More than 50% of men have this and have no idea
Matt Cook here, and I want to tell you about a condition called MPB…
…that more and more men are coming down with, often unknowingly…
And it has several key symptoms that you can recognize…
And I’ll show you an easy way to reverse this condition, while giving you stronger muscles and more confidence as a man…
—-Important Message From Marcus London—-
New bedroom secret (NSFW)
There’s a new bedroom secret driving the hottest women wild…
And research shows it’s got a 100% success rate.
One 55-year-old reader told me he loves it because:
“I can go like a train whenever she wants it.”
Women are saying it’s making them addicted to intercouse.
So if you want to truly perform like the men starring in “those” movies…
How to know if you’re suffering from MPB — men only
Obesity is certainly associated with morbidity.
The risk for many diseases is amplified by severe weight excess.
This includes cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, and even cancer.
But one relationship which is not generally as obvious is the link to hair loss.
A new study goes over this relationship in great detail.
Hair loss, and in particular scalp hair loss is a great source of concern.
Women benefit from the powerful hormones of their menstrual cycle (in particular progesterone).
This prevents much of the degenerative characteristics experienced by men.
We can observe scalp hair loss (alopecia) in women with ovarian failure.
A majority of men in so-called developed countries now experience scalp hair loss or male pattern baldness (MPB).
MPB is a condition characterized by chronic scalp inflammation which leads to fibrosis of scalp tissues…
…preventing renewal of the hair follicle and arresting growth of hair.
In theory, stem cells are capable of restoring functions to damaged tissues, but this process is impaired in MPB.
“The data suggest that progressive fibrosis of the perifollicular sheath occurs in lesions of pattern alopecia, and may begin with T-cell infiltration of follicular stem cell epithelium. Injury to follicular stem cell epithelium and/or thickening of adventitial sheaths may impair normal pilar cycling and result in hair loss.” – Jaworski et al. (1992)
As Jaworski suggested in 1992, the process of MPB messes with the natural regulation and repair typically orchestrated by stem cells.
Addressing the underlying causes including inflammation and stress is very important…
…but this new paper by Morinaga provides yet another angle of focus.
According to the others, the stress of the obese physiology activates inflammatory pathways which fuel the pathology of male pattern baldness…
…affecting stem cells and driving scalp hair loss:
“These data collectively demonstrate that stem cell inflammatory signals induced by obesity robustly represses organ regeneration signals to accelerate the miniaturization of mini-organs [hair follicles], and suggests the importance of daily prevention of organ dysfunction.” – Morinaga et al. (2021)
Therefore, it appears once more that tackling the challenge of hair loss requires a multifactorial approach.
Not every obese individual will be bald, but these findings indicate how obesity is a worsening factor for the pathology of hair loss.
Accordingly, taking steps to resolve excess weight should be part of the consideration for anyone suffering with hair loss.
Not only will it be incredibly beneficial for overall health, but it may lead to better hair.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle—-
Now available again for the first time since 1933 — the best natural fat burner EVER discovered for men
It was too good to be true…
In the 1930s, scientists discovered a powerful natural fat burner that blasts away fat without diet or exercise.
They called it Thermo 3.
Men everywhere started using it to replace fat with lean muscle, improve their energy levels, and get the best “rockiness” of their life.
But then the powers that be decided it was too easy and too effective… Thermo 3 was making gyms, diet programs, and health clubs obsolete.
So they banned this natural fat burner and kept it secret from us for more than 100 years.
But now I’ve got something that’s even better — a simple activity that mimics the benefits of Thermo 3, allowing you to “breathe the fat out”…