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—-Important Message From Marcus London—-
Her G-Spot
Guess what? The G-Spot is not a spot.
It’s a tube of stiffening tissue that surrounds the urethra. The anatomically correct term is the urethral sponge.
This is a picture of a woman’s sex organs with the urethral sponge in yellow with the Skene’s Glands inside (the female equivalent of the prostate).
These glands are what pulls liquid from her blood plasma and fills the tube with the fluid called Amrita, or ejaculate.
When she “squirts,” the fluid is released from the Skene’s Glands.
See that little squiggly yellow area?
That is the visible part on her vulva under her clitoris and above her vaginal opening.
Wanna know how to make her squirt using it?
Big risk with fasting that nobody ever mentions
In certain guru circles there is a lot of talk about intermittent fasting right now.
It’s become a trendy weight loss tool, and there’s a TON of misinformation about the health-benefits of fasting.
Almost all the information out there focuses on potential upsides…
…without telling you about the hormonal pitfalls and the problems with immune response from fasting.
Intermittent fasting CAN be used for short term weight loss, because it restricts calorie intake.
When you restrict calorie intake to under your calorie expenditure, you will lose weight temporarily.
But that weight loss doesn’t work any better than traditional calorie cutting (which I’m not a fan of either).
It also comes with some significant health risks.
In one, published July 1, 2017, in JAMA Internal Medicine, 100 overweight people were assigned to one of three eating plans: restricting daily calorie intake by the same amount every day (similar to a traditional diet plan), fasting on alternate days, and continuing with normal eating habits. At the end of the 12-month study, both diet groups had lost weight compared with the normal eaters. However, the fasters didn’t fare any better than the conventional calorie cutters.
One of the reasons that intermittent fasting is problematic is because it increases the production of cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body.
For humans, cortisol begins to increase immediately after fasting commenced (Fig. 1C) [78]. Five-day fasting increases cortisol levels and shifts the peak from the morning to the afternoon [79]. Other fasting experiments for 2.5 to 6 days dramatically elevates plasma cortisol levels [80–82].
Excessive cortisol production lowers our body’s metabolism and gets in the way of proper thyroid function.
It also causes inflammation in the body – which is the precursor to many chronic health conditions.
But that’s not the only problem that fasting causes.
In a mouse study from Mount Sinai Hospital, researchers found that skipping meals can cause immune response problems.
The research, which focused on mouse models, is among the first to show that skipping meals triggers a response in the brain that negatively affects immune cells.
In this study one group of mice was given breakfast and another group skipped breakfast.
They had their blood measured 4 and 8 hours later.
The fasting group had a dramatic change in monocytes – a type of cell affecting immune response.
At baseline, all mice had the same amount of monocytes. But after four hours, monocytes in mice from the fasting group were dramatically affected. Researchers found 90 percent of these cells disappeared from the bloodstream, and the number further declined at eight hours. Meanwhile monocytes in the non-fasting group were unaffected.
When the researchers introduced food, the monocytes that were hiding in the bone marrow came back into the bloodstream, causing inflammation.
The researchers continued to fast mice for up to 24 hours, and then reintroduced food. The cells hiding in the bone marrow surged back into the bloodstream within a few hours. This surge led to heightened levels of inflammation. Instead of protecting against infection, these altered monocytes were more inflammatory, making the body less resistant to fighting infection.
Based on my research I would never do intermittent fasting.
I think it’s a terrible idea, and there are much better ways to lose body fat and keep it off than to start an inflammatory response in your body.
—-Important Message About Building More Muscle—-
This 45-second activity works better than any diet to help men lose fat and build muscle
No cutting calories. No restrictive diets. No crazy gym workouts.
All men need to do to burn off stubborn belly fat and build stronger, leaner muscles is do this 45-second activity every day.
When I first started using the 45-second activity, I didn’t think it was working… the scale didn’t show I’d lost any weight…
But after 7 days, I knew something was up…
My waistband was a little looser.
The scale showed the same numbers, but I was surely thinner. I could pull my belt in an extra notch.
Then over the next few weeks, I went from a size 38 to a size 32. And my weight slowly fell to 175.
I realized that my 45-second activity was working to burn off my extra flab and create stronger, firmer rockiness.
But the real proof would be in a blood test showing whether the 45-second activity really raises testosterone too…
And a few days later, the results came back from the lab, and I was astonished…
Here are the results:
And here’s the 45-second activity any man can use every day to lose flab, restore rockiness, and even naturally raise testosterone.