Many men have high cortisol and don’t know it
Matt Cook here, and cortisol is one of those “bad for you” hormones when it gets too high…
In fact, it’s just as bad, if not worse, than estrogen for a man’s testosterone levels.
And unfortunately, many things in men’s lifestyles today can increase cortisol.
But you can also lower it — here’s how…
—-Important Message From Samantha—-
“Ever since my boyfriend tried this — our sex life has become AMAZING!”
I can’t wait to rub his crotch and feel his massive manhood begin to swell…
My eyes still get as wide as dinner plates when he pulls it out and I get to see it… large and powerful in all of its glory…
I love to hold it, fondle it, and try to fit it in my mouth…
I still can’t quite get it all in yet but I’m definitely the kind of girl who enjoys a challenge 😉
I have to admit, just seeing his massive member can bring me so close to the verge of orgasm… that he only needs to put in the head to make me EXPLODE!
And since I know how important this is to girls, and I know that guys want better sex too…
In just the next 3 minutes and 48 seconds… I’m going to spill the beans and tell you exactly how he was able to do it.
And how over 1,038 guys from all over the world have been able to do the exact same thing.
Here’s how you can join them and get a bigger, better member in just 30 days.
How to stop cortisol from lowering your T levels – do this tonight
Many modern lifestyle trends tend to increase cortisol.
High-fat, low-carb diets.
High stress lifestyles.
Poor sleeping habits.
These are some of the more common roads men take to high cortisol.
Cortisol predisposes you to most of the chronic diseases that we suffer from today.
Obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and erections problems are all strongly tied to high cortisol.
The negative role of cortisol can be seen quite clearly in the way it rapidly lowers testosterone levels in men.
This human study was carried out by researchers at the Department of Reproductive Medicine, University of California San Diego School of Medicine.
The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Researchers have known about the link between psychological stress and low testosterone for decades.
“In men, an acute decrease in serum testosterone levels in association with a variety of stressful conditions has been observed.”
Surgery, heart attacks, and vigorous exercise are all stresses which can quickly lower testosterone levels.
“In surgical procedures, the rate of testosterone decline seems to be related to the severity of the surgical stress.”
Cushing’s syndrome is a disease characterized by very high cortisol levels.
In men, this disease is associated with low testosterone, libido, and impotence.
“The loss of libido and impotence occurring in Cushing’s syndrome is associated with significantly lower T levels.”
So this study was designed to see the precise effect of the stress hormone cortisol and testosterone levels in men.
“We set out to assess the possibility that inappropriate elevations of cortisol may have a direct effect on testosterone secretion.”
The researchers recruited 14 young men. The men attended a clinical research center to take part in a number of experiments.
“Fourteen normal men, aged 22-31 yr, participated in this study.”
The men rested for 30 minutes and then had blood samples taken every 15 minutes for 2 1/2 hours.
During this time the men were injected with a couple of different substances.
First the men were injected with insulin.
In the second experiment the men were injected with hydrocortisone.
Both of these substances were administered in order to increase cortisol levels.
The researchers used two different methods of increasing cortisol in order to rule out any other effect of the cortisol boosting substance.
Both methods of increasing cortisol led to a rapid and significant decrease in testosterone levels.
“Elevation of cortisol from insulin or hydrocortisone was followed by a rapid decrease in serum testosterone levels.”
Insulin was used to cause low blood sugar – low blood sugar was the trigger for increased cortisol.
This mimics a natural route to increased cortisol.
Hydrocortisone is a more indirect and synthetic way to boost cortisol levels.
Regardless, increased cortisol led to a rapid decrease in testosterone levels.
Other tests showed that cortisone was having a direct effect on the testicles – the main source of testosterone.
Luteinizing hormone triggers the testicles to release more testosterone – but it did not increase under high cortisol stress.
“Elevation of cortisol was followed by a rapid decrease in testosterone without accompanying changes in luteinizing hormone.”
The testicles were not responding in an adaptive way to high cortisol.
There was no indication that testosterone would ever begin to rise in the context of higher cortisol.
“These findings suggest that hypercortisolism of endogenous or exogenous sources suppresses secretion by a direct action on the testis.”
Chronic stress increases cortisol leading to low testosterone – and the body never adapts to high cortisol.
If you are suffering from low testosterone caused by a high cortisol lifestyle, you have to take steps to get your cortisol levels under control.
—-Important Message From Matt About Lowering Cortisol—-
This 1 food lowers cortisol while boosting manly testosterone
Here’s a secret — if you can naturally raise T, you can naturally lower cortisol…
Because when testosterone is being made in the body, stress hormones automatically go down — including cortisol.
And the easiest way to naturally raise testosterone is to eat this 1 food…
It contains key nutrients the body needs to produce more natural testosterone.
And almost instantly, your T starts going up while cortisol goes down.