Boost blood flow, boost size…
—-Important Message—-
Weird warning for guys wanting to be bigger
What if you had an exclusive two step system…
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And you’re having the best, best night of your life…
…without any worries of getting soft down there.
This two step system makes it possible.
Forget about surgery, Big Pharma and their tablets — they DON’T work!
This DOES work, and you only need to follow two simple steps…
Maintaining metabolic rate is the key to a long healthy health span
In my years researching health, I have come to understand the exceptional importance of cellular energy generation.
The energy produced in cells is required to sustain the structure of the body at every level.
Low energy leads to disease – no exceptions.
In order to produce energy most efficiently, cells need to be supplied with a number of things.
One of the most important is something called T3 – the active thyroid hormone.
The thyroid gland actually produces 2 hormones, the aforementioned T3 and another hormone called T4.
T4 is essentially a storage form of thyroid hormones – it is one biochemical step away from being turned into T3.
A healthy body easily turns T4 into T3.
But this ability is greatly diminished in illness.
Many doctors with thyroid patients focus on T4 because they’re unaware of conversion problems.
This can lead to people having low T3 even when being treated for hypothyroidism
The brain is one of the organs most critically affected by hypothyroidism…
And animal experiments have shown that T3 enters the brain much more easily than T4.
The primate experiments were carried out back in 1983 and the paper was published in Critical Care Medicine.
“Thyroid hormone transport across the blood brain barrier in hypothyroid patients is clinically important yet poorly understood.”
So, to learn more about how thyroid hormones enter the brain, the researchers carried out experiments using baboons.
The baboons were injected with the different thyroid hormones – T4 and T3.
The researchers analyzed the cerebrospinal fluids of the animals.
In this way, they could see how much of the thyroid hormones were getting to the brain.
The body is pretty strict about what it allows into the brain. It’s not a free-flowing system.
Substances are given access to the brain according to what the brain needs.
The researchers found that 1.7% of the T3 injected into the animals made its way into the cerebrospinal fluid as was made available to the brain.
On the other hand, only about one-third as much of the injected T4 made it into the brain – a total of 0.6%.
The active thyroid hormone T3 makes its way to the brain 3 times more easily than T4.
This has huge implications for thyroid patients – especially if their T3 levels are low.
Even though the brain can turn T4 into the active form T3, T4 is restricted from entering the brain in a way that T3 is not.
This research was done in the context of myxoedema coma.
Myxoedema coma is severe hypothyroidism leading to decreased mental status and slowing of function in multiple organs.
It is a medical emergency with a high mortality rate.
The implication is that people in myxoedema coma given only supplemental T4 are more likely to die because the brain may be starved of thyroid hormone (T3) it needs.
“T3 may be a better agent than T4 in treating patients with myxoedema coma because T3 crosses more rapidly and more completely from serum to cerebrospinal fluid.”
But these findings are important for less severe cases of hypothyroidism.
Impaired brain function is one of the earliest and most obvious signs of hypothyroidism.
And people being improperly treated for hypothyroidism – meaning their T3 levels are not high enough…
Could be suffering mental problems because of the decreased ability for T4 to enter the brain.
Even if your T4 blood levels are high, your brain can be starved of thyroid hormones.
If you have thyroid problems it is essential that you monitor T3 levels.
Many people require taking supplemental T3 alongside the usual supplemental T4 in order to optimize T3 levels in the blood (and the brain).
T3 is a fast acting substance and you can overdose on it. Don’t mess around with it.
Find a doctor who is competent to assess and supplement T3 if necessary.
—-Important Message About Energizing Your Thyroid—-
Top secret anti-aging hormone finally available to the public
I’ve discovered a top secret natural anti-aging supplement that perfectly manages T3 and T4 in the body.
And it gets the thyroid working at full potential, giving you energy and vitality at any age.
Celebrities like Rod Stewart have been using this secret anti-aging hormone for decades.
Just look at how it allows him to perform like he’s in his 20s… even though he’s 77 years old!
And now at long last, this natural anti-aging hormone is available to men like you and me… but for how long?
Here’s the secret anti-aging hormone celebrities are using – get it here before it’s gone again