Incredible effects from a plant

—-Important Message—-
Oxytocin works 113 times better than testosterone for boosting “rockiness”
This is great news for men with low T or men taking testosterone treatments.
Because now there’s something else you can use to get better, longer-lasting erections — and it’s 100% natural.
It’s called oxytocin, and it increases the quality of your boners.
It increases the length of time you can keep a boner.
And it increases the number of times you can come.
And you know how sometimes it seems that intercourse just doesn’t feel as good as it used to?
Well good news — because oxytocin in increasing the amount of pleasure you feel at the same time it is giving you a strong rocky one:

With high oxytocin, you feel pleasure not just in your member, but all over your body.
And it is sex like you’ve never experienced before. Sex the way it should be.
You may now be thinking, “How can I get ahold of some oxytocin?”
Just use my Pleasure Protocol to naturally increase oxytocin tonight.
How blue lotus raises oxytocin and gives men better boners
The blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) has traditionally been considered an aphrodisiac.
There are papyrus illustrations of its use dating back to ancient Egypt (1292–1549 BC).
A very similar plant, called the white water lily (Nymphaea ampla), contains the same alkaloids and was likewise used by the ancient Mayans.
Blue lotus is still used as an aphrodisiac and for “rockiness” problems – with dozens of online testimonials proving its efficacy.
And modern science fully supports this contention.
Although there are no clinical and/or experimental trials proving it directly, there’s a considerable amount of circumstantial data that support this belief.
Blue lotus contains the alkaloids nuciferine, nornuciferine, and roemerine in amounts of: 7.61 mg⁄g, 4.47 mg⁄g, and .49 mg⁄g, respectively.
And all of these bind dopamine D2 receptors, an action known to increase libido by releasing oxytocin.
In males, oxytocin is known to induce erections – even in extremely low concentrations.
This is exactly why apomorphine – a D2 receptor agonist – has been commonly prescribed for treating impotence since the 1980s.
“Although dopamine exerts its effects via D1-like and D2-like receptors, the D2-like receptor subtypes have been implicated in mediating erectile function via oxytocin.” (Baskerville, 2009)
Another natural drug of this class, bromocriptine, has also been shown to improve impotence.
Not surprisingly, this compound too has been shown to release oxytocin.
The fact that apomorphine potently activates D2 receptors should be no surprise, really, as the dopamine structure lies within.
The same can be said about nuciferine and nornuciferine – both include a methylated dopamine structure.

Apomorphine is an extremely potent D2 agonist, and so is bromocriptine. But, unfortunately, they’re available only by prescription.
On the other hand, nuciferine is widely available as a main constituent of the blue lotus.
Nuciferine is also a rather potent D2 agonist, as shown below – a property that would perhaps best explain its traditional role in enhancing libido:

After using software to predict the activity of nuciferine on cellular targets, these researchers then tested the drug in vitro on a panel of real receptors.
(In vitro means a lab situation that doesn’t involve living cells or creatures. When they do use living cells or creatures, that’s in vivo.)
This revealed that nuciferine’s most potent target was the D2 dopamine receptor – it was characterized as a partial agonist.
The other two most potent activities were found in inhibiting 5-HT1D (serotonin) and alpha-01D (adrenergic) receptors…
These make it an anti-serotonergic as well as a vaso-relaxant agent.
“Functional studies indicate that nuciferine shows appreciable potency as a D2 partial agonist… Nuciferine was a partial agonist at D2 receptors with an activity…similar to aripiprazole…” (Farrell, 2016)
(Aripiprazole is an antipsychotic medicine.)
When used in normal amounts, nuciferine would seem to behave as a D2activator – similar to apomorphine and bromocriptine.
This is especially relevant considering that the D2 receptor is responsible for releasing oxytocin…
This effect has been reliably demonstrated in rats (Clarke, 1979), monkeys (Amico, 1993), and humans (Nussey, 1988).
In fact, this D2-oxytocin mechanism had been proven to underlie apomorphine’s success in treating ED (Melis, 1988).

