This is the key to feeling young, having lots of energy and stamina, and replacing belly fat with lean strong muscles…
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—-Important Message—-
How CID5920 fires up the thyroid for a faster, hotter metabolism
Your thyroid is actually the gas pedal of the human body…
And almost all men find their thyroid levels fall as they reach 40, 50, and beyond.
Thankfully, a secret natural hormone called CID5920 fires up the thyroid fast — in just 2 weeks, the thyroid can be working better and faster.
Yes, it’s that easy to wake up your thyroid and put your foot on the gas pedal again.
And now, as your thyroid starts revving up, you are immediately feeling it in your body…
Your muscles and your tendons are coming alive, eager to stretch and work and build up…
Even your reaction times are startlingly fast now. Like when you were 16.
And sexually, OMG…
Nothing will shock you as much as the awakening that you are experiencing now in the bedroom…
Here’s how to get CID5920 and naturally boost thyroid
How I boost thyroid and metabolism with 1 simple trick
Hey, Matt Cook here, and your metabolic rate is probably the most important factor for your long-term health.
Metabolic rate determines how much energy your cells produce and how they produce that energy – both are critical.
Thyroid hormone (T3) is essential for the biochemistry of energetic metabolism.
Your cells need T3 in order to produce lots of energy in the most efficient manner.
Anything that causes a significant decrease in thyroid hormone (T3) will have long-term negative effects on your health.
But this is what we see with many of the popular fad diets these days.
They often seem to cause beneficial effects in the short term…
…but when you see what is going on “under the hood” you understand why they are so detrimental over the long term.
Researchers studying a high-fat, low-carbohydrate found that it led to a significant drop in thyroid hormone levels which were obvious after only 3 months.
The human research was carried out at Oslo University Hospital. The paper was published in Epilepsy and Behavior.
10 or 15 years ago, the Atkins diet was quite popular.
More recently there has been a ketogenic diet fad.
These are both diets which are very high in fat and low in other macronutrients.
These diets can be useful for people suffering from severe epilepsy which cannot be treated by standard treatments.
But they are not without side effects.
“The use of ketogenic diet as a supplement to anti-seizure ‘treatment’ in refractory epilepsy has increased in the past decades.”
The authors of this study are quite right in pointing out that these high-fat diets mimic some of the metabolic effects of fasting.
The body requires a certain amount of carbohydrates…
…and limiting carbohydrates triggers biochemical reactions just the same way that fasting does.
“This high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet mimics the metabolic state of fasting and is generally well-tolerated.”
Long-term fasting or low carbohydrate diets will be interpreted by the body as famine or starvation.
And the authors wondered whether this signal could have detrimental long-term effects.
“However, the long-term adverse effects of the diet are unclear.”
So, they carried out a study looking at the effect of this high-fat, low carbohydrate diet on thyroid hormone levels.
“The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the modified Atkins diet, a variant of the ketogenic diet, may have an impact on thyroid hormone levels.”
During fasting, famine, or starvation, the body regulates the production of thyroid hormones.
This means that you use less energy – it is an adaptive mechanism that helps you to survive longer in an emergency situation.
But down-regulating thyroid function means that the body does not have enough energy to carry out the daily restorative tasks…
…and health will suffer as a result.
“We assessed thyroid function by measuring TSH, fT4, T3, and fT3, before the diet started and after 12 weeks on the diet in 53 adult patients.”
The researchers discovered significant changes in thyroid hormone parameters after just 3 months on the high-fat, low carbohydrate diet.
There were changes in both thyroid hormones.
The active thyroid hormone (T3) decreased by about 10%.
“We found a significant reduction in T3 and fT3 values (13.4% and 10.6%, respectively) and a significant increase in fT4 values (12.1%).”
T4 is the storage form of thyroid hormone – it exists in order to be converted into T3.
The increase in T4 indicates that high-fat, low carbohydrate diets cause problems with thyroid hormone conversion.
(The mechanisms behind this have been elucidated in cell studies and animal research.)
Another worrying factor about this is that there was not a significant rise in TSH.
TSH should go in the opposite way to thyroid hormones and most doctors only look at it TSH when assessing thyroid hormone function.
The fact that TSH does not move much means that these problems with thyroid hormone conversion will probably be overlooked.
“In addition, there was an insignificant increase in TSH.”
High-fat, low carbohydrate diets cause significant changes in thyroid hormone levels.
These changes are obvious after only 3 months.
The researchers did not look to see if these detrimental effects continue to get worse over time.
“This study indicates that dietary treatment for epilepsy may bring about a modest fall in thyroid hormone levels.”
High-fat, low carbohydrate diets can seem very good in the short term.
But over the long term they cause a lot of health problems…
…because they send famine-signals to the body and the body regulates thyroid hormone conversion – slowing metabolism.
—-Important Message—-
Avoid keto and low carb diets! Men who eat sugar, burn sugar — and this is FANTASTIC for male health and performance
Remember being a kid and being warm and full of energy all the time?
You’d go outside to play in the cold and Mom would be calling after you, “Don’t forget your jacket!”
But you wouldn’t even feel cold, you’d be burning up out there.
And it’s because as kids, our bodies are always burning SUGAR.
YOUTH is sugar burning. Even scientists agree.
But as we age, our metabolisms get slow and cold, and instead of burning sugar for energy, the body starts burning fat…
And burning fat is BAD.
This is what happens to a man when he burns only fat and not sugar:
Diabetes, low testosterone, erections problems, obesity, more age-related diseases, even cancer…
So a hot, fast, sugar-burning metabolism is the key to remaining young and healthy no matter how old you are.