His wife is now calling his manhood “the Beast”…
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—-Important Message From Megan—-
How a 64 year old man got his libido and performance back
Hey, I’m Megan, and this is a message I just got from a man who’d rather stay anonymous…
“I’m 64 years old, and for years I was told that my disappearing libido was normal…
Even my doctor told me that low testosterone happens to every guy, and I could either rub chemical cream on my arm or take a tablet.
But both have terrible side effects and well…it’s not NATURAL.
Turns out, there’s a natural way to get your manhood back…
But it’s not by simply “boosting” your testosterone like Big Pharma wants you to believe…
I wish I’d learned this 20, even 30 years ago.
See, the problem is not low testosterone…
When I discovered the REAL problem (it’s another hormone that’s almost never mentioned) and what to do about it…
…it was literally 2 weeks before I felt like a new man…a YOUNGER MAN.
Now my wife can’t keep her hands off my package, and loves the “new me” or should I say…
My new “little me” haha but can’t say he’s exactly “little” anymore. I’m hanging lower, and always swollen and veiny.
My wife is calling my manhood, “Beast” which turns me on even more.
If you’ve got a woman in your life (or you’ve been avoiding women because you don’t feel like a man anymore)…”
Avoid this water tainted by testosterone blockers
Testosterone levels are dropping like a rock, and hormone-related diseases are skyrocketing in both men and women.
There are many reasons for this.
One of them is the increased exposure to different hormone-altering chemicals ubiquitous in the modern world…
Particularly those found in plastics.
By now, most people know about BPA.
BPA is a hormone-altering chemical which used to be used in the production of plastic bottles and other food containers.
These days it is easy to get BPA-free plastics…
…but these plastics often contain BPA-like chemicals which have exactly the same effects and are often even more potent.
Yet it gets even worse for plastic food and drink containers.
There are chemicals in these plastics which block male hormones which researchers cannot even identify!
We only know they are there because we can see their anti-testosterone effects in the lab.
The cell research was carried out at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. The paper was published in PLoS One.
Mass production plastics have been an all-out attack on the endocrine system – the system which produces hormones.
“Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are man-made compounds interfering with hormone signaling and thereby adversely affecting human health.”
These plastics are often particularly estrogenic – leading to increased inflammation, obesity, and cancer risk.
But they can also block androgen receptors – the receptors which activate the effects of male hormones like testosterone.
“Recent reports provide evidence for the presence of EDCs in commercially available bottled water, including steroid receptor agonists and antagonists.”
These lab experiments were designed to look at the effect of compounds in plastic water bottles on estrogen and androgen receptors.
“We assessed the anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic activity of bottled water and tried to identify the causative steroid receptor antagonists.”
(Antagonists means blocker. Androgen-receptor-antagonists block the cell receptors which are activated by testosterone, etc.)
The researchers used samples taken from a broad range of different bottled waters.
“We evaluated the anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic activity of 18 bottled water products in reporter gene assays for human estrogen receptor alpha and androgen receptor.”
Almost all of the bottled waters contained chemicals which block the androgen receptor.
The androgen receptor activates the effects of testosterone and DHT.
If these receptors are blocked and it does not matter how high your testosterone and other male hormones are – they can’t do anything.
“16 of 18 samples were anti-androgenic inhibiting the androgen receptor by up to 90%.”
The researchers used complex chemical analysis to try and identify what could be causing the problems with the androgen receptor.
“Nontarget chemical analysis revealed that out of 24520 candidates present in bottled water one was consistently correlated with the antagonistic activity.”
That research suggested something called DEHF – which most people have never heard of.
“By combining experimental and in silico [computer simulation] data we identified this compound as DEHF.”
But when they looked further, they found that DEHF does not block the androgen receptor.
There are potent blockers of male hormones in bottled water – and researchers don’t even know what they are.
“Since DEHF is antiestrogenic but not antiandrogenic we conclude that additional, yet unidentified EDCs must contribute to the antagonistic effect of bottled water.”
It is impossible to overestimate the detrimental effects of these types of plastics and your health.
They really are causing major hormonal and metabolic problems.
It is shocking that these substances were released to the general public…
…without us even knowing the effect of these synthesized chemicals on the body!
We are only learning about their effects on hormones now – we do not even know which compounds are causing these hormonal problems.
—-Important Message About Hidden Toxins—-
Men: don’t use this toilet paper if you want good prostate health
There’s something in all of our bathrooms that’s causing an epidemic of prostate problems…
Did you know that your toilet paper can be the culprit?
And not just for causing you prostate problems, but leading to hair loss, erections problems, maybe even cancer…
Crazy, but 100% true.