of brain protective factors in the mice.
“Kaempferide boosted brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein signals in the hippocampus.”
All of the factors are known to be protective against cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.
The researchers concluded that kaempferide can protect the brain structure and performance.
“Kaempferide could exert neuroprotective effects through alleviating oxidative stress and enhancing the BDNF/TrkB/CREB pathway in Aβ1-42 -induced mice.”
The fact that kaempferide was given after the injection of Alzheimer’s proteins means that it could potentially reverse cognitive decline.
“Kaempferide potentially reversed alterations in cognitive behavioral, biochemical, and histopathological changes of mice induced by Aβ1–42.”
The experiments identify kaempferide as a very promising potential anti-Alzheimer’s treatment.
“Therefore, we may conclude that Kaempferide may serve as a novel agent for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.”
Kaempferide was extracted from a plant called Alpinae oxyphylla Miq.
This plant has many uses in traditional Chinese herbal medicine.
In China, the Alpinae oxyphylla Miq plant is used to treat sexual problems, cancer, high blood pressure, diarrhoea, and heart problems.
The herbal remedy is also used to treat viral and bacterial infections.
—-Important Message From Matt—-
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Kaempferide prevents cognitive decline via attenuation of oxidative stress and enhancement of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor/tropomyosin receptor kinase B/cAMP response element‐binding signaling pathway