This isn’t talked about enough
Matt Cook here, and most men aren’t aware of the effect eating dairy is having on heart health.
In fact, doctors aren’t mentioning it…
And you won’t hear about it on the radio or from your local news station…
This is something I feel all men should know before they have another piece of cheese or another glass of milk…
Trust me, you’ll want to hear this…and then share it with a friend…
—-Important Message From RJ for Single and Married Men—-
How to use the sexual lens to get a woman to sleep with you
Hey, I’m RJ and I’m sharing a strangely powerful technique Matt taught me called the sexual lens that got the girl of my dreams to go to bed with me…
…and not only go to bed with me, but become my loyal, loving girlfriend…
…and this was after spending months as her “her best bud”…
…where she was ignoring my sexuality, treating me like one of her girlfriends, even telling me intimate details of her dates with other men…
So listen, I know what being friend-zoned is like…
And if you’ll simply watch for 3 minutes, I’ll show you how to use the sexual lens that helped me turn a female friend into my sex pot girlfriend.
So if there is one girl that you really, really want…
…perhaps a friend, a coworker, or an ex-girlfriend…
…the cute girl who serves you coffee, a new neighbor, or even the girl you like that’s currently dating somebody else…
Here’s what eating dairy does to your heart
There are a lot of myths out there about what constitutes “healthy” food…
…and there are lots of foods that are marketed as healthy that are really just highly processed garbage.
If it has ingredients on the label you can’t pronounce, you should probably stay away from it.
But one of the foods that traditionally gets a bad rap (and shouldn’t) is dairy.
People say that dairy is bad for you and my favorite thing that folks say is “we are the only animal that drinks the milk of another animal.”
I always raise my eyebrows at that one… it’s a pretty weird argument.
I mean… who really cares?
We’re humans — we’re also the only animals that create skyscrapers and have developed writing.
We do lots of stuff the other creatures on the planet don’t.
Even with all these silly arguments though, dairy is very nutritious.
Milk is great for you as long as you aren’t allergic to it. It’s high in calcium which is critical to good health.
Milk fat also has a bad reputation because it’s a saturated fat.
Saturated fat has a bad reputation, but is actually the best type of fat to consume.
People who eat whole fat dairy actually have LESS cardiovascular trouble than those that don’t.
If you want to prevent heart disease, then it’s probably a pretty good idea to eat dairy fats.
This study was done in Sweden, one of the biggest consumers of dairy fats in the world.
They found that consuming dairy fat actually LOWERED the risk of cardiovascular disease compared to people who had low intake of dairy fat.
New research amongst the world’s biggest consumers of dairy foods has shown that those with higher intakes of dairy fat — measured by levels of fatty acids in the blood — had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those with low intakes.
One of the great things about this study is that it relied on the measurement of levels of blood fat rather than self reporting.
That means that the results are more accurate as people don’t report accurately about what they do and eat.
“Instead, we measured blood levels of certain fatty acids, or fat ‘building blocks’ that are found in dairy foods, which gives a more objective measure of dairy fat intake that doesn’t rely on memory or the quality of food databases,” he added.
They followed this group of 4150 people for 16 years.
They found that those who had high levels of dairy fats had fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other heart disease related events.
AND they found that the overall death rate from “all causes” wasn’t any higher in those that ate full fat dairy.
After statistically adjusting for other known CVD risk factors including things like age, income, lifestyle, dietary habits, and other diseases, the CVD risk was lowest for those with high levels of the fatty acid (reflecting high intake of dairy fats). Those with the highest levels had no increased risk of death from all causes.
This is remarkable.
Especially since Big Pharma and Big Ag have been pushing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA fats) on us for decades…
Telling us that saturated fats like dairy fats are bad for us.
It turns out that saturated fats are actually protective and PUFA fats are bad for our health.
So, enjoy your milk and have a bit of butter on your rice and potatoes. Your body and your heart will thank you for it.
—-Important Message From Matt—-
Men who eat these 5 “flow” foods have perfect pressure, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and great male rockiness
I’ve discovered 5 foods that naturally improve blood flow all over a man’s body, even down there.
And good blood flow is the key to lowering blood pressure, protecting the heart, and performing in bed.
And these foods taste good — just add them to your breakfast.
Or better yet, blend them all up into one delicious shake and drink it on the go.