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There’s been a lot of bad press directed at sugar lately, especially fruit sugar (fructose). Currently a lot of so-called health gurus are telling us that high-fructose corn syrup is the devil.
In fact, many people think that today’s high fructose diets are the cause of diabetes. Diabetes incidence has indeed skyrocketed, but is it really because of all the fructose in our diets?
I wanted to find out if this was true.
Is it true that today’s high-fructose diet are causing men to become diabetic?
And then there’s the question of fat. Which fat is worst? Is any fat good?
The entire medical establishment is dedicated to telling us that we should eat less saturated fat.
For example, a US government site tells us that we should eat more canola oil because it’s higher in polyunsaturated fat.
They tell us: “Saturated fat raises blood cholesterol more than other forms of fat. Reducing saturated fat to less than 10% of calories will help you lower your blood cholesterol level.”
In this study (below) researchers fed mice variations of a diet comprised of either soybean oil or coconut oil, and a lot of fructose or no fructose. Coconut oil, about 97% saturated fat, has the highest saturated fat content among commonly available foods.
So the different mice diets were basically as follows:
High saturated fat and high fructose
High saturated fat and low fructose
High UNsaturated fat and high fructose
High UNsaturated fat and low fructose
All the diets had exactly the same number of actual calories. And they were all pretty high-fat diets (because it was easier to load the mice up with fat than with fructose).
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The results are quite interesting
The most striking result is that
Soybean oil induces diabetes, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance.
At last we may have an answer to the huge puzzle as to what is causing all this diabetes. It can very well be the incredibly high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids that people are eating today compared to the past.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of cases of diabetes has gone up fourfold over the past 30 years.
And our rates of diabetes and obesity have skyrocketed right along with our consumption of UNsaturated fats:
Here is another strikingly important finding that shocked the researchers:
To our surprise, we found that at 20 weeks the high coconut oil/high fructose did not cause diabetes whereas the high soy oil/high fructose diet DID cause diabetes.
This is the smoking gun that tells us what really causes diabetes. It’s not fruit sugar. It’s not sugar at all. It’s not even starch. It’s polyunsaturated fatty acids – AKA PUFAs.
Yet another striking finding from the study is that adding fructose to the soy oil diet actually protected the mice somewhat against diabetes.
Counterintuitively, our results suggest that the addition of fructose to the diet may even protect against the insulin resistance caused by soybean oil.
This study shows very clearly that PUFAs are causing diabetes. And it also shows what we can do about it.
It also shows that consuming high amounts of sugar does not cause diabetes and that sugar can be PROTECTIVE against diabetes.
I do want you to note that the mice did not do all that well on such a high-fat diet. The study in no way shows that a high-fat diet is desirable, and I definitely believe it is not.
However the worst health outcome for the mice was in the ones who had the high soy oil diet. The high soy oil diet caused the poor mice’s livers to balloon. Yep, extremely fatty liver was the result of the high soy oil diet.
All PUFA oils are bad for you.
Not just soy oil. It’s corn oil, peanut oil, peanut butter, and anything that contains high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The advice we’ve been listening to for years telling us to eat a lot of nuts is probably misguided, because nuts are high in PUFAs (except macadamia nuts.)
If you’re already very healthy, it may be fine to eat some nuts now and then.
But if you are suffering any sort of health problems at all, you want to pay close attention to this study. It shows you how important it is to cut back on polyunsaturated fatty acids or eliminate them from your diet entirely.

Soybean Oil Is More Obesogenic and Diabetogenic than Coconut Oil and Fructose in Mouse: Potential Role for the Liver
Number (in Millions) of Civilian, Non-Institutionalized Persons with Diagnosed Diabetes, United States, 1980-2014
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