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This technique not only raises your testosterone – it also permanently fixes your blood pressure
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How to raise testosterone if you have high blood pressure
One in three adults in the US suffers from high blood pressure.
On average, blood pressure increases with age.
And testosterone, a critical male hormone, tends to decrease as we age.
Some doctors have speculated about the link between low testosterone and high blood pressure.
Recently a Chinese study looked into the relationship between testosterone and blood pressure in humans.
This study took place at the Guangxi Medical University in China. The researchers published the results in the journal Clinica Chimica Acta.
“Low testosterone concentrations have been suggested as a risk factor for hypertension.”
Low testosterone has long been a suspect as the cause of hypertension.
But the subject had not been properly investigated in humans.
“But testosterone’s contribution to the development of hypertension is not well studied.”
These researchers looked at testosterone levels and blood pressure in a few thousand adult men.
“Data on 2,427 healthy male subjects, aged from 17 to 88, were collected for the cross-sectional study.”
The research team then looked at the risk of hypertension for people with different levels of testosterone.
Men with high blood pressure were much more likely to have low testosterone.
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“Total testosterone, free testosterone, and bioavailable testosterone of the hypertensive men were lower than those of the non-hypertensive men.”
They categorized the men into three groups (tertiles) by their levels of testosterone.
From the lowest to highest testosterone group, the risk of high blood pressure went down.
“Decreasing odds ratio of hypertension was observed from the lowest tertile group to the highest tertile testosterone group.”
They found that men with lower total testosterone are at a higher risk of high blood pressure over the long term.
“The 4-year incidence of hypertension was higher in participants with lower total testosterone than in those with higher total testosterone.”
Age and obesity are two of the main risk factors for high blood pressure…
But this study found that low testosterone is a risk factor for high blood pressure regardless of age and regardless of body mass index.
“Total testosterone, independent of age and body mass index (BMI) influences the development of hypertension.”
Based on this study, the researchers believe that doctors could use total testosterone levels to identify people at high risk for high blood pressure.
“Total testosterone can be employed as a risk marker for hypertension in the identification of high-risk individuals.”
However, there is some debate within the medical community about the most appropriate blood test for testosterone.
Currently, researchers are using total testosterone, free testosterone, and bioavailable testosterone.
And all the three testosterone tests used in this study pointed toward the same result…
Lower testosterone increases the risk of high blood pressure.
“Total testosterone, free testosterone, and bioavailable testosterone concentrations were inversely associated blood pressure in men.”
High blood pressure and low testosterone are also associated with many of the other chronic diseases ravaging society today…
Those include type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, hypothyroidism. You name it.
Low testosterone is the canary in the coal mine for men.
High blood pressure can cause heart failure and kidney damage.
By many estimates, half of the people with untreated high blood pressure die of heart disease.
Another one-third of people with untreated high blood pressure die of stroke.
One of the main problems with high blood pressure is that it damages the artery system.
This can lead to limited blood flow – starving many parts of the body of oxygen.
High blood pressure is also strongly associated with dementia, cognitive impairment, and erectile dysfunction.
So for the sake of your health and your sex life, keep a close eye on your testosterone levels.
You should always consult a healthcare professional about treating and diagnosing health problems.
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Q: Does testosterone therapy lower blood pressure?
There is a specific trend happening worldwide, with how men are taking their sexual health in their own hands. The interest in Health subjects is peaking; they are becoming more open to explore therapies or treatments that might have seemed weird about 15 – 20 years back.
Testosterone therapy is such a case. Do you know that over a million men in the U.S itself are turning to Testosterone therapy to boost their libido?
When the levels of Testosterone declines in a average human, it can affect the body in a number of ways. It is a natural occurrence with age. Some symptoms include, lack of energy, lower sex drive and sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction. A low level of testosterone can also cause negative health effects like inflammation, insulin resistance, obesity and propensity for cardiovascular diseases.
With Testosterone therapy, the body’s natural testosterone levels are supplemented by synthetic or bio identical hormones. In the primary treatment phases, testosterone therapy can cause the Blood pressure levels to peak up too. Some controlled studies show that Testosterone therapy on men with low testosterone levels has yielded many positive results. This includes improved blood pressure, body mass index, better exercise performance and improved LDL Cholesterol levels.
Many know that the level of the natural testosterone production in the body decreases with age. This process starts by the time a man turns 30.A more rapid fall is experienced by adults who pass the age of 60. Testosterone therapy seems to be the magic pill which can change your libido overnight. Believe it or not, but the marketing hype around this subject has given rise to a mania which might be farther from the truth.
Research studies show that long term exposure to Testosterone therapy can adversely affect the heart and blood vessels of the body. Testosterone therapy can lower blood pressure but can also cause damage to the circulatory system, in the long term, if taken without a doctor’s recommendation. This means, you should never opt for Testosterone therapy, if your Testosterone levels are normal.
Do you see how there are no direct answers? Does Testosterone therapy lower blood pressure? Well, it seems that depends on the body physiology of the individual and his Testosterone levels. Some medical studies in controlled settings have shown that Testosterone therapy may help some men avoid heart attacks. Would that be, because of a lowering of the Blood pressure levels?
But medical researchers recommend awareness than pure curiosity. For men over 65 years of age, Testosterone therapy can make them prone to heart attacks. Even for young men, those who take Testosterone therapy must examine the various risks and benefits associated with it.
The best way is to naturally improve testosterone levels .This can be easier than the risk of exploring Testosterone therapy. Take steps to maintain an ideal weight. Start a regular regimen of exercise if you are overweight. Choose a mild to intense workout. Take steps to lower your stress levels.
Improve your sleeping habits and pay attention to your diet. Cut down on meat and smoke. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Look for ways to integrate more of Vitamin D.Increase the protein levels intake in your body and look for ways to include healthy fats in your menu.
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