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Let’s start by asking, how many bowel movements should you have per day?
If you have too few, that means that food is sitting in your bowel fermenting.
This spills huge amounts of endotoxins as it sits for a long time in your gut.
So you don’t want to have infrequent bowel movements.
But if the food moves too fast to your gut, it never has a chance to form into well-formed fecal material — and the result is diarrhea.
Infrequent bowel movements are linked to many diseases.
And just one of these diseases is Parkinson’s.
This study is one of many that shows that people with chronic constipation often end up with Parkinson’s disease.
Most Parkinson’s patients have had a long history of bowel problems.
Findings indicate that infrequent bowel movements are associated with an elevated risk of future Parkinson’s disease.
In this next study, researchers evaluated young adults who are healthy.
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These were young men and women who never went to the doctor.
So researchers asked them how many bowel movements they had per day.
Then the study authors broke down the results into different demographics to see if there were patterns.
The idea was to determine how frequently healthy people have bowel movements.
Whites reported more frequent stools than nonwhites (7.8 vs. 6.0 stools per week).
And men reported more frequent stools than women (9.2 vs. 6.7 stools per week).
This leaves researchers with a good baseline for what healthy bowel routines look like.
So there you have it.
And I would go even further to say that two bowel movements per day is ideal.
Especially if the feces is well-formed, and you don’t have diarrhea.
If your bowel routine isn’t close to this, you may have problems with a leaky gut.
And that leaves you open to the spread of endotoxins, leaving you vulnerable to many issues — including Parkinson’s, Rheumatoid arthritis, and ED.
Now, what if you have problems with leaky gut?
What if you have constipation or diarrhea routinely?
How would you heal your leaky gut naturally?
It turns out that there is a great way to heal your gut naturally.
They have been doing some great work at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro.
The work they’re doing involves helping to heal the leaky gut without using terrible pharmaceutical chemicals that may cause more damage.
It has been my experience that one of the most healing things you can do for your gut is to take some extra niacinamide (vitamin B3).
I use a form that is “no flush” so that I don’t have to deal with that hot, flushed feeling so many people associate with niacin.
But taking niacinamide has been proven to help with detoxifying the gut.
This study bears this finding out.
Researchers used niacin, but niacinamide should work just as well.
Plus, niacinamide can be taken in larger doses because it doesn’t cause a flushing reaction.
The researchers gave ethanol to rodents.
Ethanol is the kind of alcohol that makes you drunk.
But they gave the rodents so much ethanol that the rodents developed liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver.
And they found that the rats who were drinking too much alcohol had a leaky gut.
Then they gave the rats vitamin B3.
The researchers found that the rats who received the B3 had healed some of the damage to their guts.
Their guts sealed up. Almost like magic.
Alcohol causes leaky gut, but niacin seals the leaky gut and makes it normal again.
We can put this into practice in our own lives.
Taking Vitamin B3 can go a long way toward restoring digestive health.
The same gut sealing activity of niacinamide would probably work for any kind of leaky gut.
I’ve had great results, and you may too.
Talk to your doctor first to see if this could be a good idea for you.

Bowel habits in young adults not seeking health care
Dietary niacin supplementation ameliorates ethanol-induced liver injury in rats through sealing the leaky gut