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Here are the heart-exploding foods that the American Heart Association wrongly recommends…
——-Important Message———
For men who want to HUGE and HARD erections…
You can either wait and hope…or you can enjoy the benefits of this simple formula that I got from a Colombian smuggler.
The smuggler’s secret took him from having a small penis to having a huge, larger-than-life penis… And the same formula can make your erections straighter, harder, and longer-lasting.
Imagine raising your T, getting wood every morning, and being able to stay hard for 30 minutes or longer… Satisfy her…and reach a new level of confidence…
Here’s why heart attacks spike before Christmas…
Though I’ve been telling you for some time that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are bad and saturated fats are good, most people still don’t know this.
That’s because trusted organizations like the American Heart Association are still giving us outdated advice.
Shockingly, the AHA is still telling us to:
“Replace foods high in saturated fats with foods high in monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fats… Decades of sound science has proven saturated fats can raise your ‘bad’ cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease.”
First of all, the link between eating cholesterol and heart disease has long been debunked.
This study used hamsters with heart disease to compare heart failure survival rates on…
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…diets low in fat, high in PUFAs, and high in saturated fats.
The study didn’t get into cholesterol at all.
Maybe because cholesterol is a red herring.
The authors began their report by stating the current status of the heart/dietary fat debate:
“Little is known about the impact of dietary lipid on the development and progression of heart failure.”
“The impact of a high-fat diet on the failing heart is unclear, and the differences between polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and saturated fat have not been assessed.”
What? Little is known? Unclear?
This was in 2011. “Experts” had been telling us for decades exactly what to avoid for heart health… Based on nothing real.
A sad state of affairs…
So these researchers set out to find those answers.
Answers that were still unavailable, in spite of what the AHA and others would have us believe.
What they found was not what they expected:
“While we hypothesized that a high PUFA diet would prolong survival compared with a standard low-fat diet or a high saturated fat diet, our results were very much to the contrary.”
“Surprisingly, consumption of the diet high in long-chain saturated fatty acids prolonged life… compared with a standard low-fat diet.”
That’s right. The saturated fat diet led to the best survival rates.
In fact, they actually described it as a “dramatic difference in survival” – strong words from scientists.
They attributed the poor performance of the high PUFA diet to their further finding that fat in the bloodstream was much higher on the high PUFA diet:
“The lack of improvement in survival with the high PUFA diet compared with the high saturated fat diet was associated with a 75% increase in plasma free fatty acids with the PUFA diet … compared with the standard and high saturated fat groups.”
Hmmm… 75% increase in fat in the bloodstream with PUFAs…
The report also pointed out that high levels of free fatty acids in the blood are a known risk for heart failure:
“Clinical studies in the 1960s found an association between elevated free fatty acids and ventricular arrhythmias. And it was later shown that plasma fatty acid concentration is a strong predictor of sudden cardiac death.”
The researchers surmised that the elevated level of fatty acids in the PUFA group’s blood is likely to have caused arrhythmias and sudden deaths in those hamsters.
Men are tired of being told different things…
We’ve always heard PUFA good, saturated fat bad.
Now we’re hearing saturated fat good, PUFA bad.
Tempted to hedge your bets by avoiding fats entirely?
It must seem like it would be easier to do that…Just play it safe…
But you’d be LESS protected by avoiding all fat
Saturated fat is not bad – or even neutral – it’s good.
So it’s simple. Don’t avoid saturated fat. Avoid PUFAs.
But now comes the tricky part.
There is no fat that is 100% saturated.
They all have some of the other main kinds, PUFAs and MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids).
Coconut oil has the most saturated fat and the least PUFA.
Fully-hydrogenated coconut oil has even more – if you can find it.
- Using coconut oil in your cooking is the simplest way to increase your saturated fats.
- Butter, cream, cheese, and full cream milk are also good.
- Beef and lamb are your best bets for meats. Chicken and pork have more PUFAs.
- Nuts, seeds, and avocados are all the rage right now. But an avocado has 21g of fat. And less than 3g of that is saturated fat.
- Eating out means lots of PUFAs, unfortunately. It’s going to take time, lots of time, before that changes.
To get started, why not cook with coconut oil? It’s a simple change that will get you a long way!
And a note for men who are watching their weight:
You can’t have a lot of dairy foods, of course.
But it’s better for your heart to use the full-fat real dairy foods instead of their low-fat or PUFA alternatives when you do indulge.
Ditch the skim milk and the “love your heart” margarine.
—–Important Message—–
Foods That Kill Testosterone
You already know that certain foods kill our testosterone and wreck our thyroid levels.
These bad foods are packed with PUFAs. And it’s already known that PUFAs lower metabolism, lower testosterone, and lower thyroid.
No wonder so many men are experiencing stubborn belly fat more and more, erection problems, and other metabolic problems.
There are more of these bad fats in processed foods today than there have ever been before.
But by cutting out these bad fats, a man’s body will begin building testosterone and thyroid levels.
When that starts happening, a man has more and more energy…
And that surge of testosterone that makes a man confident and makes his muscles hard and firm.
AND that surge of testosterone helps a man perform sexually.
Here is a NEW quick and simple trick: How men can boost their libido and their sexual performance

What are the causes of congenital heart disease?
How to prevent heart disease?
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