So now we have a realistic explanation for the traditional use of blue lotus, giving us confidence towards the idea that it works.
After all, two other D2-dopaminergic agents, bromocriptine and apomorphine, have been proven quite successful for enhancing the erectile response.
Although nuciferine isn’t quite as potent as apomorphine in vitro, there are a few reasons to suppose it could be just as powerful upon ingestion.
This is because nuciferine has an open‑ring isomer called atherospermine, a form of the molecule that even better resembles dopamine.
The open ring isomer of nornuciferine, also found in blue lotus, resembles dopamine even more:

Apomorphine also has an open‑ring isomer.
But, unlike nuciferine’s isomer, it actually bears less resemblance to dopamine than the parent form.
So, perhaps not surprisingly, it’s been found to have less in vivo activity as compared to apomorphine itself.
On the other hand, open‑chain nuciferine has been shown to exert greater dopaminergic activity than nuciferine proper…even at lower doses.
This is one thing to consider.
But, since atherospermine is never looked for in pharmacokinetic studies, it’s difficult to know how much is formed.
“The flexible side chain in atherosperminine can assume the required anti-conformation for proper interaction with dopamine receptors to make this alkaloid a dopamine receptor agonist.” (Bhattacharya, 1978)
Yet a more modern study has actually proven that a different nuciferine metabolite, O,O‑demethyl nuciferine, actually has a fourfold greater affinity for D2 dopamine receptors than the parent compound:

They synthesized this nuciferine metabolite, which is also called 1,2‑dihydroxy aporphine, and its open‑ring isomer.
And they tested that against dopamine receptors D1 and D2.
This is essentially just doubly‑demethylated nuciferine.

Dihydroxyaporphine is also a metabolite of nornuciferine, meaning that blue lotus contains two molecules that can easily be transformed into nornuciferine.
As shown below, the affinity of both dihydroxy aporphine (3d) and its open‑ring phenanthrene (4b) are approximately four times as great as nuciferine (3b) and its open‑ring congener (4a):

And with an affinity constant of .045 μM it’s even slightly stronger than apomorphine, the most popular ED drug before the phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
And apomorphine certainly is potent…with only 2 to 4 mg being shown to triple the number of erections in impotent subjects.

And, based on numerous testimonials, I would expect blue lotus to do the same.
“He had occasionally experienced erectile semi-dysfunction due to depression but the Lotus seemed to take care of that in a big way.”(Blue Lotus)
This is because nuciferine is also a D2 agonist – and quite similar to apomorphine, to boot.
Oxytocin has been found to mediate erections induced by apomorphine and other D2 agonists, and it could even be necessary for this effect in general.
This mechanism was largely proven over 30 years ago…
Yet there are more modern studies that add further proof:

This study involved dopaminergics, oxytocin, and male and female rats.
After confirming that oxytocin neurons do have dopamine receptors, these researchers cannulated the penile shaft of rats with a pressure transducer to quantify boners.
While monitoring intracavernous pressure, they injected oxytocin into the L4‐L6 region of the rats’ spinal cord and graphed the results:

They showed that oxytocin reliably induces erections after a few minutes’ delay.
They also confirmed that apomorphine injected intravenously also produces boners.
This effect is probably mediated via brain uptake and subsequent release of oxytocin in the spinal cord.
So to either confirm or deny this idea, the researchers administered apomorphine intravenously and an oxytocin antagonist intra-spinally.
In this way, they could isolate the role mediated by oxytocin in the pro-erectile effect of D2-agonists.
“Low amounts of oxytocin administered to rats are effective in inducing repeated episodes of penile erections – identifying it as one of the most potent substances facilitating penile erection.” (Martino, 2005)
Perhaps not surprisingly, the oxytocin antagonist largely blocked the erectile response.
This confirms what had been proven earlier, at least twice…
…specifically that D2 receptor agonists produce erections mostly through releasing oxytocin.

So, although there are no scientific reports of blue lotus inducing erections in men, there’s been enough evidence published to suppose that it should.
After all, this is what blue lotus has been traditionally used for – long before apomorphine was first synthesized in 1845.
Oxytocin also enhances arousal in females, meaning that it’s a good idea to share blue lotus with a partner.
“The role of dopamine, in particular, appears fundamental in the mediation of erectile responses in both animals and man.” (Heaton, 2000)
—-Important Message About COVID19—-
Coronavirus breakthrough — watch this now
I’ve discovered a way to help our bodies naturally resist the virus — like a special defense system for your immunities.
It fights the actual CAUSE of sickness and death — which is not the virus, but the cytokines the body secretes when it senses the virus:

Cytokines are what kill us — and if you can control the cytokines, your body can fight off the virus with less severity than a common cold!
So here’s what you should be doing right now to protect yourself from COVID19 >>> watch