This triggers instant arousal in her, no matter what
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—-Important Message From Shawn Haskell—-
Did you know that it’s possible to turn a woman on…even if she’s mad at you?
It’s true. And it’s actually simpler than you would think…
Behavioral psychologists have recently discovered a way to flood her brain with “arousal chemicals”…
And these are the same chemicals that are released right before and during nooky.
So regardless of how she’s feeling about you in the moment, all you need to do is use this simple trigger…
…and her brain will automatically produce arousal chemicals…
…making her feel a deep level of attraction and arousal for you almost instantly!
This simple vitamin can reverse diabetes symptoms, even type II
Most of our common health problems can be sourced to underlying issues with cellular energy production.
The biochemistry is a little complex but at the core of many health problems there is an imbalance of 2 molecules called NADH and NAD+.
These molecules help shuttle electrons around the mitochondria for the production of energy.
If these molecules are not balanced we can end up with all sorts of metabolic diseases.
And research shows that nutrients which help to balance this ratio can be very beneficial for people with metabolic problems.
One of the most useful nutrients in this context is a type of vitamin B3 known as niacinamide.
The animal experiments were performed at University of São Paulo Medical School in Brazil. The paper was published in BMC Endocrine Disorders.
The researchers investigated the effect of niacinamide on experimentally induced type II diabetes.
They were particularly interested in the baroreflex sensitivity – the pumping of the heart and regulation of blood pressure.
This is often associated with advanced metabolic problems like type II diabetes.
“To evaluate the effect of niacinamide prior to streptozotocin-induced (STZ) diabetes in baroreflex sensitivity and cardiovascular autonomic modulation.
The experiments were carried out in rats.
The researchers gave half the rats a chemical compound called streptozotocin (STZ).
This poison reliably induces type II diabetes in animals.
“Male rats were divided into control and STZ-induced diabetes (Diab).”
Half of each of these groups were given niacinamide before being injected with the diabetes causing chemical.
“Half of the rats from each group received a single dose of niacinamide before STZ injection.”
The researchers tracked the animals’ health for 5 weeks.
All of the animals given streptozotocin lost a significant amount of weight.
But diabetic animals given niacinamide were protected against harmful elevations in blood sugar.
“Increased glycemia was seen in Diab rats while Diab+NicA group had a slight decrease.”
The study showed that niacinamide also completely prevented insulin resistance in animals injected with the diabetic toxin.
“However, insulin resistance was observed only in Diab.”
The toxin created heart problems and altered blood pressure – as is often seen in advanced type II diabetes.
“Heart rate, mean blood pressure and diastolic function were reduced when compared to Diab, together with parasympathetic modulation and baroreflex sensitivity.”
Alterations in blood pressure and accompanying heart problems were mitigated in animals given niacinamide before being given the toxin.
“All of these parameters were improved in Diab+NicA when compared to Diab.”
The research shows that this form of vitamin B3 could help with metabolic and cardiovascular complications of type II diabetes.
“Improved baroreflex sensitivity and parasympathetic modulation were correlated with glycemia, insulin resistance, and body weight mass.”
And perhaps most importantly, the animals which were given niacinamide before being given the diabetic toxin survived longer than animals given the toxin alone.
“Additionally, Diab+NicA group increased survival rate.”
These experiments follow many previous experiments showing the benefits of niacinamide in metabolic and cardiovascular disease.
Many of these experiments show some reversal of these health problems when niacinamide is given after diabetes has been induced.
This experiment shows that a single dose of niacinamide before a diabetic trigger can also provide massive benefits.
“Results suggest that the association of niacinamide in STZ-induced diabetic rats prevents most of the expected derangements mainly by preserving parasympathetic and baroreflex parameters.”
Niacinamide works by helping to balance the NAD+:NADH improving energy production efficiency…
…and decreasing the amount of toxic byproducts which are produced when these compounds are out of balance.
—-Important Message for Prediabetic and Diabetic Men—-
How this man reversed his diabetes in three weeks
When men try my simple diabetes tweak, they can drink Cokes and their blood sugars are perfectly normal.
Your doctor can’t argue with your blood sugars.
No more stupid, horrific medication. Hello Life!
And say hello to terrific erections downstairs — whoa, your wife is in for a treat!
See this case study:
Here’s how Ted easily fixed his diabetes with just a few tweaks