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—-Important Message for Getting a Bigger Member—-
Grow 1.8 to 2.5 inches down there in just 89 days?
What if you had an exclusive 2-step system…
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Quick gut fix reverses food allergies in mice – now in humans?
If you don’t have food allergies yourself, you may know someone who does.
Food allergies are becoming more and more common, and new science is showing that they are related to poor gut health!
This isn’t surprising to me…
Because the gut is central to our immune system, how much internal inflammation we have, and how healthy we are overall.
People with food allergies often have to be extremely vigilant about what they eat (or don’t eat).
One wrong bite can send them to the hospital.
They also often have to carry an epipen around with them in order to treat potential anaphylactic shock in the case of exposure to the allergen.
What happens with food allergies is that the microbiome of the gut is unhealthy…
And food can lead from the gut into the bloodstream and produce an allergic reaction.
Some of the bacteria in the gut microbiome produce metabolites, such as butyrate, that foster the growth of beneficial bacteria and maintain the lining of the gut. If a person’s microbiome is unhealthy and lacks these butyrate-producing bacteria, fragments of partially digested food can leak out of the gut and produce an immune reaction that results in an allergic response.
Before I go any further with this, I want to be very clear — food allergies can be deadly.
If you want to “challenge” yourself with a food that you are allergic to…
…then you must have doctor supervision and only do this under doctor advice.
Be very careful if you have a food allergy. Don’t take unnecessary risks.
That being said, researchers have found that when they heal the gut of mice, their food allergies disappear.
The allergens STOP causing an allergic response.
Most importantly, dosing allergic mice with the micelles prevented a life-threatening anaphylactic response when they were exposed to peanuts. “This type of therapy is not antigen specific,” Cao notes. “So theoretically, it can be broadly applied to any food allergies through the modulation of gut health.”
This is near miraculous!
These are just mice trials right now, but it does show the incredibly important role that the gut plays in human health.
Next up are trials in larger animals, followed by clinical trials. If those trials succeed and the U.S. ‘FDA’ approves the oral treatment, the micelles could be marketed in small packets; consumers would tear open a packet and stir the contents into a glass of water or juice.
Researchers believe that they also may be able to treat IBS (inflammatory bowel disease)…
Using a similar therapy to the one they are using in mice to combat food allergies.
In other work with the micelles, the team is analyzing data on treating inflammatory bowel diseases with the oral therapy.
This is remarkable research.
But it’s not necessary to wait for the researchers to come up with a marketable product in order to take action on gut health.
Even if you don’t have food allergies…
Improving your gut health is also going to improve your overall health and can even reverse many chronic diseases.
My Clean Organ Protocol goes over exactly how to fix gut health in a way that is easy and effective.
If you want to be in the best health and sex of your life, you must pay attention to the health of your gut.
—-Important Message about My Clean Organ Protocol—-
This cleans bad bacteria out of your organs — try it for free
My new protocol cleans men’s organs out, even their male organ.
And the result is much better health and rockiness.
For a limited time, I’m letting men try it for free.
Clean Organ Protocol just for men — click to try