Many men are being woken up with a raging towel-hanger… and their wives are delighted…
Matt Cook here, and if you’re not getting nighttime boners, I’m going to show you how easy it is to bring them back.
The good news is that it’s simply a blood flow problem.
And if you fix the root cause, you also do the heart a huge favor…
…reversing conditions like atherosclerosis, hypertension, and heart disease.
Here’s the simple fix…
—-Important Message From Jack Grave—-
This is why they’re calling me the “Ejaculation Guru”
Hey, I’m Jack and I’ve discovered one simple natural method that’s finally fixed my premature ejaculation problems…
…delighting my lady and saving my sex life just in the nick of time…
And you can use this same method, without needing to bury your head in a science journal or learn anything weird.
- You DO NOT need a large ‘manhood’
- You DO NOT have to make sex less fun for yourself
- You DO NOT need to reduce the pleasure she experiences (in fact, it often improves what she experiences)
- You DO NOT need to use meds, special condoms, gadgets or any other weird stuff
- You DO NOT have to be a specific age or have a specific amount of experience (i.e. it works for all adult men)
PLUS this isn’t just the same old advice you get on the free websites or in “Men’s Magazines”…
This is how I went from being a 10-second man to lasting almost 30 minutes in bed — try this tonight
How to restore strong erections in your store
Rockiness problems are broken into two categories:
Those who get night-time erections and those who don’t.
Healthy men get erections during sleep.
A significant number of men with erections problems don’t get nighttime boners.
For these men the problem is usually atherosclerosis.
Rockiness problems are often caused by narrow, stiff blood vessels, unable to expand to allow blood through.
This human research was carried out at the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches de l’Impuissance, Paris, France. The paper was published in The Lancet.
This study investigated the causes of impotence (rockiness problems) in 400 men.
Researchers were interested in the role of blood vessel health in boners.
Boners are caused by relaxation of blood vessels in the penis.
Relaxed blood vessels swell with blood.
So it makes sense that problems with the arteries might cause impotence.
“Arterial problems are rarely cited as a cause of impotence, despite the overriding importance of vascular function in the mechanism of ‘rockiness.’”
The researchers looked at some of the main risk factors for blood vessel disease (atherosclerosis).
“The distribution of four main arterial risk factors was investigated in 440 impotent men.”
3 of those 4 risk atherosclerosis factors were much higher in men with erections problems.
“Smoking, diabetes, and hyper-lipidemia were all significantly more common in the 440 impotent men than in the general male population of a similar age.”
The researchers also investigated whether impotence was “organic.”
Here the term “organic” means that erections do not happen during sleep.
Researchers believe that this element rules out psychological factors.
Organic penile limpness infers a material, biological problem in the body.
“In 222 the cause (organic or functional) of impotence was sought by further investigations, such as cavernosography.”
Cavernosography is a type of scan looking at the part of the penis which swells up to cause firmness.
About 50% of the men were categorized as having organic erections problems.
Over half of those men had blood vessel problems visible on penis scans.
“In 53% of these there was evidence of an arterial lesion in the penis.”
50% of the men in the study had one or more atherosclerosis risk factors.
Half the men had ”organic impotence.”
All of the men with 3 or more atherosclerosis risk factors had “organic impotence.”
“The frequency of organic impotence increased from 49% in the absence of any atherosclerosis risk factors to 100% in patients with 3 or 4 risk factors.”
Rockiness problems can be caused by damage to the blood vessels — such as atherosclerosis.
Blood vessel problems are a major cause of erections problems in men who do not get night-time boners.
This can be tested by a device called a rigiscan which you wear on the penis while you sleep.
It records nighttime boners.
Changes in the health of the penis which may be attributed to aging, are often really caused by problems with blood vessels.
“It is concluded that increase in the frequency of impotence with age is mainly related to arteriosclerotic changes for the arteries of the penis.”
The researchers recommended investigating the health of the blood vessels in men complaining of erections problems.
Atherosclerosis doesn’t just cause penile limpness.
It plays a major role in cardiovascular killers too.
Atherosclerosis is not a natural part of aging.
It is caused by diet and other environmental factors.
There are half a dozen ways you can improve the health of your blood vessels — lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and penile limpness.
In my newsletters, I’ve written about research going back to the 1960s which has shown that atherosclerosis can be completely reversed.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message About Reversing Atherosclerosis and Boosting Blood Flow—-
This simple shake can help destroy plaque in the arteries and boost penile blood flow
I’ve found one simple drink that can really help a man get better rockiness.
It works by helping the body blast plaque out of the arteries…
Which opens up and relaxes the arteries, improves blood flow ALL over the body, including the male member.
And this naturally reverses atherosclerosis and other blood flow issues that stress out the heart.
And erections gets a boost. While blood pressure drops on its own…
This is the simple shake that’s working for me — contains just 5 simple ingredients