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—-Important Message From Aaron Wilcoxx—-
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Mushrooms that can dramatically help men
The effect of mushrooms on human health is complicated.
Many mushrooms can kill you.
Edible mushrooms, when not properly prepared, can do serious damage to your liver over time.
Yet, well-prepared edible mushrooms are perhaps one of the most healthy foods you could consume.
They don’t need to be expensive, boutique mushrooms, imported from their far ends of the earth either.
Commonly available mushrooms are among the most beneficial.
Alongside normalizing hormone levels and significantly lowering your cancer risks…
Edible mushrooms seem to have profound effects on type II diabetes and its associated health problems.
These animal experiments were carried out at the University of Nairobi. The findings were published in the University of Nairobi Research Archives.
Medicinal mushrooms used to be very widely consumed in many parts of the world.
But advances in chemical treatments have meant that much of this knowledge has been lost…
And due to the potential dangers of consuming mushrooms, many people avoid them altogether.
But scientific research into the biological effects of mushrooms has begun to accelerate in recent years.
“Mushrooms are currently being recognized as important foods for their significant role in human health, nutrition and disease.”
One of the things researchers have been pointing out is the relationship between mushroom consumption and the risk of type II diabetes.
Countries which consume large amounts of mushrooms have much lower rates of type II diabetes.
This study was designed to see whether there was a direct causal relationship between mushrooms and diabetes.
The researchers carried out their experiments on rats.
The rats were given a toxic chemical which causes diabetes. Some of these rats were also given mushrooms.
The researchers used 2 types of easily available, common mushrooms.
These were the oyster mushroom and the white button mushroom.
The poisoned rats were given either no treatment, oyster mushrooms, white button mushrooms, or both mushrooms together.
All of the mushroom treatments resulted in lower blood sugar levels in the diabetic animals.
“Blood glucose was significantly reduced in diabetic rats fed on white button mushroom, oyster mushroom and in the combination of the two mushroom preparations as compared to the control group.”
(The control group was given the toxin which causes diabetes but received no mushrooms.)
Diabetes is associated with significant alterations to cholesterol.
Treatment with the mushrooms prevented these changes in cholesterol ratios associated with diabetes.
Type II diabetes is also wasting disease – it causes people to lose weight.
The animals given mushroom supplements didn’t lose weight, unlike their mushroom free pals.
“The current study shows that both mushrooms are important in controlling weight loss.”
Improperly prepared mushrooms can damage organs, particularly the liver.
The liver is also harmed by processes which occur during type II diabetes.
The researchers found that the mushrooms seem to have a protective effect on the liver.
“There was no change in bilirubin and creatinine levels. Indicating that mushrooms protect against anemia, jaundice, liver disease and even acute chronic kidney disorders.”
The mushroom treatments seem to protect against the most common organ damage seen in type II diabetes.
“Our findings show that mushrooms have significant health benefits including hypoglycemic and cholesterol-lowering activities that can be used to protect against metabolic diseases like type II diabetes.”
There are many reasons why mushrooms might protect against metabolic disease.
Mushrooms contain special fibers which are indigestible but tend to absorb toxic bacteria in the gut.
These toxic bacteria then leave the body when the mushrooms pass through.
These toxic bacteria could otherwise leak into the body, poisoning our metabolic systems.
These bacteria are well known to be major players in type II diabetes and obesity.
The bacteria which cause obesity and type II diabetes also cause an increase in blood cholesterol.
Cholesterol is one of the things that the body uses to detoxify these bacteria.
As mushrooms help to remove these bacteria, the body does not need to change cholesterol levels significantly.
Mushrooms also contain compounds which help to normalize hormone levels.
They prevent useful testosterone from being turned into inflammatory estrogen.
This is particularly helpful for men, where this effect could also prevent obesity and type II diabetes.
Something else we know about mushrooms is that they contain anti-inflammatory compounds.
Inflammation poisons the metabolic system leading to weight gain, blood sugar problems, and insulin resistance.
Mushrooms are in the top class of superfoods for better health.
You just have to make sure that they are properly prepared – meaning well cooked.
—-Important Message For Men Who Don’t Like Mushrooms—-
Eat these delicious foods for breakfast — may reverse blood sugar symptoms in 2 weeks or less
Men eating these foods at breakfast time are finding a very nice testosterone increase…
And once blood sugars are normal, doctors can take them off their medications like Metformin, Cycloset, Avandia, Actos, Januvia, insulin, and more…
Even men who are prediabetic may find that their blood sugar goes from an average of 118 fasting down to 95 in just a few weeks…
Even type 2 diabetics and pre diabetics could possibly reverse their symptoms with this special breakfast.
And diabetic men — without taking any Big Pharma treatments — may report that their blood sugar goes from 300 or 200, down to 95 or 100.
Here’s the special breakfast men are eating that costs less than a few dollars to make