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—-Important Message—-
How to turn her on instantly (according to scientists)
What do you do when someone punches you in the face without any warning?
You’d probably either dodge or block the attack.
But you didn’t have to think about that, right?
Amazingly, your nervous system triggers that automatic reaction instinctively.
And guess what?
It’s the same way it triggers a woman’s sexual response!
For instance, when you use this weird method around a woman…
…it activates the primal part of her brain that gets her super turned on and wanting you…
…even if she’s never wanted you before…
Are you getting enough of this overlooked yet extremely important nutrient?
Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin found in a number of different foods — notably in certain cheeses.
It is an overlooked but extremely important nutrient.
K2 can increase testosterone production, help to reverse atherosclerosis, fight prostate cancer, and help with energy levels.
Vitamin K2 is also essential for bone health…
Particularly in older people who are at risk of losing bone mineral density and suffering from fractures.
This review of randomized controlled trials was carried out at the University of York in the United Kingdom. The paper was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
This research was carried out to examine observations which inferred that people with a vitamin K deficiency are more likely to suffer from bone problems.
“Observational and experimental data suggest that low intake of vitamin K may be associated with an increased risk of fracture.”
The researchers looked at a few different types of vitamin K.
Vitamin K1 comes from plant foods.
The more active vitamin K2 comes from animal foods like cheese.
The study specifically looked at supplementing these 2 nutrients.
“The objective was to assess whether oral vitamin K supplementation can reduce bone loss and prevent fractures.”
The researchers collected all high quality human trials conducted over a 60 year period which looked into this topic.
They looked only at randomized human trials that lasted for six months or longer.
This makes sense — because bone mineralization is something that changes rather slowly.
They found 13 different trials which tracked bone loss in people supplementing vitamin K.
Another 7 trials recorded incidents of bone fractures and people who were versus those who were not taking these vitamins.
“Thirteen trials were identified with data on bone loss, and 7 reported fracture data.”
Almost all of the studies showed that both forms of vitamin K reduced bone loss.
“All studies but one showed an advantage of K1 and K2 in reducing bone loss.”
All of the studies which assessed fractures used the vitamin K2.
They found that this nutrient massively reduced the risk of major bone fractures.
Long-term use of vitamin K2 decreases the risk of vertebral fractures by 60%.
“We found an odds ratio favoring vitamin K2 0.4 for vertebral fractures.”
Vitamin K2 was even more effective at reducing the risk of hip fractures.
People taking vitamin K2 were 77% less likely to have a hip fracture.
“We found an odds ratio favoring vitamin K2 of 0.23 for hip fractures.”
These are absolutely massive reductions in what can be very serious injuries for older people.
These injuries lead to the use of harmful treatments and are often the tipping point which leads to living in assisted care facilities.
Vitamin K2 was found to be even more effective at reducing the risk of less serious fractures.
Non-vertebral fractures were reduced by over 80% in people taking this fat-soluble nutrient.
“We found an odds ratio favoring K2 of 0.19 for all non-vertebral fractures.”
Changing hormones and lack of sunlight can have a major effect on density — but vitamin K also plays a massive role.
“Supplementation with vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 reduces bone loss. In the case of K2-MK4 there is a strong effect on incident fractures.”
Vitamin K2 supplementation should be seriously considered for everyone…
Except perhaps those who eat a lot of cheeses which are high in this nutrient.
Cheeses also contain large amounts of other bone-supporting nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.
—-Important Message About Vitamin D—-
This one killer hormone is draining men of their vitamin D levels
I’ve discovered one killer hormone responsible for up to 80% of men’s health and sex problems…
And one of the first things this killer hormone does is drain men of their vitamin D levels.
See, this killer hormone starts by draining certain key nutrients that the body needs — key nutrients that naturally fight off this killer hormone…
…nutrients like vitamin D!
Fortunately, my Golden Ratio protocol keeps these key nutrients high while protecting you from the killer hormone.
It’s the next step for men taking vitamin D who still can’t seem to benefit from it the way they should be…
Start the Golden Ratio protocol for free today