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If your t-levels are low and you’re not performing at your best… THIS is the fix you need…. (and it even helps Type 2 diabetics recover their insulin function)
——Important Message——
Diabetics have this super-crazy thing in common:
Type 2 diabetics are great fat burners. Did you know that?
That’s right. Their cells are great at burning fat.
However, diabetic men can’t burn sugar. They burn fat instead.
That’s the simple secret these diabetic men are not being told.
A diabetic man can start burning sugar again using a simple combination of safe kitchen ingredients I call the cellular smoothie.
This cellular smoothie kicks a man’s cells into burning sugar by making it almost impossible for them to burn fat.
It inhibits lipolysis – or the burning of fat that is the SCOURGE of diabetic men.
And guess what? Men reclaim powerful vein-busting, stick-out-of-your-pants tenting hard-ons again… Thanks to this cellular smoothie.
Want the smoothie? Go here… And find out why it’s not too late for diabetics to reverse their diabetes, starting now…
How to boost testosterone levels with… coffee?
Before we reveal how to boost t-levels with coffee, it’s important you see this first:
How to get your sexual prowess back even while your prostate is recovering…
Nearly 25% of men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime…
So the risk of SOMETHING going wrong with your prostate is high.
If you’re under 40, you have little to worry about (although prostate cancer at a young age can be quite aggressive)…
But if you are 65 or older, you have a good chance of being diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer.
The good news is that dying from prostate cancer is relatively rare.
But many of the treatments that they give men for prostate cancer – including surgeries – can leave guys with sexual problems that are difficult to fix.
An important note here about surgery…
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If you have a non-aggressive type of prostate cancer – and that’s what most prostate cancers are – then please do your due diligence before letting a doctor cut into you.
There are times when surgery is appropriate… But many times watchful waiting is a better option and leaves your sexual function intact.
I’m not a doctor, so I can’t give you medical advice. But it is important for you to understand that the risks of prostate surgeries and treatments sometimes outweigh the benefits.
Please, make sure you do your research.
However, if you do get prostate surgery or treatment and lose your sexual function, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost.
Early intervention with a vacuum constriction device can help to restore normal function more completely and faster after prostate surgery than not using anything.
What is a vacuum constriction device?
Well, it’s also known as a penis pump.
They’re often sold as size enhancement tools (and they do give a temporary size boost), but they work well for erectile dysfunction as well because they draw blood into the penis.
They come in both hand pump varieties and battery-operated types.
There isn’t a big difference in how they operate, so it really comes down to personal preference.
Are there any dangers with using a vacuum constriction device?
When used in moderation they can be beneficial…
In particular, they can get things kick-started again with erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery (more on that soon).
But…if you use the device too often and too long you can damage your penis.
So, like many things, more is not necessarily better.
Use the device to understand how to use it, and then use it to have intercourse.
Or if you don’t have a partner use it several times a week to “prime the pump.”
Using a vacuum constriction device after prostate surgery…
When it comes to sex, the saying “use it or lose it” is true.
Your penis needs regular blood flow to stay healthy (which is why morning wood is so important).
A penis pump can help get that blood flow moving again after surgery.
In this study, 80% of the men who used one with a constriction ring were able to have vaginal intercourse with their partners just 4 weeks after surgery.
“Use of the VCD (vacuum constriction device) began an average 3.9 weeks after surgery (range, 2–8 weeks). All of the 74 patients who initiated early VCD for treatment of ED following RP had attempted to use their VCD, and 60 (80%) successfully used VCD with a constriction ring for vaginal intercourse…”
That’s because men were getting back on the horse faster (so to speak)…
And getting the blood flowing into their penis to create an erection…
Even if it was induced by the penis pump, they had better results than guys who didn’t have this treatment.
“Our results suggest that early use of VCD resulted in a normal erection recovery rate (erections sufficient for vaginal intercourse) that was higher than the rate among non-treated controls.”
Long-term results were good too.
Guys who used the penis pumps also had longer-term, more satisfying results.
“They reported long-term efficacy and patient satisfaction rates of more than 80% with a statistically significant increase in the frequency of successful intercourse attempts in 79% of the patients using the device for 1 year, which were maintained in 77% beyond the first year.”
So if you have to have prostate surgery (or you are dealing with other types of ED) a vacuum constriction device can help you to get things moving again.
They aren’t expensive and you can buy them on Amazon.com or in pretty much any sex toy store.
———— Important Message —————
How men can boost testosterone levels with coffee
To see how coffee can boost testosterone, I first have to tell you about a weird receptor all men have. It’s called Farnesoid X.
And you can think of Farnesoid X receptor as man’s best friend.
The Farnesoid X receptor protects you against cancer. It increases your T levels. It helps Type 2 diabetics recover insulin.
And this X receptor can be activated with coffee. That means you can drink coffee and boost t production, and even enhance your sex drive over time.
But remember, it’s dangerous to overload on coffee because of the caffeine.
And it wouldn’t be healthy to start going to Starbucks every day either…
So, I searched and searched for a normal way to increase testosterone… and what I found was the total opposite of normal…

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