It’s crazy how well this is working — and you can do it too…

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Men who do this one thing during intercourse naturally last longer
In this controversial video, you will discover the strange story of how I figured out the secret to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 30 minutes.
What I reveal in this video is not a trick, con or scam and has been taught to thousands of other men.
You’ll discover one special thing to do during sex that will make you last longer in bed naturally.
How I’m using coconut oil to fight off flus and viruses
Viruses are everywhere — people carry many viruses in the body at any one time.
Most viruses go unnoticed, some cause minor symptoms, and a few can be very dangerous to people with low immunity.
Most importantly, viruses can open people up to secondary bacterial infections.
So protection from viruses is important.
There are numerous natural ways we can use to fight viral infections.
One of these is a type of fat called monolaurin — which is from coconut oil.

These viral experiments were carried out at the Risk Surgery Virology Branch of the Centers For Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. The results were published in the Journal of Food Safety.
Monolaurin is a type of fat, derived from lauric acid which is found in abundance in coconut oil.
This type of fat is also found in human breast milk and small amounts are even in cow and goat milk.
Initial experiments using refined monolaurin, carried out way back in 1978, found that it had some antibacterial and anti-viral properties.
The current experiments here were designed to see just how effective this type of fat is against viruses which commonly attack humans.
“Because of previous research and the probability that monolaurin would have few side effects, we felt it was important to measure the antiviral effects of monolaurin on major human viruses.”
The researchers tested monolaurin on 14 different viruses which attack humans.
These were all enveloped viruses — which can be particularly difficult to attack because of their protective casing or envelope.
The experiments were carried out on viruses like influenza, herpes, and coronavirus. As well as the viruses which cause mumps and measles.
“Monolaurin was tested for antiviral activity against 14 human enveloped viruses in cell culture.”
Monolaurin had a massive antiviral effect on every single virus used in the experiments.
“At concentrations of 1% for one hour, all viruses were reduced in infectivity by more than 99.9%.”
Monolaurin absolutely smashed these viruses in the petri dish.
The researchers found that monolaurin actually broke down the defenses of the viruses.
Monolaurin disintegrated the envelope — leaving the virus open to the human immune system.
“Monolaurin acted similarly on all the viruses and reduced infectivity by disintegrating the virus envelope.”
Once the virus envelope — the “shield” — was destroyed, the virus didn’t stand a chance.
Viruses come in many different forms. Two major types are the RNA virus and the more complex DNA virus.
The envelope shields of the RNA viruses are more protective than that found in the DNA variant.
Monolaurin was effective against both DNA and RNA viruses.
“Or in a viruses habit double additur envelope which contains fat and proteins. DNA viruses have a loose outer envelope which contains lipids – essential for infection.”
The researchers carried out numerous experiments where they combined monolaurin with other substances.
But monolaurin by itself was sufficient to destroy all viruses used in the study.
The researchers were interested in using monolaurin as a food additive — to prevent the spread of viruses via processed foods.
But monolaurin is now widely available and used as a supplement to prevent or recover from viruses.
The only limitation seems to be that monolaurin works on the lipid envelope — so it probably doesn’t work on viruses that don’t have an envelope.
Small amounts of monolaurin can be found in dairy products from cows and goats.
But by far the best food source of monolaurin is coconut oil.
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This is how I’m using this simple OTC treatment to never get sick anymore
I have my own protocol for viruses, flus, and pesky sinus infections.
And since I’ve been doing this simple protocol, I have not gotten sick.
My wife Jodi uses it, and she was only sick a few days over the past 18 months and it was only a slight cold.
I’ve shared this with a number of friends and students and they have not gotten sick either, or if they did it was like Jodi’s — gone in a few days and mild anyway.