Cut off the fuel supply to prostate cancer cells and make them die
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Hey, Matt Cook here and prostate cancer is a serious concern for many men, but what if there was a way to starve cancer cells and stop them from growing?
Recent research has uncovered a connection between a specific type of fat and prostate cancer.
By understanding the role of this toxic fat and making simple dietary changes, you may be able to cut off the fuel supply to prostate cancer cells and make them die…
I think this is really important for us men who want to live healthier, happier and without prostate problems…
—-Important Message—-
Good news and bad news about prostate cancer
The bad news is that prostate cancer is more common than you think, and the conventional treatments can be brutal.
And at least half of all men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, but most of them will never know it
But the good news is that there’s an easier way for men to protect their prostate health and avoid unnecessary side effects.
Recently I did a short live coaching session showing some new discoveries about preventing and getting rid of prostate cancer.
I talked about stuff that frankly will get me banned if I ever talk about it on Youtube — they hate our material because Big Pharma is their largest advertiser.
But don’t worry — I preserved a recording. Watch it now before it is banned.
Click here and access this life-changing recorded coaching session – it might get taken down soon because this seriously hurts Big Pharma’s profit
How to starve prostate cancer cells of their favorite food
Our cells can create energy from fat or carbohydrates. But these sources of energy are not equal.
High-fat diets are linked to all sorts of diseases – including prostate cancer.
“Diets high in fat are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, although the molecular mechanism is still unknown.”
And the more unstable fats are more harmful.
A few studies can help us to understand just how important these unstable fats are in the progression of prostate cancer.
These experiments were carried out at the University of Virginia Cancer Centre in Charlottesville. The results were published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Unstable fats cause havoc in the body.
The most unstable fats are called polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAS.
Arachidonic acid is one of the most common PUFAs found in the American diet today.
This fat is broken down by an enzyme – and when that happens it creates a metabolite which stimulates the growth of prostate cancer.
“Arachidonic acid, a PUFA common in the Western diet, stimulates the growth of cancer cells through the production of a metabolite.”
Arachidonic acid is found in meats like bacon and poultry when those animals have been fed on high grain diets.
But vegetable oil has another PUFA called linoleic acid. The body converts linoleic acid to arachidonic acid.
Most people probably get large amounts of arachidonic acid by eating vegetable oil.
Then the arachidonic acid is turned into the cancer-causing metabolite.
In these experiments, the researchers found that providing more arachidonic acid to the cells increased the rate of prostate cancer growth.
“Extra arachidonic acid markedly increases the production of the cancerous metabolite.”
So the researchers wondered what would happen if they blocked the enzyme which turned arachidonic acid into the cancerous metabolites.
They added chemicals which blocked this enzyme.
When they prevented the conversion of arachidonic acid to the cancerous metabolite the prostate cancer cells started to die in massive numbers.
“Enzyme inhibition induces massive apoptosis in both hormone responsive and hormone non-responsive human prostate cancer cells.”
The researchers proved that prostate cancer depends on arachidonic acid for survival.
(Rather it depends on a metabolite made from arachidonic acid.)
There are some supplements which block this enzyme…
…but the smarter option is to limit consumption of arachidonic acid and particularly linoleic acid.
That’s pretty easy – you limit your cooking oils to butter and coconut.
And you focus on protein sources from dairy, seafood, and occasional ruminant animals like beef.
Some poultry and pork fed on a diet high in saturated fats would be fine too – but this is rare these days.
The study shows us which fats accelerate prostate cancer growth.
“These findings provide a possible molecular mechanism by which dietary fat may influence the progression of prostate cancer.”
Researchers at the Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention, Valhalla, New York found similar results in their experiments.
In their experiments they used linoleic acid – the arachidonic acid precursor found in vegetable oil.
“We have shown that growth of the androgen-unresponsive human prostate cancer cell line is stimulated by linoleic acid.”
The more linoleic acid they added to the cell cultures, the more rapid the growth of the prostate cancer cells.
“The response was positively related to the fatty acid concentration over the entire range examined.”
Linoleic can be used to make arachidonic acid in the body.
Arachidonic acid is then used to make the prostate cancer promoting metabolite identified in the previous article.
Here we have yet another reason to limit your dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
It’s particularly important to avoid vegetable oils – the greatest source of these PUFAs.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message—-
This hormone is making me and my wife like newlyweds again
After being married for almost 40 years, things were… not going well in the intimacy department.
And I know a lot of couples get divorced because they get bored with each other – mostly due to an unsatisfying sex life…
So I started looking into a natural happy chemical in our brains called oxytocin.
I found some simple activities that are super pleasurable that build oxytocin like crazy.
Now people who see me and my wife think we just met — they see that spark between us, it’s incredible.
We are constantly holding hands, kissing, making love.
We never argue anymore.
It’s like we’re newly married again!
And it’s all thanks to oxytocin.
So if you want to experience the magical effects of oxytocin, I’m showing you how.