For a long time now, I’ve been telling you about endotoxins.
Endotoxins are poisons that are produced by bacteria.
Some bacteria produce endotoxins constantly.
But most bad bacteria produce endotoxins when they are killed.
You don’t want the bad bacteria to hang out, but you don’t want it dying off quickly either!
Food poisoning is frequently due to endotoxins.
Many cases of “stomach flu” are also related or caused by endotoxins.
This explains one of the effects of antibiotics also.
Antibiotics sometimes help get rid of infection.
But they also trigger large amounts of endotoxins.
Since the antibiotics are killing large quantities of bacteria, all of those bacteria are releasing more endotoxins.
And they’re doing it all at once.
This may be a reason why people get diarrhea when they take antibiotics.
And it may also be a reason why antibiotics may cause them harm.
In this study they exposed various types of bacteria that are found in the human body to various types of antibiotics.
Then researchers monitored the number of endotoxins produced by each combination of antibiotic and bacteria.
One thing they found was very interesting.
Antibiotics that worked quickly tended to produce fewer endotoxins.
This is not a hard and fast rule.
But it seems to be the case that killing bacteria quickly does not give them enough time to create a lot of endotoxins.
The situation needs more research.
But this could be an argument for taking more powerful antibiotics for shorter periods.
Taking antibiotics for longer timeframes may trigger a continual barrage of endotoxins.
And since the body still has to process the endotoxins, this barrage is hard on your body.
Your liver handles endotoxins.
Endotoxins are found in the gut in great quantities.
Our liver is the chief defender against these endotoxins.
So our entire digestive tract is designed to handle endotoxins.
And then the gut feeds these endotoxins to the liver.
The liver then does its part in processing them and making them harmless.
But it’s a lot of wear and tear on the liver!
There are foods that you can eat that may help reduce endotoxins.
In the short run sometimes these foods might appear to make things worse.
But in the end, your gut and liver will be much healthier.
You can try foods such as well cooked mushrooms and fresh grated carrot salad.
You can also try a mixture of a little bit of raw onion and garlic in sour cream or yogurt.
These may be very helpful in reducing the number of endotoxins in the human gut.
And they probably are far kinder than antibiotics.
If you do need to take antibiotics here is something important you should keep in mind.
You might want to talk to your doctor about taking Saccharomyces Boulardii when you take antibiotics.
Saccharomyces Boulardii is a yeast that does not colonize the gut.
But it helps to regulate the bacteria and their endotoxins.
Is a great cure for diarrhea.
It works well in people as well as dogs — and probably cats.
This yeast also can be taken for longer periods.
It’s not toxic for almost anybody.
But it is extremely helpful in combating endotoxins.
Another thing that works quite well is activated charcoal.
Activated charcoal helps reduce endotoxins very, very quickly.
But activated charcoal absorbs a lot of medicines and vitamins and minerals.
So you need to be careful about when you take it.
You don’t want to just take it any time, because it may neutralize whatever medications or supplements you’re taking.
However it can be a lifesaver.
Endotoxins are probably responsible for food poisoning in most cases.
And activated charcoal can prevent you from getting a lot of the symptoms of food poisoning.
You must take quite a bit of it, but it’s incredibly effective and safe.
Effect of antibiotics on endotoxin release from gram-negative bacteria
See this for more on Living Healthy, and see more on diet and exercise, and for more information see Healthy Eating.