This works even if it’s been weeks since your last boner…
—-Important Message About Performing Better with a Woman—-
Restore long-lasting erections with the power of your pointer finger
A ground-breaking study from the American Urological Association has just revealed a natural method to restoring your male function…
This method can permanently restore your natural ability to get great erections that last 30 minutes or more…
…even if it’s been weeks or months since your last boner.
And you won’t need any dangerous treatments or gadgets — this is completely natural and safe for men to use.
And it’s so simple, wait til you see how this works!
Here’s how to restore great, long-lasting erections with just the power of your pointing finger…
Is Big Food putting this toxin in our foods on purpose?
There’s an idea in science fiction called the Butterfly Effect.
Essentially, this is used in time travel stories and says that if you make a small move in the past, it can change the entire future.
Time travel isn’t possible, but I’m convinced we need a similar concept to the butterfly effect in modern health and agriculture.
Sometimes one small change can lead to huge differences in how diseases spread.
In a study published by the American Society for Microbiology, researchers looked at some specific fungicides…
Fungicides used on apples and the proliferation of the dangerous pathogenic yeast called Candida auris.
The CDC identifies Candida auris as a potential global health threat.
Candida auris is an emerging fungus that presents a serious global health threat.
It’s difficult to identify without specialized technology and it’s treatment-resistant.
Candida auris can cause outbreaks in healthcare settings like hospitals and nursing homes.
It is often multi-’treatment’-resistant, meaning that it is resistant to multiple antifungal ‘treatments’ commonly used to treat Candida infections. Some strains are resistant to all three available classes of antifungals.
These types of treatment-resistant strains of yeast can be quite dangerous.
And our agricultural industry seems to be self-selecting for Candida auris with some antifungal practices used to extend the shelf life of fruit.
When they’re prepared for transport, apples and other fruits are often treated with a fungicide to prevent spoilage and extend shelf life. The practice preserves freshness, but it may be a double-edged sword: They may help select and boost the transmission of pathogenic yeasts that are multi-’treatment’ resistant.
I’m not saying that Big Food does this on purpose…
The goal of spraying apples and other tree fruit with fungicides is to create a longer shelf life for these fruits so that they can be brought to market.
But even if the development of deadly pathogens isn’t on purpose, that is what’s happening.
In this study, freshly picked apples did not have the C. auris pathogen, but apples treated with fungicide had it more than 10% of the time.
The scientists focused on the apples. They found ‘treatment’-resistant strains of C. auris on a total of 8 apples (13%) and used whole genome sequencing to identify 16 distinct colonies. The apples included 5 ‘Red Delicious’ and 3 ‘Royal Gala’ varieties. All 8 of those apples had been stored before purchase, and none of the freshly-picked apples hosted C. auris.
The fungicide treated apples seem to be self selecting for this dangerous treatment resistant pathogen.
The new findings suggest the apples could be a selective force for the pathogen, and help it to spread.
I’m not a huge fan of apples for a few reasons, but I’m not telling you to not eat fruit here.
Overall, ripe fruit is very healthy for your body.
What I am saying is that it’s important to be aware that health threats often come at a system influenced level and don’t occur in isolation.
“When we look at human pathogens, we tend to look at what’s immediate to us,” Xu said. “But we have to look at it more broadly. Everything is connected, the whole system. Fruit is just 1 example.”
It’s important to think about how the systems that we’ve developed as humans – from plastics to fungicide treated fruit…
Affect our environments and our potential health outcomes.
—-Important Message About Cleaning Out Your Gut—-
Try this “no-cleanse” cleanse for free today
Most gut cleanses require a lot of effort to work…
You have to eat all these weird foods…
Take a bunch of obscure and expensive herbs…
Purge and fast, over and over again…
And in a few months you’ll have patched your leaky gut.
I didn’t want to do any of that though, so I found another way…
I wanted faster results for less money.
I wanted something easy enough that I could do it wherever I am.
So I developed this “no-cleanse” cleanse just for men — and it’s free today