ABC News even interviewed me about this
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—-Important Message—-
The truth to achieving bulging, throbbing, primal erections anytime you want
I can’t believe how much attention this is getting…ABC News even interviewed me about it…
And now I’m being called “the greatest sex guru” in the world today!
And it’s all because of this underground document I’ve compiled…
- The 6 different ways I perform a “blood flow workout” to amp up my romantic life and ensure my body is in peak condition for physical intimacy. I do just 1 of these every morning, and it only takes 3 to 5 minutes to promote good blood flow, protect my drive, maintain my lasting power, and more so that my body is always primed for intimacy, no matter if I’m in my 90s or 100s or beyond…(page 23)
- Unique positions that are easier on sore, painful joints, bad backs, or larger bellies that deliver even more enjoyment for both my wife and I…and allow me to last even longer, enhancing our romantic experience and deepening our intimate connection…(page 160)
- Simple 7-second switch that my wife says makes me more attractive, increasing the feeling of closeness and intimacy between us, and leading to many years of enjoying each other 4 or more times a week…(page 17)
- Did you know that there’s one bad habit most men are doing at least once a week when they’re alone that leads to 80% or more sensation loss down there? It’s true and it can make it much more difficult for men to get excited romantically — but once I cut this one bad habit out of my routine, I started restoring sensitivity and even began increasing my sensitivity to new heights while protecting my natural function and desire…(page 256)
- 5 techniques me and my wife have been using to reignite the passion and “fan the fire” on our physical relationship, even after 30 years of marriage…We use just one of these techniques and then can’t stop raving about it! So far, my friends are loving these too, especially #5…(page 147)
- …and so much more…
It’s all in this underground document…
Lowering this 1 hormone can cut your stroke risk in half
High estrogen is a major cause of disease in men – particularly older or overweight guys.
Estrogen is inflammatory and well-known to cause weight gain and erections problems in men.
It’s also closely tied to vascular and cardiovascular problems.
In one study, researchers found that older guys with high estrogen were more than twice as likely to have a stroke.
This was even after the researchers accounted for other stroke risk factors.
Taking steps to control estrogen is one of the foundations of male health.
The analysis of human research was carried out at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville. The results were published in the journal Neurology.
There are a number of different types of estrogens. Estradiol is the most powerful.
These hormones can have a potent effect on blood vessels and properties of the blood.
In this study, researchers wanted to find out what effect estrogen levels have on the risk of developing a stroke in future.
They were specifically interested in this risk for older men.
“We set out to determine if levels of serum estradiol and testosterone can predict stroke in a population-based sample of elderly men.”
The researchers used information gathered from a study in the 1990s. At the outset, over 2,000 men had blood samples taken.
These blood samples were tested for estrogen levels. The men in the study were in their 70s, 80s, and 90s.
“Estradiol was measured in 2,197 men aged 71 to 93 years who participated in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study from 1991 to 1993.”
The men enrolled in the study were free of stroke when the research began.
Researchers had access to medical records of all the men for 5 to 7 years after the initial blood samples were taken.
Using the blood samples and medical records the researchers were able to calculate the relationship between estrogen levels and the risk of developing stroke.
“Participants were followed to the end of 1998 for thromboembolic and hemorrhagic stroke events.”
The men were divided into 5 categories (quintiles) depending on their estrogen levels.
The men with the highest estrogen levels were twice as likely to go on to have a stroke – even after accounting for age.
“After age adjustment, men in the top quintile of serum estradiol experienced twofold excess risk of stroke.”
The significant increase in stroke was found only in men with the highest estrogen levels.
“Among the lower quintiles there were little differences in the risk of stroke.”
There are 2 major types of stroke. These are called thromboembolic (clotting) and hemorrhagic (bleeding) strokes.
High estrogen levels increase the risk of both types of stroke.
“Findings were also significant and comparable for bioavailable estradiol and for thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events.”
The researchers then carried out another analysis. They included many other known risk factors for stroke in this final analysis.
Even when accounting for major risk factors of developing stroke, men with high estrogen were twice as likely to have a stroke.
“After additional adjustment for hypertension, diabetes, adiposity, cholesterol concentrations, atrial fibrillation, and other characteristics, men in the top quintile of serum estradiol continued to have a higher risk of stroke vs those whose estradiol levels were lower.”
The researchers also looked for a connection between testosterone and stroke. The study found no relationship there.
“Testosterone was not related to the risk of stroke.”
High estrogen is clearly tied to an increased risk of developing stroke in older men.
“High levels of serum estradiol may be associated with an elevated risk of stroke in elderly men.”
Luckily, there are numerous simple ways to reduce high estrogen levels.
Simply choosing the right foods or taking a couple of supplements can have a huge effect with little effort.
—-Important Message About Lowering Estrogen—-
Most men have high estrogen — here’s how I fixed mine
A few years ago, on a lab result, my estrogen was through the roof.
And my doctor didn’t care — he said it happens to most men as they age.
So I started researching everything I could find about estrogen…
And it turns out, many men do have high estrogen once they turn 40 or 50…
And this leads to belly fat, low libido, chronic fatigue…
…and worst of all, terrible erections and performance problems for most men…
Thankfully, after a lot of trial and error, I’ve discovered a super simple way to lower my estrogen levels…
…at home, naturally, without the doctor…
And now I use it constantly!
Best of all, my wife LOVES the “new me” now that my estrogen is lower…
…because the difference in my body is SO VISIBLE when we make love…
…especially down there between my legs…I’m rockier and stiffer than ever…
Here’s what I’m doing to keep my estrogen levels low and my erections strong