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—-Important Message—-
Hopelessly limp male member revived in as little as 10 minutes
This is the biggest medical discovery—and scandal—on record.
Instead of gobbling up Big Pharma treatments, some buried studies show this single do-it-yourself activity…
…can resurrect the penile member and bring it back to life in as little as 10 minutes.
Because this do-it-yourself activity doubles or even triples penile blood flow and promotes longer-lasting rockiness…
…and the results are almost immediate and permanent.
Here’s how men feel the day after trying this do-it-yourself activity:
“Just wanted to let you know, I woke up with the best morning wood I’ve had in awhile. Felt great.” –Steve |
“I woke up this morning with a full mast and my girlfriend was ecstatic and said she had noticed me being limp and immediately mounted me.” –James |
Be the next success story — here’s the do-it-yourself activity that can double or even triple penile blood flow
17 scientific studies show this 1 food fights cancer
There are a very long list of things which can influence your risk of developing cancer.
Some of these things require great effort for just a tiny reduction in cancer risk.
But there are other changes you can make which require very little effort and can profoundly lower your risk of cancer diagnosis.
In previous articles, I’ve written about the anti-cancer effect of mushrooms – and some of the possible reasons for this effect.
Recently, researchers carried out a meta-analysis on this topic.
They looked at 17 different studies quantifying the effective mushroom consumption on cancer risk.
You only need to eat a small amount of mushrooms to significantly lower your chances of being diagnosed with cancer.
The analysis of human observational studies was carried out at Penn State. The research paper was published in Advances in Nutrition.
Mushrooms are fascinating lifeforms. Many people think they’re just fiber, water, and a little bit of protein.
Yet mushrooms contain many interesting compounds not found in other foods…
…and the fiber contained in mushrooms has unique properties.
These properties help you to detoxify inflammatory hormones and problematic bacteria from the gut.
“Mushrooms are rich in bioactive compounds and the potential benefits associated with motion intake have gained a lot of recent attention.”
Mushrooms are known as medicinal foods all over the world, and it’s been this way for 1,000s of years.
But only in the last few decades are scientific researchers paying attention.
So, the purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between mushroom consumption and cancer risk.
The researchers looked through research databases for high quality human research on that topic.
They found 17 observational studies of high quality which were published between 1966 and 2020.
They ripped all of the data points from these studies and combined all of the information into 1 larger dataset in order to extract stronger conclusions.
As previous researchers concluded, mushrooms are associated with a significantly lower risk of cancer.
People who ate lots of mushrooms were 34% less likely to be diagnosed with cancer than those who ate a minimal amount.
“Higher mushroom consumption was associated with lower risk of total cancers. A 34% reduced risk for highest versus lowest consumption groups.”
The individual studies show mushrooms seem to lower the risks of many different types of cancers.
The relationship between colorectal cancer and mushroom consumption is well known.
But this study found that the strongest relationship was with breast cancer.
High consumption of mushrooms was associated with a 35% reduction in breast cancer risk.
Some types of breast cancer are related to high levels of estrogen in the body.
The body tries to detoxify excess estrogen through the gastrointestinal system – but much of it gets reabsorbed.
Mushroom fibers have the ability to absorb excess estrogen from the gut, making sure it is removed from the body.
This may be one reason why mushrooms could lower breast cancer risk.
Many mushrooms also contain aromatase inhibitors – compounds which lower the production of estrogen.
Estrogen slows the metabolic rate, and men with higher estrogen are more likely to be overweight and obese.
Unsurprisingly, mushroom consumers are leaner.
The researchers also found a non-linear relationship between mushroom consumption and lower cancer risk.
In simple terms, you don’t need to eat masses of mushrooms to have a significant effect.
The research indicates that about an ounce of mushrooms per day could decrease cancer risk by more than 40%.
You don’t need to consume expensive, boutique mushrooms either.
The common, white button mushroom available at every store is just as good.
You do need to take care that your mushrooms are well cooked and that the steam from the mushrooms is allowed to escape.
This is because mushrooms contain compounds which are toxic to the liver which are released by evaporation when cooking.
—-Important Message for Men Who Don’t Like Mushrooms—-
Cheap white powder stopping cancer cells in their tracks
This seemingly ordinary white powder raises men’s testosterone and lowers harmful estrogen…
…it gives you a natural energy boost…
…reduces inflammation all over the body…
…repairs and balances the gut…
And most importantly, it can naturally shrink and prevent cancerous cells, even in the prostate!
Here’s the natural cancer-fighting powder Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about