How to avoid this toxic chemical that’s in many foods

Here’s what to look for




Matt Cook here, and I’m always trying to watch out for fake food-like substances…


But it seems like every day, there’s some new toxic additive they’re sneaking into our foods.


And some of these additives aren’t even on the label!


So here’s what to watch out for to make sure you’re not eating any foods with this toxic emulsifier in it…


—-Important Message From Dr. Joe—-


This Native American secret keeps 81 y.o. man going for hours


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You may already know that Native American elders were the most respected members of their tribe…


…but did you know they were also the most sexually active men in the tribe?


It’s true! It was their job to populate the next generation of the tribe.


And it was also their job to sleep with all the most fertile women in the tribe.


So some elders had to sleep with up to 14 new young girls every week!


One especially big tribe was able to dominate other tribes by using a secret “sexual enhancer” to keep their elders VERY sexually active.


The tribe elder would make this special brew from the bark of trees that grew in the mountains.


Unfortunately, the puritans came in the 1500s and destroyed the tribe’s recipe to make the brew from the bark.


They BANNED the bark because of how sexually tempting it was to their Puritan men.


So this secret was lost for hundreds of years…until now…


Discover this special brew here




How to avoid this toxic chemical that’s in many foods


“Fake food-like substances” are what my colleague Heather calls all the stuff that manufactures put in our food that isn’t actually food.

This started in the 1950s and with the invention of many new shelf stable products these additives have increased a great deal over time.

Many of these additives are widely considered “safe.”


But these fake food-like substances often pose hidden dangers that we’re only starting to discover.


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One of the types of ingredients that’s particularly troublesome is emulsifiers.


Emulsifiers are added to foods to give them a longer shelf life and to improve texture.


They are found in many foods including salad dressings and many ice creams.

Emulsifiers, which are added to many processed foods to enhance texture and promote shelf life.


In a study from Georgia State University, researchers looked at one emulsifier in particular called carboxymethylcellulose (CMC).

CMC has been in use in our foods since the 1960s.


It has been considered safe to use as a food additive because it passes through the body without being absorbed.

CMC has not been extensively tested in humans but has been increasingly used in processed foods since the 1960s. It had long been assumed that CMC was safe to ingest because it is eliminated in the feces without being absorbed.


But CMC isn’t as safe as the giant food industry would want us to believe.


That’s because we carry so much of our immune system and ability to be healthy in the microbiome that lives in our gut and colon.

And things that pass through our body unabsorbed go through the colon and interact with our gut there.


That interaction causes problems…CMC as well as other emulsifiers set people up for lots of bowel problems.

Experiments in mice found that CMC, and some other emulsifiers, altered gut bacteria resulting in more severe disease in a range of chronic inflammatory conditions, including colitis, metabolic syndrome and colon cancer. However, the extent to which such results are applicable to humans had not been previously investigated.


And if bowel problems are occurring, then you can be nearly certain that other health conditions will follow.

When the ingestion of CMC was studied in humans, they found that this additive diminished the gut from beneficial microorganisms in the gut.

Furthermore, fecal samples from CMC-treated participants displayed a stark depletion of beneficial metabolites that are thought to normally maintain a healthy colon.


The researchers believe that CMC causes chronic inflammation and that it could be problematic.

Thus, while CMC consumption did not result in any disease per se in this two week study, collectively the results support the conclusions of animal studies that long-term consumption of this additive might promote chronic inflammatory diseases.


It turns out that just because something “passes through” the body doesn’t mean that it does nothing to the body.

“It certainly disproves the ‘it just passes through’ argument used to justify the lack of clinical study on additives,” said Georgia State University’s Dr. Andrew Gewirtz, one of the paper’s senior authors.

Based on the research that I’ve done, emulsifiers are bad news.


It’s a very good idea to look at the ingredient labels of foods you eat.


If you see ingredients on the label that aren’t food, you might want to not eat it and eat real food instead.

What we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our health. Be careful about what you put into YOUR body.


—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-


This “healthy” food contains this manhood-killing toxin – how to identify it and stop eating it…


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Nearly 100 years ago, manufacturing companies started contaminating food with a toxic killer chemical…


And now today, it’s in almost every single food item we eat.


It’s in fast food, organic food, so-called “healthy” foods — every single food at the grocery store is full of this toxic chemical.


And it’s doing terrible things to men’s bodies…


Unfortunately, there’s almost no way to avoid eating this killer chemical nowadays. It’s in too much of the food supply.


But I’ve finally discovered a way to safely destroy this killer lipid once it enters our bodies — BEFORE it gets in the bloodstream and wreaks havoc in our cells and organs.


Discover how to destroy this killer chemical lurking in the U.S. food supply and save yourself from obesity, diabetes, erections problems, and even Alzheimer’s.




Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.