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—-Important Message About Scarring and Fibrosis—-
How do you know if you have scarring and fibrosis in your penis?
Fibrosis in the penis is basically plaque that builds up inside the narrow blood vessels…
And the biggest red flag is a bend, noticeable curve, or lump in the penis.
But note this: you do NOT need a bend. Or a knot there. Or a hard spot.
You can have a perfectly normal-feeling male member and still have penile fibrosis.
If you’re not getting morning wood anymore, or nocturnal erections — penile fibrosis is probably to blame.
And there’s a solution that gets rid of this scarring and fibrosis in the penis in just a few days…
Penile fibrosis is completely reversible — here’s how
Avoiding ascites
Matt Cook here, and liver cirrhosis is also known as end-stage liver disease.
It’s a description of scarring and fibrous tissue buildup inside the liver.
Contrary to popular belief, there are things you can do to improve cirrhosis.
One common complication of cirrhosis is ascites.
Ascites are an abnormal buildup of fluid inside the abdominal cavity.
Because of cirrhosis, the body can’t handle water and sodium properly.
This leads to the buildup of ascites, causing a swollen and distended stomach.
Ascites can also cause overall weight gain, swelling of the ankles, and shortness of breath.
Hernias, inflection, and fluid accumulation in the chest are further complications.
But a common substance called taurine can help the body shed this problematic, excess water.
Taurine does this by helping the body deal more easily with sodium.
Taurine is available as a supplement, and is also found in large amounts in some energy drinks and in sea scallops.
The human experiments were carried out at Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Isola Tiberina, in Rome, Italy. The paper was published in Life Sciences.
Taurine is an amino acid – amino acids are usually used to build proteins in the body.
The human body contains a lot of taurine – but it’s not used to build protein.
In recent years, numerous studies have shown that there are many beneficial biological effects of taurine.
This perhaps explains why the body holds onto so much of it.
“Taurine is a non-protein amino acid widely distributed in mammalian tissues, with poorly understood functions.”
In cases of liver damage (cirrhosis) one of the complicating factors is the inability to get rid of excessive sodium…
…leading to accumulation of too much water in the body.
Previous animal experiments have shown that animals given taurine urinate more, losing more water and losing more sodium in the urine.
“Increased urinary volume and sodium excretion have been reported in taurine-fed hamsters.”
In people with liver cirrhosis, the buildup of pockets of sodium-laden water can be a real problem.
This can cause massive swelling of the abdomen – it’s something known as ascites, or ascitic liver.
“Patients with ascitic liver cirrhosis have severe abnormalities and may be sensitive to taurine feeling. So we evaluated the effects of intravenous taurine on urine and sodium excretion.”
The researchers recruited 8 people with liver cirrhosis and ascites for their experiments.
The participants were given intravenous taurine and monitored to see how they urinated…
…and how much sodium was contained in the urine.
On another day, the researchers were given an intravenous injection of only saltwater – believed to be completely inactive.
The researchers compared urine and sodium output on the 2 different days.
Taurine caused a rapid increase in urination and sodium excretion in the cirrhotic patients.
“After taurine, but not after saline, there was a prompt and significant increase in urinary volume and sodium excretion.”
In the hours after injection of taurine or saltwater, those given taurine passed twice as much urine.
Holding onto too much water is a major problem for people with cirrhotic liver and ascites.
This excess water is associated with excess sodium – which the liver has problems dealing with.
The researchers found that taurine also doubled the amount of sodium passed by the liver patients over the next few hours.
“Urinary sodium increased from 13 to 26 units.”
Taurine was quickly cleared from the blood and the increases in urine and sodium excretion returned to baseline after only a few hours.
The researchers found no side effects during either experiment.
“We conclude that taurine in liver cirrhosis and ascites promotes short-term increase in urination and sodium excretion.”
The use of supplemental taurine – or increased taurine consumption from foods like sea scallop…
…could help with ascites and other water and sodium-related side effects of liver cirrhosis.
You should always consult your doctor when considering the use of supplements in severe conditions like liver cirrhosis.
—-Important Message About Protecting Your Liver—-
Is there a liver-rockiness connection?
The weirdest thing happened when I cleaned out my liver…
My wife Jodi noticed it. “What is going on,” she asks me, quite pleased, a glimmer in her eye…
At the time, I hadn’t experienced a boner like that for many years. Now they’re back — and still are, years later.
So how is it that cleaning out my liver made such eye popping erections a normal, daily thing?
I ended up developing a protocol that works for most men.
And I’m able to share my complete protocol right here, right now for the first time…