He swears he’s never eating vegetables again…
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—-Important Message—-
Why former vegan Bear Grylls HATES vegetables now and ONLY eats meat
The famous survival man Bear Grylls used to be a proud vegan…
But now he ONLY eats meat.
He won’t eat grains, he won’t eat wheat, and he won’t eat vegetables.
He says vegetables “are really not good for you” and that they destroyed his kidney health.
But here’s the thing…
Bear Grylls is just another celebrity jumping from one fad diet after another…
The truth is — ALL of these so-called “gurus” are wrong.
I’ve studied men living past 100 with excellent health and vitality…
…men who smoke, drink, and have sex almost every day…
And the one thing these men all had in common was 1 single food they were all eating…
And it wasn’t vegetables. And it wasn’t meat…
Why I recover so fast now…
Carbon dioxide is one of the most important substances in the body.
We’ve been trained to think of it as merely a waste gas exchanged for precious oxygen in the lungs.
But carbon dioxide is produced in large amounts when cells produce vital energy.
And carbon dioxide has a vast array of benefits all through the body.
Carbon dioxide calms cells and tissue…
And if you do breathing exercises designed to help you retain more carbon dioxide you will find that it calms you.
Recently, researchers have been interested in the anti-inflammatory effect of carbon dioxide.
Pads which contain gels which release carbon dioxide have been shown to increase the recovery time of skin injuries.
Carbon dioxide has even been shown to help with cancer.
More recently, researchers have shown that carbon dioxide makes the body less likely to reject grafts.
Recovery time is shorter.
This could have major implications for plastic surgery and perhaps even major transplants.
The animal experiments were carried out at the Department of General and Specialist Surgery, Plastic Surgery Division, Siena in Italy.
The findings were published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences.
When doing skin grafts and similar procedures, it’s often the case that fat tissues are what come in contact.
The degree of inflammation produced when these 2 tissues collide determines whether or not the graft will take hold or be rejected.
It also determines recovery time.
“This study was to assess the effect of repeated injections of carbon dioxide on fat tissue graft survival in mice.”
The researchers wondered whether the tissue calming, anti-inflammatory effect of carbon dioxide…
…would make it more likely that grafts would hold.
In the experiments, the researchers transplanted a little bit of human fat into the hindquarters of female mice.
“Approximately 0.5 mL of human fat was transplanted into a group of female nude mice.”
The researchers also treated the mice with injections of carbon dioxide around the graft area.
The animals received 3 injections of CO2 over a period of 7 weeks.
The scientist watched to see what happened. They took some samples from the animals when they were alive.
Then the animals were sacrificed and they carried out extensive autopsies to find out what went on.
This grafting tissue from one animal to the other causes inflammation.
The body has to suppress this inflammation (or treatments can be used) in order for the graft to take hold and fully recover.
This study showed that CO2 suppressed the inflammation which can cause grafts to go wrong.
“The presence of inflammation was graded absent to minimal in animals treated with carbon dioxide.”
The researchers also use the control group. Animals which were given the same grafts but were not treated with carbon dioxide.
The untreated animals had noticeably more information.
The results show CO2 may increase the likelihood of graft success and significantly decrease the recovery time period.
“CO2 injection minimises the inflammatory response of the tissues. This treatment may improve graft survival in a more prolonged time frame.”
There is quite a long history of the use of carbon dioxide in human medical treatments.
The evidence from those treatments suggest that this type of therapy could be very safe when done correctly.
At a fundamental level, carbon dioxide works by improving and increasing the metabolic rate.
The increased metabolic rate helps the body to heal more rapidly…
Helping the body to get harmful inflammation under control more quickly.
If you’re old enough to remember a time when wounds were treated by covering them in a bandage which contained honey or sugar…
Then you have seen the effect of carbon dioxide on tissue inflammation and recovery.
Sealing the top layer of the skin like this keeps a small pocket of carbon dioxide under the bandage.
You see, a little bit of carbon dioxide is released through the skin under normal circumstances.
The pocket of CO2 trapped by this method is one of the reasons why this treatment increases recovery time.
It can be very effective provided you get the wound exposed to sunlight a few times a day – light is also essential for optimal recovery.
—-Important Message About Penile Oxygen Levels—-
This sack trick naturally oxygenates your penis for instantly bigger boners
It involves a little technique I like to call the “sack trick” that only requires a paper bag and your penis…
It’s super easy to do, and it can be done at home without having to buy any expensive tools or supplements.
And in just 7 minutes or less, you are naturally getting more oxygen to your penis.
You are oxygenating your penis more and more and more, and it’s making your penis more engorged…
…it’s making you rockier, and it’s helping you last longer on your own and when you’re with a woman…
Here’s the sack trick that naturally oxygenates the penis