This gets the blood flowing hot and fast in the penile chambers again
Matt Cook here, and I’ve discovered why so many men are suffering bad penile blood flow…
And it has to do with leaky veins down there.
Leaky veins don’t deliver enough blood to the penile chambers, which makes it difficult for men to get and keep a boner.
But here’s the good news — you can patch up leaky veins and improve penile blood flow with one easy method…
And erections come back better and stronger than ever, even if it’s been years…
—-Important Message—-
Surprising my wife in the shower
Yesterday I’m in the shower using this new method I’ve perfected…
And I’m thrilled to see my member start coming alive, springing up and throbbing with power…
Then suddenly the curtain is ripped back and my wife is standing there…
But her eyes aren’t trained on my face — she’s staring open-mouthed at my bulging towel-hanger…
And before I can even say a word, she is taking off her robe and stepping into the shower with me…
And for the first time in a long time, I lasted 30 minutes! My wife came twice, can you believe it?
I have the Shower Method to thank — ever since I’ve been using it, I’ve been growing in strength and power down there…
I can last longer, I feel more, and I have more control.
And the more I do it, the better things get. So every time I shower, I use this method…
Good news for men who haven’t had erections in months or years
The buildup of scar tissue inside the penis, something called fibrosis, is the major cause of erections problems.
But there are other causes.
Fibrosis can be triggered by a number of things – including low testosterone, high estrogen, and high prolactin.
Researchers wanted to know whether other types of erections problems also have a hormonal component.
They looked at erections problems associated with venous occlusive disorder, a.k.a. venous leakage.
This is a problem with the valves which control blood flow inside the penis.
They found that men with this condition had significantly higher levels of estrogen compared with men who also had erections problems but not venous leakage.
Though there may be different structural alterations which cause erections problems – estrogen is usually involved.
The human research was carried out at the Catholic University in Rome, Italy. The findings were published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.
The ability to achieve and maintain a boner depends on blood pressure management inside the penis.
The main body of the organ swells with blood – and this swelling depends on proper function of valves in the penis.
All this happens in the main body of the penis, something called the corpus cavernosum.
“‘Penile’ function is a process of blood inflow and blood pressure maintenance in the corpus cavernosum.”
Venous occlusive disorder or venous leakage is something which happens when the valves leading out of the penis are leaky…
This allows too much blood out – reducing pressure and preventing strong rockiness.
“Venous occlusive problems may be regarded as impotence resulting from excessive venous outflow from the main body of the penis.”
This condition is the second most common structural cause of erections problems – after fibrosis.
Rockiness problems are often associated with sex hormone imbalances.
This study was designed to see if there are any differences in the sex hormones of men with venous occlusive disorder causing erections problems.
The researchers recruited 9 patients with erections problems, no signs of fibrosis of the penis, but clear signs of venous leakage.
These men were compared against another 15 men who also had erections problems, but which were not caused by venous leakage.
Low testosterone and a high prolactin are often associated with erections problems and other male sexual problems.
There was no difference in prolactin and testosterone levels between the two groups of men with erections problems.
“Prolactin, testosterone and gonadotropins did not differ among the two groups.”
However, there were big differences in the main type of estrogen produced in the body – estradiol.
Estrogen levels were much higher in men with venous leakage.
“Estrogen (estradiol) concentration was significantly higher in venous leakage patients compared to the control group.”
Estrogen has been framed as a female hormone in the last few decades.
But it’s far more complicated than that.
High estrogen can have many detrimental biological effects – one of which is excessively leakiness.
Estrogen causes cells and blood vessels and organs to leak.
This is well known…
So it’s reasonable to assume that estrogen may be the cause of the problem in cases of erections problems with venous leakage.
“Our findings support the idea that estrogen can influence venous vascular tone affecting venous leakage and ‘penile’ dysfunction.”
If you have been diagnosed with venous leakage, you should have your blood estrogen levels checked.
Usually high estrogen levels can be improved by slight changes to the diet, and perhaps taking some specific supplements.
Most estrogen comes from testosterone – so you’ll probably spare testosterone at the same time – increasing testosterone levels.
“Our findings can explain a possible link between high estrogen levels and a functional insufficiency of the venous system causing ‘penile’ dysfunction.”
Remember too that the most likely cause of erections problems is not venous insufficiency but fibrosis.
And that’s the first thing to investigate…
—-Important Message—-
Try this right now — feel for fibrosis in your member
Some men have a bump, bend, or lump in their members.
You can feel yours now to see if you have one.
That’s fibrosis built up in the penile chambers, blocking off blood flow.
But here’s the thing — plenty of men won’t have this lump or bend…
But they’ll still have fibrosis.
Only severe cases result in bends, lumps, or curved members.
The good news is that penile fibrosis can be reversed, easily, using something as simple as a toothbrush…