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Here are the chemicals they are secretly pumping into the water supply…
——Important Message—–
This 150-year-old diabetes remedy cures it completely…so why aren’t they telling men about it?
Diabetes was not a huge problem in the old days. Look how diabetes has increased RECENTLY:
In the old days, even rich people who drank good wine, and ate fatty meats and lots of bread and sugar did not get diabetes.
I researched diabetes for years, and it seems people have forgotten about this common household ingredient that fixed diabetes back in the day…
You may remember this ingredient, but over the years it has gone into obscurity.
Here’s what’s secretly added to your water…
Our water supplies may not be as safe as you think they are.
This sounds ominous, I know…
But in recent years more and more Big Pharma byproducts have been found in ever-higher concentrations in the water we drink, cook with, and bathe in.
And this is a much bigger problem than you think.
More on that in a bit…
Some of the worst offenders are the chemicals we take the most often: medications for anxiety and depression.
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But…science has found a way to start removing at least some of these pretty inexpensively.
Which is GREAT news!
Big Pharma chemicals in the water supply are dangerous.
There are far more chemicals in high concentrations in the water supply than people realize.
In recent studies, it’s been shown that there are enough antidepressant medications in the water supply to actually change the behavior of some animals.
“We found that exposure to fluoxetine influenced both diurnal and nocturnal prey risk behaviors by increasing foraging and locomotor activity in the presence of predators, particularly during the day when these crabs normally stay hidden.”
And that’s just one medication!
Can you imagine what happens with a cocktail of Big Pharma meds floating around in the water?
The good news is that we are starting to figure out how to get some of these chemicals out of the water supply at low cost.
“Researchers can now remove a common anxiety drug from recycled water and wastewater, using low-cost titanium dioxide nanofibers…”
The chemical they are talking about here is benzodiazepine.
These are super-common anti-anxiety meds. You can see some of the brand names below:
Traditionally we haven’t been able to remove these types of substances from a water supply.
They get through our normal water treatment processes.
And that’s why this study is so exciting.
“Prescription drugs like Diazepam tend to slip through traditional wastewater treatment plants. These plants are not designed to remove the thousands of different pharmaceuticals in use globally.”
Some of this contamination of our water supply is caused by people who don’t dispose of their medications properly.
But a big chunk of it is thanks to the irresponsibility of the Big Pharma companies that manufacture these products.
“As drug use increases, legal and illegal pharmaceuticals enter the environment through treated sewage and wastewater discharged from drug manufacturing.”
This isn’t good, because we really don’t know what these drugs that are constantly entering the water are doing to our bodies.
Hopefully, some of the new technologies to get these out of our water will soon roll out to municipalities all over the world.
“Diazepam is not easy to remove from wastewater using traditional methods. It is partially soluble and has a small particle size. For efficient, targeted removal, advanced hybrid nanomaterials are needed…”
Right now, your water really isn’t safe from these contaminants, even where there are state-of-the-art treatment systems.
The old and current treatment systems simply can’t keep up with this new threat.
“The researchers found that the presence and concentration of psychoactive drugs (such as Diazepam) are roughly the same in treated wastewater and untreated wastewater.”
Consider getting a water purifying system.
I highly recommend that you consider a water purifying system that has the potential to help clean up your water…
…not only from Big Pharma contaminants but from the water treatment process itself!
There are tons of these systems on the market.
In my house, we use an ion exchange system.
I found it functions the best and removes more of the bad stuff than others while keeping the good stuff.
It’s important to know the influence that Big Pharma can have on your life so that you can do something about it.
And these chemicals in the water supply are definitely something to be concerned about.
—–Important Message—–
Fixing the water: How changing what’s in your water can add decades of healthy life.
The water we drink can change the bacteria in our gut.
And by changing the bacteria mix, water can help our bodies increase or lower the endotoxin load. Water can help or hurt…
This is because endotoxins from the bacteria in our colon largely determine how long we live and how healthy we are…
…and how well we function as men.
And there is a drink that can radically reduce the endotoxins in your body…and rev up your male metabolism at the same time.
Men using this drink report huge improvements in their sex life and massive gains in the rest of their life…

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