Here’s why I always filter fluoride out of my drinking water

Read this before you take another sip of water…

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Matt Cook here, and I personally avoid fluoride whenever I can.

Because there’s way too much of it going around, especially in our drinking water.

And if you think fluoride is harmless, think again.

62% of men who are drinking fluoride in the water are getting sick with this disease…

—-Important Message—-

Men who do this one thing during intercourse naturally last longer

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You’re about to discover the strange story of how I figured out the secret to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 30 minutes.

What I reveal here has been taught and is working for thousands of other men.

You’ll discover one special thing to do during sex that will make you last longer in bed naturally.

I recommend you go here now while it’s still up, because there’s a big surprise for you at the end…


Here’s why I always filter fluoride out of my drinking water

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral — it is present in minuscule amounts in water and soil around the world.

In some countries, fluoride has been added to municipal water supplies.

Health authorities in these areas argue that it prevents tooth decay…

But there is much debate about the effect of fluoride on teeth.

And there is much debate about its effect on other aspects of human health too.

In England, the fluoridation of water is controlled by the local government.

This makes England a great place for analyzing health effects of fluoridation.

Researchers compared the rates of hypothyroidism in fluoridated versus non-fluoridated areas of England.

People living in areas with water fluoridation are much more likely to have hypothyroidism.

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This human research was carried out at the Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK.

The results were published in the BMJ Journal of Epidemiological Community Health.

“In England, approximately 10% of the population live in areas with community fluoridation schemes and hypothyroidism prevalence can be assessed from general practice data.”

The researchers collected government data on the amount of fluoride present in drinking water in different areas of England.

Then they accessed medical databases created by local doctors.

These databases contain information on cases of hypothyroidism in the area.

Analysis of the data clearly showed that water fluoridation is linked to higher rates of hypothyroidism.

“We found that higher levels of fluoride in drinking water provides a useful contribution for predicting the prevalence of hypothyroidism.”

They created three different categories of world fluoridation — low, medium, and high concentrations of fluoride.

When the researchers adjusted for other known risk factors, they found that hypothyroidism rates increased as fluoride levels increased.

Hypothyroidism was 37% higher in the medium fluoride areas compared to low fluoride areas.

Hypothyroidism was 62% higher in the high versus low fluoride areas.

Another analysis showed that some fluoridated areas had twice the rate of hypothyroidism.

“We found that practices located in the West Midlands (a wholly fluoridated area) are nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence in comparison to Greater Manchester (non-fluoridated area).”

Hypothyroidism is a health condition caused by low levels of thyroid hormones.

The thyroid hormones are used by cells in the process of generating energy.

People with hypothyroidism are tired and fatigued.

The low levels of cellular energy in hypothyroidism also mean that the body cannot repair itself efficiently – it cannot access enough energy to do so.

So hypothyroidism is associated with dozens of chronic health problems.

These results should not come as a huge surprise.

Until the 1950s, fluoride was prescribed by doctors in Europe and South America for hyperthyroidism — the state of HIGH thyroid hormones.

Fluoride interferes with iodine – a mineral central to thyroid function.

The researchers concluded that water fluoridation raises concerns about public health — due to its seeming effect on thyroid function.

“The findings of the study raise particular concerns about the validity of community fluoridation as a safe public health measure.”

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.

—-Important Message—-

This natural hormone can make men feel 20-30 years younger

Remember being a teenager? Feeling good all the time?

Well let me take you back in time a moment…to the days of your youth…

You go to bed late on a Friday night, and still wake up early on a Saturday morning…

And you’re full of energy, and your mind is clear and sharp all day long…

You eat and drink around the clock…

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Things like pizza and cookies, and hamburgers and sub sandwiches.

Beer and soda, and everything in between…

And you never gain a pound of fat.

You stay thin and fit, and your muscles stay strong without you even having to pick up a dumbbell.

And the sex… oh boy, the sex is phenomenal. Remember that?

Remember being a teenager and being horny all the time?

Ready to go in an instant, and practically have to hide your erections every time a pretty girl walks by…

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And when it comes time to make love to her, you perform like a young stallion.

You can go again and again, and it feels amazing every single time…

Well believe it or not… you can live like this again no matter how old you are.

It’s all thanks to this long-forgotten natural hormone called CID5920. 
